Title | Towards a Flying Assistant Paradigm: the OTHex |
Publication Type | Conference Paper |
Year of Publication | 2018 |
Authors | Staub, N, Bicego, D, Sablé, Q, Arellano-Quintana, V, Mishra, S, Franchi, A |
Conference Name | 2018 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation |
Pagination | 6997-7002 |
Date Published | 05/2018 |
Conference Location | Brisbane, Australia |
Abstract | This paper presents the OTHex platform for aerial manipulation developed at LAAS–CNRS. The OTHex is probably the first multi-directional thrust platform designed to act as Flying Assistant which can aid human operators and/or Ground Manipulators to move long bars for assembly and maintenance tasks. The work emphasis is on task-driven custom design and experimental validations. The proposed control framework is built around a low-level geometric controller, and includes an external wrench estimator, an admittance filter, and a trajectory generator. This tool gives the system the necessary compliance to resist external force disturbances arising from contact with the surrounding environment or to parameter uncertainties in the load. A set of experiments validates the real-world applicability and robustness of the overall system.
Citation Key | 2018g-BicStaSabAreMisFra |