System modeling

Modeling has become an essential point for all complex systems. System modeling is equivalent to an architect's plan for a building, is it possible to build a house without a plan? This is the question that must be asked. Engineers use modeling as a medium to describe how a system works, in its statistical and dynamic behavior. In the field of modeling, there is a different approach and among other semi-formal languages such as UML and SysML that can respond to a wide range of modeling issues. Semi-formal languages such as uml sysml guarantee a standard level of formalization as a common language. Beyond formalization, the modeling of the most complex systems leads to simulations of dynamic behavior, for example with the use of state machines or parametric SysML diagrams.

Many tools have simulation modules (Enterprise Architect, Modelio, TTOOL ...) that allow to integrate formal proofs, to inject faults into the system and so on ... These languages also make it possible to define systems at different scales depending on the level of granularity or the analysis phase of the project. It is still difficult to generate an irreproachable code from a model, however the analysis allows to build "elegant" systems with properties that are well mastered. There are many approaches depending on the domain, layered architecture, distributed architecture, architecture according to the pattern, and in each architecture still very varied solutions.

Here is an article I wrote about systems modeling: