3D printing for microsystems and microfluidics


Additive fabrication technologies (3D printing)  have the potential to transform manufacturing processes both at the laboratory scale and industrial level. 

They provide the flexbility required for rapid prototyping of devices and opens new routes for the fabrication of complex 3D structures. Despite some recent advances in the field, most of the proposed methods still remain limited by : i ) the difficulty to combine printing of large structures (>several cm3) with high resolution (in the micrometer range) ii) the lack established processes to fabricate 3D structures integrating multiple materials.

Our efforts are devoted to the development of stereolithography based techniques. In collaboration with Kloé Company, we developped new strategies for the printing of 3D structures with a 5µm resolution (voxel size) over large volumes (several cm3). This technology is compatible with most photosensitive polymer and composite materials.



Collaborations :

Kloé SA (Montpellier, France)

IEMN (Lilles, France) Equipex LEAF project

IPGG (Paris, France) J.L. Viovy, S. Descroix

DCU (Dublin, Ireland)  D. Diamond

LansBioDyt - UNAM (Mexico City, MexicoM. Hautefeuille