NIMPH cubesat project

Co-Authors: NIMPH project - Microwave Photonic Hardware



Keywords: CSUT, Microwave Photonic, nanosatellite, embedded systems, 

In the realm of cutting-edge research laboratories, the adoption of nanosatellite platforms in LAAS stands out as a technological milestone, offering unparalleled opportunities for scientific exploration. These compact wonders, featuring advanced embedded systems, play a crucial role in pushing the boundaries of space technology, particularly within the framework of collaborative initiatives such as the NIMPH project alongside esteemed partners like the Centre National d'Études Spatiales (CNES).

Some scientific experiments are carried out under conditions of orbiting. LAAS / CNRS is developing a payload in a nanosatellite to study the behavior of optical fibers in space. In this context, I am responsible for the CNRS payload control software. The payload software controls all the experiments during the different phase of flight (day and night), the results are sent on earth to the ground segment. This space program is carried out with many partners, which requires significant coordination.

The payload is as follows:

Platform: 1 U
Payload: 2 U
4 Deployable solar panels
Deployable UHF antennas
Hybrid structure
Total mass <3.000 g

Project management document

Scheduling onboard tasks of the NIMPH nanosatellite
Co-Authors: Joséphine Gobert, Christian Artigues, Romain Boyer, Frédéric Camps, Philippe Garnier, Emmanuel Hebrard and Pierre Lopez

13th European CubeSat Symposium
11-13 December 2023, Leuven, Belgium
Co-Authors: Frédéric Camps, Romain Boyer, Cyril Campanella
Co-Authors:Thomas Boursac, Frédéric Camps, Ghada Gharbi, Khalil Drira, Romain Boyer