


  • 2010-2013, Local chair of the International summer school of Automatic Control in Grenoble.
  • 2015-2018, Elected member of the "Conseil du Laboratoire" of the laboratory LAAS-CNRS.
  • 2017-...  Member of direction team and of the "commission des thèses" of the Doctoral School on Systems, EDSYS.
  • 2018-... Deputy head of the Method and Algorithms for Control team at LAAS-CNRS.


  • 2008-2018 & Animateurs du Groupe de Travail sur les Systèmes à Retards du GdR MACS.
  • 2018-2019 & Animateurs du Groupe de Travail sur les Systèmes à Retards du GdR MACS.
  • 2011-2015& Leader of the International Network of Research supported by the CNRS on time delay systems DelSys.
  • 2012-... & Member of the Technical Committee 1.5 : Networked Systems of IFAC.
  • 2014-... & Member of the Conference Editorial Board of IEEE Control Systems Society.
  • 2015-... Member of the Editorial Board of International Journal of Control.
  • 2017-... Publication Chair of the Technical Committee 2.2 : Linear Systems of IFAC

Organization of Scientic Events

Summer School of Automatic Control, Grenoble, France :

  • 2010 Local Organizer, ``Distributed control and estimation of networked control systems", (50 PhD students, Post-doc and Researchers)
  • 2011 Local Organizer, ``Robust Control and LPV approaches : Application to vehicles dynamics", (60 PhD students, Post-doc and Researchers).
  • 2012 Local Organizer, ``Modeling and Control of Distributed Parameter Systems", (80 PhD students, Post-doc and Researchers).
  • 2013 Scientic Organizer, ``Stability of time-delay systems and its applications", (50 PhD students, Post-doc and Researchers).

Delsys Workshops (within the International Group of Research Delsys) :

  • 2012 Vice-General Chair, Delsys'12, L2S, Gif-sur-Yvette, France. ``Complex Dynamical Systems emphasizing Low Order Controllers'' (80 participants)
  • 2013 General Chair, Delsys'13, LAAS, Toulouse, France. ``Complex Dynamical Systems emphasizing Networked Control Systems'' (60 participants)
  • 2014 Vice-General Chair, Delsys'14, GIPSA-Lab, Grenoble, France. ``Complex Dynamical Systems emphasizing Distributed Parameter Systems'' (60 participants)
  • 2015 Vice-General Chair, Delsys'15, L2S, Gif-sur-Yvette, France. ``Complex Dynamical Systems emphasizing Delays and Interconnections'' (80 participants)

Scientific Events :

  • 2010 Vice-General Chair of IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control of Networked Systems, Necsys'10, (100 participants).
  • 2012 IPC Chair of the 6th Int. Conf. on Perf. Evaluation Methodologies and Tools, Cargese, France.
  • 2013 Publication co-Chair of the IFAC Workshop on Time-Delay Systems, TDS'13, Grenoble France.
  • 2018 Co-Chair of the 2nd DECOD Workshop, Toulouse, France.


Assistant professorships

  • Member of committees for assistant professorships (Maître de Conference/ Assistant Professor) in L2S / Paris Sud (2012), in LAGIS / Lille (2013).

Research projects

  • 2012-2016 Reviewer of ANR (French Agency for Research) and ERC projects.

Member of PhDs Committees

  • 11/2012: P.R. Deshpande, Leicester Univ., Leicester, UK. "Performance Based Coordination Control of Multi-Agent Systems Subject to Time Delays''.
  • 03/2013: D.L. Orihuela Espina, University of Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain. "Model-based Estimation and Control for Systems over Communication Networks.''
  • 10/2013: H. Lu, Ampere, Lyon, France. "Approximation and Applications of Distributed Delay''.
  • 12/2014: U.K. Premaratne, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia. "Network Traffic Reduction Strategies for Packet Switched Networked Control Systems.''
  • 12/2014: S. Aoues, Ampere, Lyon, France. "Schemas d'integration dedies a l'etude, l'analyse et la synthese dans le formalisme Hamiltonien à ports.''
  • 01/2017: I. Pontes Duff Pereira, Onera, Toulouse, France. "Large-scale and infinite dimensional dynamical model approximation.''
  • 04/2017: G.D. Di Girolamo, L'Aquilla, Italy. "Routing and network coding co-design over networked control systems."
  • 06/2017: B. Boisseau, GIPSA-Lab, Grenoble, France. "Commande événementielle pour les systèmes robotiques."
  • 09/2017: N. Espitia, GIPSA-Lab, Grenoble, France. "Event-based control of networks modeled by a class of infinite-dimensional systems."
  • 06/2018: F. Rego, Univ. Lisboa and EPFL, Lisboa, Portugal. "Distribbuted state estimation and cooperative path-following under communication constraints."
  • 11/2018: D. Bou Saba, Ampère, Lyon, France. "Infinite dimensional control of interconnected and coupled hyperbolic PDEs."


Associate Editor and Member of International Program Committes

  • 2017- now: Associate Editor for the International Journal of Control.
  • 2014- now: Member of the Conference Editorial Board de IEEE Control Systems Society (Associate Editor for American Control Conference and Conference on Decision and Control)
  • 2012- .now Member of Technical Committee on Networked Systems of IFAC (TC.1.5) (Associate Editor for IFAC Conferences, Symposiums and Workshops de l'IFAC related to the TC 1.5)
  • Others IFAC NecSys'12, ICSCS'12, CCE'12, ECC'13,'14,'15,'16,