Curriculum Vitae

Academic experiences

Post-Doc at the Laboratory Jean Kuntzmann (LJK)
Teacher at the GEII-1 Department (Electrical Engineering and Industrial Computing) of Grenoble
University of Joseph Fourier, Grenoble
ATER (Temporary Attached of Education and Research)
in Automatic and Computer Engineering
Laboratory of the Automated Systems Engineering (LISA)
GEII Department (Electrical Engineering and Industrial Computing) of the University of Technology of Angers
Industrial Systems Engineering School (ISTIA), University of Angers


PhD in Automatic and Computer Engineering
Guaranteed models and computations for the (max,+)-linear systems
Laboratory of the Automated Systems Engineering (LISA), University of Angers
Master's Degree in Dynamic Systems and Signals
Engineering School ISTIA, University of Angers
Bachelor's Degree and Master's Degree in Automatic and Computer Engineering
Engineering School ISTIA, University of Angers
IUT (Technical University Institute)
in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

A 2 year degree equivalent to the Higher National Diploma
University of Rennes
June 2003
Graduated of Baccalaureate of Science (A-levels) in Engineering Science
upper second class honours, School Jeanne d’Arc - Saint Ivy, Pontivy

Work Experiences

Project and Training Period - second year of the Master's Degree
Development in C++ of efficient toolboxes for (amx,+)-linear systems
ISTIA, LISA, University of Angers
January/June 2007
Training Period - first year of the Master's Degree
Development in PHP of a statistical application, showing the uses and performance of the department tools
Orange Business Services, Cesson-Sévigné – Ille-et-Vilaine
April/June 2006
Training Period - Bachelor's Degree
Development in C and VB of an instant message software
ISTIA, University of Angers
April/June 2005
Training Period - second year of IUT
Conception and programming in NQC of robots in LEGO,
University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol – United Kingdom
Seasonal jobs (Patrimony agent, Guide leader, Check-out assistant)
Voluntary jobs (Voluntary trainer of Breton traditional dance, Treasure of the ISTIA Student Union)