Research topics

For a recent overview on my research (updated at June 2016) you can check out my HDR thesis and HDR defense,
and you can also check out the slides of my talks available here

List of research topics divided by areas:




Human-Machine Systems:

Software and hardware:


A partial selection of my research topics follows.

A complete list, with associated papers, is provided by the "Research Topics" block on the right side of the page.

Relative mutual localization

We have formulated and investigated a novel problem called Mutual Localization with Anonymous Position Measures. This is an extension of Mutual Localization with Position Measures, with the additional assumption that the identities of the measured robots are not known. For certain configurations of the multi-robot system, the anonymity hypothesis causes a combinatorial ambiguity in the inversion of the measure equation, resulting in the existence of multiple solutions.

Research Topics: 

Cooperative Mobile Manipulation

In this research topic we investigate novel control and estimation algorithms for the cooperative manipulation via multiple mobile robots.

In [1] and [2] a novel identification and estimation technique is presented that allows the estimation of all the dynamic parameters and current twist of an object that is manipulated by a team of n robots in a fully decentralized way.

In [3] the dual control problem is addressed again in a fully decentralized way.

Research Topics: 

Encirclement collective motion control

Consider the problem of localizing and encircling a target using a multi-robot system. This kind of task is interesting in view of the large number of potential applications, among which we mention observation (retrieve and merge data about an object from different viewpoints), escorting (protect a member of the system from unfriendly agents) and entrapment (prevent the motion of an alien object).

Research Topics: 

Bilateral shared control of mobile robots

We address the problem of the interaction (see below) between humans and groups of robots whose local synergy is exploited to accomplish complex tasks. Multi-robot systems possess several advantages w.r.t. single robots, e.g., higher performance in simultaneous spatial domain coverage, better affordability as compared to a single/bulky system, robustness against single point failures.

Research Topics: 

Relative mutual localization

We have formulated and investigated a novel problem called Mutual Localization with Anonymous Position Measures. This is an extension of Mutual Localization with Position Measures, with the additional assumption that the identities of the measured robots are not known. For certain configurations of the multi-robot system, the anonymity hypothesis causes a combinatorial ambiguity in the inversion of the measure equation, resulting in the existence of multiple solutions.

Research Topics: 

Multi-robot exploration

In the Multi-SRG method, a roadmap of the explored area, with the associate safe region, is built in the form of a compact data structure, called Sensor-based Random Graph. This is incrementally expanded by the robots by using a randomized local planner which automatically realizes a trade-off between information gain and navigation cost.

Research Topics: 

Multi-robot pursuit-evasion

This algorithm addresses a distributed, visibility-based pursuit-evasion problem in which one or more searchers must coordinate to guarantee detection of any and all evaders in an unknown planar environment while using only local information. The motivation is to develop algorithms to enable teams of robots to perform bomb or intruder detection and other related security tasks. It is a distributed clearing algorithm for a team of d-searchers with limited range sensors.

Research Topics: 

Multi-robot patrolling

We studied the problem of designing optimal multi-agent trajectories to patrol an environment which is large w.r.t. the number of agents. Agents must continuously travel in order to periodically cover the whole environment but they can communicate with other agents only when "in visibility" and the inter-distance is small enough. As performance criteria for optimal patrolling we considered the worst-case time gap between any two visits of the same region and the latency for a message to be transferred from any to any robot in the group. 

Research Topics: 


Consider a differential-drive mobile robot equipped with an on-board exteroceptive sensor that can estimate its own motion, e.g., a range-finder. Calibration of this robot involves estimating six parameters: three for the odometry (radii and distance between the wheels), and three for the pose of the sensor with respect to the robot.

Research Topics: 

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