Aerial Robots with Rigid/Elastic-joint Arms: Single-joint Controllability Study and Preliminary Experiments

TitleAerial Robots with Rigid/Elastic-joint Arms: Single-joint Controllability Study and Preliminary Experiments
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsYüksel, B, Staub, N, Franchi, A
Conference Name2016 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and System
Date Published10/2016
Conference LocationDaejeon, South Korea

We present the dynamic modeling, analysis, and control design of a Planar-Vertical Take-Off and Landing (PVTOL) underactuated aerial vehicle equipped either with a rigid- or an elastic-joint arm. We prove that in both cases the system is exactly linearizable with a dynamic feedback and differentially flat for the same set of outputs (but different controllers). We compare the two cases with extensive and realistic simulations, which show that the rigid-joint case outperforms the elastic-joint case for aerial grasping tasks while the converse holds for link-velocity amplification tasks. We present preliminary experimental results using a actuated joint with variable stiffness (VSA) on a quadrotor platform.

Citation Key2016l-YueStaFra
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