
December, 2005 - December, 2008


The RadioSoC project is about System on Chip Implementation of radio interface, using the software defined radio concept. The design aim to provide mostly digital, high reconfigurable radio interface.This project aims to provide mostly digital, high reconfigurable radio interface using the software defined radio concept. Our prototypes include RF front end (VHDL-AMS), MEMS Phase shifter for 60 GHz. We also work on PHYsical and MAC Layer for OFDM UWB and IR-UWB Systems.

Explanation Shema


Our architecture is defined according to the following characterics:

  • Mostly digital
  • High reconfigurability
  • High flexibility
  • Classical architecture (base band + RF Front end) @ 60 GHz
  • System approch
  • FPGA Enabled

Prototype on FPGA

We developped our prototype on FPGA using the hardware description language: VHDL. Our achievement includes the following prototypes:

  • IR-UWB Transceiver
  • System Modelling in VHDL AMS
    • VCO Model up to 60 GHz
    • 60 MEMS Model
    • 60 GHz MEMS RF Phase Shifter Model
  • 60 GHz VCO Design
  • 60 GHz MEMS RF Phase Shifter Model

Video illustrations

Here are some prototypes illustrations. They include IR-UWB transceiver, MEMS RF Phase shifter for directionnal antenas and a WSN application over an IR-UWB PHY-MAC implemented with GlomoSim.