Direct Force Feedback Control and Online Multi-task Optimization for Aerial Manipulators

TitleDirect Force Feedback Control and Online Multi-task Optimization for Aerial Manipulators
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsNava, G, Sablé, Q, Tognon, M, Pucci, D, Franchi, A
JournalIEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
Date Published04/2020
KeywordsAerial Physical Interaction, Aerial Robotics

In this paper, we present an optimization-based method for controlling aerial manipulators in physical contact with the environment. The multi-task control problem, which includes hybrid force-motion tasks, energetic tasks, and position/postural tasks, is recast as a quadratic programming problem with equality and inequality constraints, which is solved online. Thanks to this method, the aerial platform can be exploited at its best to perform the multi-objective tasks, with tunable priorities, while hard constraints such as contact maintenance, friction cones, joint limits, maximum and minimum propeller speeds are all respected. An on-board force/torque sensor mounted at the end effector is used in the feedback loop in order to cope with model inaccuracies and reject external disturbances. Real experiments with a multi-rotor platform and a multi-DoF lightweight manipulator demonstrate the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed approach in the real world.

Citation Key2020a-NavSabTogPucFra
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