
Selected publications




  • Learning Optimal Fair SCoring Systems for Multi-Class Classification. Julien Rouzot, Julien Ferry, Marie-José Huguet. The 34th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), 2022. (published version, arXiv (preprint), HAL (preprint), source code)
  • Improving Fairness Generalization Through a Sample-Robust Optimization. Julien Ferry, Ulrich Aivodji, Sébastien Gambs, Marie-José Huguet, Mohamed Siala. Machine Learning, Springer Verlag, In press, Special Issue on Safe and Fair Machine Learning. (published version, published version (view-only free access), HAL (preprint), source code)
  • Leveraging Integer Linear Programming to Learn Optimal Fair Rule Lists. Ulrich Aivodji, Julien Ferry, Sébastien Gambs, Marie-José Huguet, Mohamed Siala. 19th International Conference on the Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research (CPAIOR-2022), Jun 2022, Los Angeles, CA, United States. (published version, HAL, recording of the talk, source code)
  • Optimizing Binary Decision Diagrams with MaxSAT for classification. Hao Hu, Marie-José Huguet, Mohamed Siala - Thirty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence - AAAI'22. (pdf)


  • FairCORELS, an Open-Source Library for Learning Fair Rule Lists. Ulrich Aivodji, Julien Ferry, Sébastien Gambs, Marie-José Huguet, Mohamed Siala - ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), November 1-5, 2021. (published version (+ a recorded video presentation), HAL, source code)
  • Combing Monte Carlo Tree Search and Depth First Search Methods for a Car Manufacturing Workshop Scheduling Problem. Valentin Antuori, Emmanuel Hébrard, Marie-José Huguet, SIham Essodaigui, Alain Nguyen - International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP), October 25-29, 2021. (pdf)
  • Étude de méthodes arborescentes de Monte-Carlo pour un problème de déplacement de pièces dans un atelier d'assemblage. V Antuori, E Hébrard, M Huguet, S Essodaigui, A Nguyen. Rencontres des Jeunes Chercheurs en Intelligence Artificielle (RJCIA), Juillet 2021. (pdf)
  • Améliorer la généralisation de l'équité en apprentissage grâce à l'Optimisation Distributionnellement Robuste. J Ferry, U Aïvodji, S Gambs, MJ Huguet, M Siala. Rencontres des Jeunes Chercheurs en Intelligence Artificielle (RJCIA), Juillet 2021. (pdf)
  • Exploitation de l'apprentissage par renforcement avec la Programmation par Contraintes ou la Recherche Locale - Cas d'application dans l'industrie automobile. Valentin Antuori, Emmanuel Hebrard, Marie-José Huguet, Siham Essodaigui and Alain Nguyen. Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes, 22-24 Juin 2021
  • Multi-product, Multi-supplier Order Assignment and Routing for an e-Commerce Application in the Retail Sector. L Rivière, C Artigues, A Cheref, N Jozefowiez, MJ Huguet, S Ngueveu, V. Charvillat. 10th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES), February 4-6, 2021. (pdf)


  • Clustering Sargassum Mats from Earth Observation Data. Estèle Glize, Marie-José Huguet, Gilles Trédan, Marc Lucas, Marion Sutton. MACLEAN2020 - Workshop on Machine Learning for Earth Observation (In Conjunction with the ECML/PKDD 2020) Ghent, Belgium, September 18 2020. (pdf)

  • Leveraging Reinforcement Learning, Constraint Programming and Local Search: A case Study in Car Manufacturing. Valentin Antuori, Emmanuel Hebrard, Marie-José Huguet, Siham Essodaigui, Alain Nguyen  - International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP), pp. 657--672 , September 7-11, 2020. (pdf)

  • Learning Optimal Decision Trees with MaxSAT and its integration in AdaBoost. Hao Hu, Mohamed Siala, Emmanel Hébrard, Marie-José Huguet - International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2020. (pdf) - (bibtext)

  • A constraint programming approach for planning items transportation in a workshop context. Valentin Antuori, Emmanuel Hebrard, Marie-José Huguet, Siham Essodaigui, Alain Nguyen  - international workshop on Project Management and Scheduling, PMS 2020. (pdf) (bibtex)


  • Learning Fair Rule Lists. Ulrich Aivodji, Julien Ferry, Sébastien Gambs, Marie-José Huguet, Mohamed Siala  - arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.03977 - 2019.

  • Comparison between two approaches to solve the Job Shop Scheduling Problem with Routing. Matthieu Gondran, Marie-José Huguet, Philippe Lacomme, Nikolay Tchernev  - IFAC Conference on Manufacturing, Modelling, Management and Control (MIM) , August 28-30, Berlin (Germany), 2019.  (pdf) (bibtext)

  • Optimizing ground station networks for free space optical communications: maximizing the data transfer. Mikaël Capelle, Marie-José Huguet, Nicolas Jozefowiez, Xavier Olive. Networks (in press Octobre 2018) Vol 73 (2) - pp 234-253, 2019 - DOI: 10.1002/net.21859 - (pdf) (bibtex)


  • A Dial-a-Ride evaluation for solving the job-shop with routing considerations. Matthieu Gondran, Marie-José Huguet, Philippe Lacomme, Alain Quilliot, Nikolay Tchernev - Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence - Vol 74, pp. 70-89, Septembre 2018 - DOI : (pdf) (bibtex)

  • SRide: A Privacy-Preserving Ridesharing System. Ulrich Matchi Aivodji,  Kévin Huguenin, Marie-José Huguet, Marc-Olivier Killijian - 11th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec), Stockholm (Sweden), 18-20 June 2018 (pdf) bibtex)


  • Ground stations network for Free-Space Optical Communication: maximizing the data transfer. Mikael Capelle, Marie-José Huguet, Nicolas Jozefowiez, Xavier Olive. International Network Optimization Conference (INOC), Lisboa (Portugal), 26-28 February 2017, (Electronic Note on Discrete Mathematics, vol 64, pp. 255-264,  February 2018)  (pdf) (bibtex)

  • A hierarchical approach for the selection of optical ground stations maximizing the data transfer for low-earth observation satellites. Mikael Capelle, Marie-José Huguet, Nicolas Jozefowiez, Xavier Olive. IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE-ICC), Paris (France), 21-25 May 2017 (pdf) bibtex)


  • Constraint Programming for Planning Test Campaigns of Telecommunication Satelittes. Emmanuel Hebrard, Marie-José Huguet, Daniel Veysseire, Ludivine Boche-Sauvan, Bertrand Cabon. Constraints, Vol 22(1), pp. 73-89, January 2017. (Accepted September 2016; DOI : 10.1007/s10601-016-9254-x) -- Présenté à International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, CP'2016, Toulouse (France), September 5-9, 2016  (pdf) (bibtex)

  • Finding a Nash Equilibria and an Optimal Sharing Policy for Multi-Agent Network Expansion Game. Nadia Chaabane-Fakhfakh, Alessandro Agnetis, Cyril Briand, Marie-José Huguet. Networks, Vol 69 (1), pp. 94-109, January 2017. (Accepted October 2016 DOI 10.1002/net.21711)(pdf)(bibtex)

  • Approximation of the Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem with Additional Unit Resources. Emmanuel Hebrard, Marie-José Huguet, Nicolas Jozefowiez, Adrien Maillard, Cédric Pralet, Gérard Verfaillie. Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol 2015, pp. 126-135, December 2016. (DOI : 10.1016/j.dam.2016.07.003) (pdf) (bibtex)

  • Meeting Points in Ridesharing : a Privacy-Preserving Approach. Ulrich Matchi Aïvodji, Sébastien Gambs, Marie-José Huguet, Marc-Olivier Killijian. Transportation Research Part C, Vol 72, pp. 239–253, November 2016 (DOI : 10.1016/j.trc.2016.09.017) (pdf) (bibtex)


  • Adaptations of k-Shortest Path Algorithms for Transportation Networks. Grégoire Scano, Marie-José Huguet, Sandra Ulrich Ngueveu. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM), Seville, Spain, 21-23 Oct 2015, 2015 (pdf) (bibtex)

  • Privacy-Preserving Carpooling. Ulrich Matchi Aïvodji, Sébastien Gambs, Marie-José Huguet, Marc-Olivier Killijian, 6th International triennal workshop on Freigh Tansportation and Logistics (ODYSSEUS 2015), Ajaccio (France), 31 May-05 June 2015 (pdf) (bibtex)

  • Online Virtual Links Resource Allocation in Software-Defined Networks. Mikael Capelle, Slim Adbellatif, Marie-José Huguet and Pascal Berthou, 14th International Conferences on Networking (IEEE IFIP Networking), Toulouse (France), 20-22 May 2015 (pdf) (bibtex)

  • Nash Equilibria for multi-agent network flow with controllable capacities. Nadia Chaabane-Fakhfakh, Cyril Briand, Marie-José Huguet, LNCS Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) Vol 509, E. Pinson et al. (Eds.): Revised Selected Papers of ICORES 2014, pp. 47-62, April 2015 (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-17509-6_4) (pdf) (bibtex)

  • Finding stable flows in multi-agent networks under an equal-sharing policy. Nadia Chaabane-Fakhfakh, Cyril Briand, Marie-José Huguet, International Network Optimization Conference (INOC), Warsaw (Poland), 18-20 May 2015 -- Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 2016 (ENDM-2090), pp. 157-164, DOI:10.1016/j.endm.2016.03.021 --  (pdf) (bibtex)

  • A study of Constraint Programming Heuristics for the Car-Sequencing Problem. Mohamed Siala, Emmanuel Hebrard and Marie-José Huguet, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol.38, pp. 34-44, February 2015  (pdf) (bibtex)


  • An optimal arc consistency algorithm a particular case of sequence constraint. Mohamed Siala, Emmanuel Hebrard and Marie-José Huguet, Constraints, Vol.19 (1), pp. 30-56, January 2014  (pdf) (bibtex)

  • A multi-agent Min-Cost Flow problem with controllable capacities: complexity of finding a maximum flow Nash equilibrium. Nadia Chaabane Fakhfakh, Cyril Briand, Marie-José Huguet. ICORES'2014, Angers (France) March 6-8, 2014. Best Paper Award (pdf)  (bibtex)

  • Satellite Data Download Management with uncertainty about generated volumes. Cédric Pralet, Gérard Verfaillie, Adrien Maillard, Emmanuel Hébrard, Nicolas Jozefowiez, Marie-José Huguet, Thierry Desmousceaux, Pierre Blanc-Pâques, Jean Jaubert. ICAPS'2014, Portsmouth (USA), June 21-26, 2014 (pdf) (bibtex)

  • Gestion du vidage de données satellite avec incertitude sur les volumes. Cédric Pralet, Gérard Verfaillie, Adrien Maillard, Emmanuel Hébrard, Nicolas Jozefowiez, Marie-José Huguet, Thierry Desmousceaux, Pierre Blanc-Pâques, Jean Jaubert.JFPC'2014, Angers (France), June 11-13, 2014 (pdf) (bibtex)


  • State-based accelerations and bidirectional search for bi-objective multi-modal shortest paths. C. Artigues and MJ. Huguet, F. Gueye, F. Schettini, L. Dezou.  Transportation Research Part C, Vol.27, pp 233-259, February 2013.  (pdf)  (bibtex)

  • Carpooling: the 2 Synchronization Points Shortest Paths Problem. Arthur Bit-Monnot, Christian Artigues, Marie-José Huguet, Marc-Olivier Killijian. ATMOS'2013, Sophia Antipolis France, pp150-163, September 2013  (pdf)  (bibtex)

  • Efficient algorithms for the 2-way Multi Modal Shortest Path. Marie-José Huguet, Dominik Kirchler, Pierre Parent, Roberto Wolfler Calvo. INOC 2013, May 20-22, ENDM Vol 41, pp 431-437, May 2013.    (pdf)  (bibtex)

  • Application of data mining technology for analyzing Job-Shop solutions. Maxime Chassaing, Ren Libo, Philippe Lacomme, Nikolay Tchernev, Marie-José Huguet. IESM 2013, Rabat (Morocco), October 28 – 30, 2013.


  • Weight-based Heuristics for Constraint Satisfaction and Combinatorial Optimization Problems. W. Karoui, MJ. Huguet and P. Lopez. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms, Vol 11(2): 193-215, 2012.  (pdf)  (bibtex)

  • An Optimal Arc Consistency Algorithm for a Chain of Atmost Constraints with Cardinality.  Mohamed Siala, Emmanuel Hebrard and Marie-José Huguet. CP’2012, 8-12 October, Quebec (Canada), LNCS Vol 7514, pp 55-69, 2012, Honorable Mention.  (pdf)  (bibtex)


  • Solving two stage hybrid flow shop using climbing depth-bounded discrepancy search. A.Ben Hmida, M. Haouari, MJ. Huguet and P. Lopez. Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol. 60: 320–327, 2011.  (pdf)  (bibtex)

  • Generalized disjunctive constraint propagation for solving the job shop problem with time lags. C.Artigues, MJ. Huguet and P. Lopez. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol 24(2) : 220–231, 2011.  (pdf)  (bibtex)

  • Dedicated constraint propagation for Job-Shop problem with generic time-lags. Ph. Lacomme, N. Tchernev et MJ. Huguet. ETFA IEEE International Conference, Toulouse (France), 7p. September 5-9, 2011. (pdf)


  • Discrepancy search for the flexible job shop problem. A.Ben Hmida, M. Haouari, MJ. Huguet and P. Lopez. Computers & Operations Research, Vol. 37:2192–2201, 2010. (pdf)  (bibtex)

  • Climbing discrepancy search for flowshop and jobshop scheduling. W. Karoui, MJ. Huguet, P. Lopez and M. Haouari. ISCO'2010, Hammamet (Tunisia), March 24-26, ENDM, Vol. 36, pages 821–828, 2010.  (pdf)  (bibtex)


  • Stability requirement in a weekly waste collection problem. F. Baniel, MJ. Huguet et T. Vidal. CIE09, Troyes (France), pages 1076–1081, July 6-8, Published by the IEEE society, 2009.


  • Climbing depth-bounded discrepancy search for solving hybrid flow shop problems. A.Ben Hmida, MJ. Huguet, P. Lopez and M. Haouari. European Journal of Industrial Engineering, Vol. 1(2):223–243, 2007.   (pdf)  (bibtex)

  • Climbing depth-bounded discrepancy search for solving flexible job shop scheduling problems. A.BenHmida, MJ. Huguet, P. Lopez et M. Haouari. MISTA 2007, Paris (France), pages 217–224, August 28-31, 2007.  (pdf)  (bibtex)

  • YIELDS: a yet improved limited discrepancy search for CSPs. W. Karoui, MJ. Huguet, P. Lopez et W. Naanaa. CP-AI-OR'2007, Brussels (Belgium), May 23-26, LNCS, Vol. 4510, pages 99–111, 2007.   (pdf)  (bibtex)

Some others ...

  • Adaptation of discrepancy-based methods for solving hybrid flow shop problems. A. BenHmida, MJ. Huguet, P. Lopez et M. Haouari. In SSM IEEE International Conference, Troyes (France), pages 1120–1125, October 25-27, 2006. (pdf)

  • Dynamic task sequencing in temporal problems with uncertainty. MJ. Huguet, P. Lopez et T. Vidal. In Workshop on On-Line Planning and Scheduling in Sixth International Conference on AI Planning & Scheduling (AIPS’02), Toulouse (France), pages 41–48, April 2002.  (pdf)

  • A backtracking algorithm for solving mixed task scheduling and resource allocation problems. I.Sellami, MJ. Huguet et P. Lopez. In ETFA IEEE International Conference, Antibes - Juan les Pins (France), vol. 2, pages 741–744, October 2001.  (pdf)

  • Mixed task scheduling and resource allocation problems. MJ. Huguet et P. Lopez. In International Conference on Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (CP-AI-OR’00), Paderborn (Germany), pages 71–79, March 2000.  (pdf)

  • An integrated contraint-based model for task scheduling and resource assignement. MJ. Huguet et P. Lopez. In International Conference on Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (CP-AI-OR’99), Ferrara (Italy), 5p., February 1999.  (pdf)

  • Negotiation based on constraints in cooperation. MJ. Huguet, J. Erschler, G. de Terssac and N. Lompré. Computer Supported Cooperative Work: The Journal of Collaborative Computing, vol. 5 pp. 267–284, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996.

  • Modeling and managing disjunctions in scheduling problems. P. Esquirol, MJ. Huguet and P. Lopez. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, vol. 6 pp.133–144, 1995.

  • Is decisional autonomy efficient? G. de Terssac, N. Lompré, J. Erschler and MJ. Huguet. In 12th Triennal Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Toronto (Canada), August 15-19, pp. 245-248

  • A parallel algorithm for the differential maintenance of a transitively closed relation. A.Hameurlain, F. Morvan et MJ. Huguet. In IEEE Conf. on Computers and Communications, Scottsdale, Arizona, pages 751–758, April 1-3, 1992.

  • Processor number estimation for optimal parallel execution of recursive queries. A.Hameurlain, F. Morvan et MJ. Huguet. In European Workshop on Parallel Computing, Barcelona (Espagne), pages 418–421, March 23-24, 1992.

National Conferences

  • Heuristics Methods for Test Sequencing in Telecommunication Satellites. Ludivine Boche-Sauvan, Bertrand Cabon, Emmanuel Hébrard, Marie-José Huguet. MOSIM'2014 Novembre 2014, Nancy (France).

  • Gestion du vidage de données satellite avec incertitude sur les volumes. Cédric Pralet, Gérard Verfaillie, Adrien Maillard, Emmanuel Hébrard, Nicolas Jozefowiez, Marie-José Huguet, Thierry Desmousceaux, Pierre Blanc-Pâques, Jean Jaubert. JFPC 2014, 11-13 juin, Angers (France).  (pdf)

  • Nouvelle heuristique pour le job-shop avec time-lags. Ph. Lacomme, N. Tchernev et MJ. Huguet. In MOSIM’12, Bordeaux (France), 8p., 6-8 Juin 2012. (pdf)

  • Algorithme d’arc consistance optimal pour une séquence de contraintes AtMost avec cardinalité. E. Hebrard, MJ. Huguet et M. Siala. In JFPC 2012, Toulouse (France), 10p., 22-24 Mai 2012.  (pdf)

  • Méthode de recherche à divergence limitée pour les problèmes d’ordonnancement avec contraintes de délais. W. Karoui, MJ. Huguet, P. Lopez et M. Haouari. In MOSIM 2010, Hammamet (Tunisie), 6p., 10-12 Mai 2010

  • Intégration de points de collecte et mesures de stabilité. Baniel, MJ. Huguet et T. Vidal. In MOSIM 2008, Paris, France, pp. 1140–1148, 31 Mars-2 Avril 2008.

  • Amélioration par apprentissage de la recherche à divergences limitées. W. Karoui, MJ. Huguet, P. Lopez et W. Naanaa. In JFPC 2005, Lens, pp.109–117, 8-10 juin 2005. (pdf)

  • Résolution intégrée d’ordonnancement et d’affectation : adaptation d’une méthode de recherche à divergence limitée à une approche fondée sur les réseaux de petri et la logique linéaire. C.Mancel, MJ. Huguet, P. Lopez, M. Medjoudj et R. Valette. In MOSIM 2003, Toulouse (France), pp.293–298, 23-25 Avril, 2003.

  • Approche par contraintes de problèmes d’ordonnancement de tâches et d’affectation de ressources. MJ. Huguet, P. Lopez. In CIFA 2000, Lille, pp. 236-241, 5-7 Juillet 2000.

  • Autonomie et contraintes dans la décision coopérative. G. de Terssac, N. Lompré, J. Erschler et MJ. Huguet. In Ergo’IA, Biarritz (France), pp.319–330, 26-28 Octobre 1994.