Previous Notes

  • Estimation Theory

  • Nonlinear Systems

  • Random Signals

  • Modelling and Analysis of Linear Systems




  • Robust Control (in French)

  • ENSICA Master 2 (from 2004 to 2014)


  • Slides lecture 1: Introduction and reminders pdf

  • Slides lecture 2: Systems norms and multivariable frequency analysis pdf

  • Slides lecture 3: Stability of interconnected systems pdf

  • Slides lecture 4: Standard model and LQ synthesis pdf

  • Slides lecture 5: LQG,LQG/LTR and H2 optimal synthesis pdf

  • Slides lecture 6: Hoo  optimal synthesis pdf

  • Slides lecture 7: Uncertainty modelling pdf

  • Slides lecture 8: Robust stability analysis I pdf

  • Slides lecture 9: Robust stability analysis II pdf

  • Slides lecture 10: Robust performance analysis pdf


  • LMI in Control




  • Optimal Control (in French)

    • ENSICA Master 2 (from 2006 to 2014)


  • Slides lecture 1: Introduction and history pdf

  • Slides lecture 2: Follow-ups of NLP pdf, Homework 1 pdf, Homework 2 pdf

  • Slides lecture 3: Calculus of Variations pdf, Homework 3 pdf

  • Slides lecture 4: A variationol approach to optimal control, PMP pdf, Homework 4 pdf

  • Slides lecture 5: Applications of PMP pdf

  • Slides lecture 6: LQ problem pdf, Homework 5 pdf

    • Paul Sabatier University Master 2 RODECO (2017 )


  • Slides lecture 1: Introdution and history pdf

  • Slides lecture 2: Calculus of Variations pdf, Homework 1 pdf, Homework 2 pdf, Homework 3 pdf

  • Slides lecture 3: A variationol approach to optimal control, PMP pdf, Homework 4 pdf

  • Slides lecture 4: Numerical methods for optimal control pdf, Matlab homework 5 pdf

  • Slides lecture 5: LQ problem pdf, Homework 6 pdf