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“Reshaping the Physical Properties of a Quadrotor through IDA-PBC and its Application to Aerial Physical Interaction”, in 2014 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Hong Kong, China, 2014, pp. 6258-6265. preprint-pdf (553.49 KB) video (7.15 MB)
, “Design, Identification and Experimental Testing of a Light-Weight Flexible-joint Arm for Aerial Physical Interaction”, in 2015 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Seattle, WA, 2015, pp. 870-876. preprint-pdf (1.28 MB) video (10 MB)
, “Reshaping the Physical Properties of a Quadrotor through IDA-PBC and its Application to Aerial Physical Interaction”, in 2014 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Hong Kong, China, 2014, pp. 6258-6265. preprint-pdf (553.49 KB) video (7.15 MB)
, “Design, Identification and Experimental Testing of a Light-Weight Flexible-joint Arm for Aerial Physical Interaction”, in 2015 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Seattle, WA, 2015, pp. 870-876. preprint-pdf (1.28 MB) video (10 MB)