I. Maroger, O. Stasse, B. Watier,
IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2020, HAL Publisher Bib


In order to fluidly perform complex tasks in collaboration with a human being, such as table handling, a humanoid robot has to recognize and adapt to human movements. To achieve such goals, a realistic model of the human locomotion that is computable on a robot is needed. In this paper, we focus on making a humanoid robot follow a human-like locomotion path. We mainly present two models of human walking which lead to compute an average trajectory of the body center of mass from which a twist in the 2D plane can be deduced. Then the velocities generated by both models are used by a walking pattern generator to drive a real TALOS robot [1]. To determine which of these models is the most realistic for a humanoid robot, we measure human walking paths with motion capture and compare them to the computed trajectories.