
Research Projects:

CONNECT (ANR) Leader : C. Canudas de Wit. "Collaborative control of a eet of underwater automonous vehicles." Partners : Ifremer, PGES-Robosoft (SME), PROLEXIA (SME). (2007-2011).

FEEDNETBACK (FP7 EU STREP), Leader : C. Canudas de Wit. "Co-design for Networked Control Systems". Partners : INRIA, KTH, ETHZ, Univ. Sevilla, Univ. Padova, Ifremer, Vodera, Vitamib, Videotec. (2008-2012)

SEDIFF (PEPS CNRS ), Leader : A. Seuret. "Stability of systems governed by dierences equations". Partners : GIPSA-Lab, Ampere, Irccyn. (2010-2012)

DELSYS (International Group of Research - CNRS), Leader : A. Seuret. "Research network on time-delay systems". Partners : LAAS, L2S, GIPSA-Lab, TUM (Munich, Germany), KTH (Stockholm, Sweden), Kent Univ. (UK), KU Leuven (Belgium), Ancona Univ. (Italy). (2011-2015)

LIMICOS (ANR), Leader : S. Tarbouriech. "Analysis and design of systems under limited information". Partners : LAAS, LAGEP, GIPSA-Lab, L2S. (2013-2016)

MDrone, (Institut Carnot Toulouse), Leader : A. Seuret. "Distributed control for load carrying drones" Partners : LAAS-CNRS. (2013-2014)

ADNEC, (CAPES-COFECUB), Leader : S. Tarbouriech. "Analysis and Design Methods for Networked and Embedded Control Systems" Partners : LAAS, GIPSA-Lab (France), UFRGS, CEFET (Brasil), Univ. de Conception (Chile). (2013-2014).

SCIDIS (ANR JCJC), Leader : A. Seuret. "Stability and Control of Innite Dimensional Systems". Partners : LAAS-CNRS. (2016-2020).


Industrial Projects:

UPTRIP (Region Midi-Pyrenees), Leader : A. Seuret. "Conception of a controlled tripode with 4 axes for audiovisual applications". Partners : LAAS-CNRS,  Comat Aerospace Toulouse. (2014-2015)

SynC (Toulouse Tech Transfer), Leader : A. Seuret. Software for the analysis and design of controller for complex systems. Partners : LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse Tech Transfer, Comat Aerospace Toulouse. (2014-2015).