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Filters: Keyword is Teleoperation and Author is Antonio Franchi [Clear All Filters]
“A Passivity-Based Decentralized Approach for the Bilateral Teleoperation of a Group of UAVs with Switching Topology”, in 2011 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Shanghai, China, 2011, pp. 898-905. preprint-pdf (870.58 KB) video (4.84 MB)
, “Bilateral Teleoperation of Groups of Mobile Robots with Time-Varying Topology”, IEEE Transaction on Robotics, vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 1019 -1033, 2012. preprint-pdf (4.11 MB)
, “Decentralized Bilateral Aerial Teleoperation of Multiple UAVs - Part I: a Top-Down Perspective”, RSS 2011 Workshop on 3D Exploration, Mapping, and Surveillance with Aerial Robots. Los Angeles, CA, 2011.
, “Bilateral Teleoperation of Multiple UAVs with Decentralized Bearing-only Formation Control”, in 2011 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, San Francisco, CA, 2011, pp. 2215-2222. preprint-pdf (1.14 MB) video (8.23 MB)
, “Distributed Online Leader Selection in the Bilateral Teleoperation of Multiple UAVs”, in 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , Orlando, FL, 2011, pp. 3559-3565. preprint-pdf (1.2 MB)
, “Modeling and Control of UAV Bearing-Formations with Bilateral High-Level Steering”, The International Journal of Robotics Research, Special Issue on 3D Exploration, Mapping, and Surveillance, vol. 31, no. 12, pp. 1504-1525, 2012. preprint-pdf (3.81 MB)