Human-Robot Interaction / Human-Robot Collaboration

My contributions to Human-Robot Interaction and more precisely Human-Robot Collaboration cover the decisional processes topics needed to synthesize the pertinent behaviours for robots which share the space and the task with the humans:

Models, Architectures and High-level Control for Human-Robot Joint Action

  • Schemes, models and architectures for HRI: Schemes, models and architectures for Human Robot Joint Action and Joint Activity, Human-Robot Collaborative Task achievement, the robot considered as assistant or a teammate.
  • Decisional issues for controlling a robot involved in HRI: Robot Decisional issues for Conducting and controlling a Joint Activity with a Human partner Activity supervision, Theory of Mind, estimation and management of human commitment ..
  • Human-Aware Task Planning: Models and Algorithms for Human Aware Task Planning, Elaborating shared plans

Human-aware motion and manipulation planning: motion for mobile robots and manipulators in presence or in synergy with humans.

  • Human-Aware mobile robot motion planning, social navigation
  • Human-Aware manipulation planning
  • Planning handovers for robots and humans
  • Users studies in HRI linked Robot motion close or in synergy with humans
  • Planning safe but efficient navigation tasks>

Perspective-Taking and Affordances.

  • Using Perspective-Taking and Affordances in HRI: Computing and using affordances, Perspective-Taking, Estimation of human perspective and beliefs,
  • Building an estimation of the Human mental state in a HRI context and Situated Dialog
  • Situation assessment and task-based decision based on visibility and accessibility of objects in HRI

User studies applied to Human-Robot Joint Action.

  • Studies conducted to design robot behaviours that comply with human preferences
  • Studies conducted to evaluate the acceptance by users of our contributions to Human-Robot Joint Activity
  • The PeRDITA Questionnaire; specially designed for evaluating the Pertinence of Robot Decisions in a Human-Robot Joint Action Context