L. Baudouin, T. Moulard, N. Perrin, O. Stasse, F. Lamiraux, E. Yoshida,
IEEE/RAS Int. Conf. on Humanoid Robotics (ICHR), 2011, HAL Publisher Bib


In this paper, we illustrate experimentally an original real-time replanning scheme and architecture for humanoidrobot reactive walking. Based on a dense set of actions, our approach uses a large panel of the humanoid robot capabilities and is particularly well suited for 3D collision avoidance. Indeed A-* approaches becomes difficult in such situation, thus the method demonstrated here relies on RRT. Combined with an approximation of the volume swept by the robot legs while walking, our method is able to cope with 3D obstacles whilemaintaining real-time computation. We experimentally validate our approach on the robot HRP-2.