DiaDes  0.1
DIAgnosis of Discrete-Event System
Namespaces | Typedefs | Functions
AutomataInterface.cc File Reference
#include <fstream>
#include <diades/utils/Verbose.hh>
#include <diades/automata/experimental/DdAutFileDescriptor.hh>
#include "AutomataInterface.hh"

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 Namespace of the Diades project.


using Diades::CmdInterface::Msg = Diades::Utils::Msg


size_t Diades::CmdInterface::loadFiniteStateMachine (const std::string &input, const Diades::Automata::Experimental::ManagedDdAutFsm &mfsm)
 Load the fsm from a file called 'input'. More...
size_t Diades::CmdInterface::loadFiniteStateAutomaton (const std::string &input, const Diades::Automata::Experimental::ManagedDdAutFA &mfa)
 Load the finite automaton from a file called 'input'. More...
size_t Diades::CmdInterface::writeAut (const Diades::Automata::Experimental::AutFsm &fsm, const std::string &output, const FileSuffixes &suffixes)
size_t Diades::CmdInterface::writeFiniteStateMachine (const Diades::Automata::Experimental::ConstManagedDdAutFsm &mfsm, const std::string &output, const FileSuffixes &suffixes)
size_t Diades::CmdInterface::writeFiniteAutomaton (const Diades::Automata::Experimental::ConstManagedDdAutFA &mfa, const std::string &output, const FileSuffixes &suffixes)
size_t Diades::CmdInterface::checkFileNameSuffix (const std::string &filename, const std::string &suffix)
 check that filename has the expected suffix More...
size_t Diades::CmdInterface::checkDdAutFileName (const std::string &filename)
 check that filename is a proper file with the ddaut suffix More...
size_t Diades::CmdInterface::isOpenableFile (const std::string &filename)
 check that the file can be opened More...
size_t Diades::CmdInterface::checkDdAutFile (const std::string &filename)
 check that filename is a proper file with the ddaut suffix check that the file 'filename' can be opened and is readable and check that this file is well suffixed with '.ddaut'. Do not check the content of the file More...
size_t Diades::CmdInterface::checkAutFile (const std::string &filename)
 check that filename is a proper file with the aut suffix More...
size_t Diades::CmdInterface::checkAutFileName (const std::string &filename)
 check that filename is a proper filename with the aut suffix More...

Detailed Description

Yannick Pencolé <yannick.pencole at laas.fr>
29 avril 2019, 19:18

Definition in file AutomataInterface.cc.