
Actuator model, Identification and Differential Dynamic Programming for a TALOS humanoid robot

N. Ramuzat, F. Forget, V. Bonnet, M. Gautier, S. Boria, O. Stasse, European Conference on Control, 2020

Agimus: a new framework for mapping manipulation motion plans to sequences of hierarchical task based controllers

A. Nicolin, J. Mirabel, S. Boria, O. Stasse, F. Lamiraux, IEEE Int. Symp. on System Integration, 2020

Motion Planning with Multi-Contact and Visual Servoing on Humanoid Robots

K. Giraud--Esclasse, P. Fernbach, G. Buondonno, C. Mastalli, O. Stasse, IEEE Int. Symp. on System Integration, 2020

Walking Human Trajectory Models and Their Application to Humanoid Robot Locomotion

I. Maroger, O. Stasse, B. Watier, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2020