
Optimal control for whole-body motion generation using Center-of-Mass dynamics for predefined multi-contact configurations

M. Kudruss, M. Naveau, O. Stasse, N. Mansard, C. Kirches, P. Soueres, K. Mombaur, IEEE/RAS Int. Conf. on Humanoid Robotics (ICHR), 2015

Whole-body Model-Predictive Control applied to the HRP-2 Humanoid

J. Koenemann, A. Del Prete, Y. Tassa, E. Todorov, O. Stasse, M. Bennewitz, N. Mansard., *IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)*, 2015

A Two-Stage Suboptimal Approximation for Variable Compliance and Torque Control

P. Geoffroy, O. Bordron, N. Mansard, O. Stasse, M. Raison, O. Stasse, T. Bretl, European Conference on Control, 2014

METAPOD - Template META-PrOgramming applied to Dynamics: CoP-CoM trajectories filtering

M. Naveau, J. Carpentier, S. Bathelemy, O. Stasse, P. Soueres, IEEE/RAS Int. Conf. on Humanoid Robotics (ICHR), 2014