For details, please see the pyGDM changelog

Update June 2023: V1.1.4 more functionalities for multipole analysis and bugfixes.

Update April 2022: V1.1.3 new functionalities: Generalized polarizabilities and multipole modal density, focused vectorbeams support transmission through an interface, and more.

Update Dec. 2021: V1.1.2 introducing new functionalities. Most prominent: Exact multipole decomposition

Update April 2021: V1.1 introducing new pure-python API, fully compatible to old API but supporting significant simplifications. Getting started

Update August 2019: new version V1.0.9 with a critical bugfix in linear.farfield

Update June 2019: new version V1.0.8 with several bugfixes and new functionalities (changelog)

Update Oct. 2018: V1.0.6 now compatible with python 2 and python 3