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“From Tracking to Robust Maneuver Regulation: an Easy-to-Design Approach for VTOL Aerial Robots”, in 2016 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Stockholm, Sweden, 2016, pp. 2965-2970. preprint-pdf (1.58 MB) video (9.15 MB)
, “Aggressive Maneuver Regulation of a Quadrotor UAV”, in Robotics Research, The 16th International Symposium ISRR, vol. 114, Springer, 2016, pp. 95-112. preprint-pdf (934.12 KB) video_no_sat (652.65 KB) video_no_sat_zoom (1005.42 KB) video_sat_8_5 (748.78 KB) video_sat_8_5_zoom (1.43 MB) video_sat_7 (646.52 KB) video_sat_7_zoom (1.27 MB)