Mutual Localization using Anonymous Bearing Measurements

TitleMutual Localization using Anonymous Bearing Measurements
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsStegagno, P, Cognetti, M, Franchi, A, Oriolo, G
Conference Name2011 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems
Date Published09/2011
Conference LocationSan Francisco, CA
KeywordsDistributed algorithms, Estimation, Localization, Multi-robot systems

This paper addresses the problem of mutual localization in multi-robot systems in presence of anonymous (i.e., without the identity information) bearing-only measurements. The solution of this problem is relevant for the design and implementation of any decentralized multi-robot algorithm/control. A novel algorithm for probabilistic multiple registration of these measurements is presented, where no global localization, distances, or identity are used. With respect to more conventional solutions that could be conceived on the basis of the current literature, our method is theoretically suitable for tasks requiring frequent, many-to-many encounters among agents (e.g., formation control, cooperative exploration, multiple-view environment sensing). An extensive experimental study validates our method and compares it with the fullinformative case of bearing plus-distance measurements. The results show that the proposed localization system exhibits an accuracy commensurate to our previous method [1] which uses bearing-plus-distance information.

Citation Key2011m-SteCogFraOri
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