Contact Information:
Address : Bureau E44 - Equipe MAC, LAAS-CNRS - 7 Avenue du Colonel Roche, BP 54200 - 31031 Toulouse cedex 4
Tel: +33 (0)5 61 33 63 70
e-mail: aseuret(at)
Research Interests
- Time-delay systems
- Sampled-data systems
- Multi-agent systems
- Networked control Systems
- Infinite dimensional systems
- Lyapunov Analysis
- Linear Matrix Inequalities
- NEWS : On December, the 19th of 2017, I defended my "Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches" entitled Contributions to the stability analysis and control of networked systems, in front of the committe composed by
- S. Hirche, C. Scherer and J.-M. Coron (Rapporteurs)
- J. Daafouz, S.-I. Niculescu, C. Prieur, J.-P. Raymond, J.-P. Richard and S. Tarbouriech (Examinateur)
- The survey paper "Recent developments on the stability of systems with aperiodic sampling: an overview" recently appears in Automatica.
- The paper "Wirtinger-based integral inequality: application to time-delay systems" appear as the most cited paper of Automatica published since 2012. (see the link)
- The paper "A novel stability analysis of linear systems under asynchronous samplings" appear in the list of the 25 most cited papers of Automatica published since 2012. (see the link)
- The paper "A looped-functional approach for robust stability analysis of linear impulsive systems" appear in the list of the 25 most cited papers of Systems & Control Letters published since 2012. (see the link)