Installation ============= Installing Mirage is straightforward : it only uses a few python libraries and the standard library. Please note that Mirage has been developped under Linux Ubuntu and only tested on Ubuntu and Fedora. The libraries needed are listed in the following table : +----------------+--------------------+ | library | minimal version | +================+====================+ | keyboard | >= 0.13.5 | +----------------+--------------------+ | psutil | >= 5.7.2 | +----------------+--------------------+ | pyserial | >= 3.5 | +----------------+--------------------+ | pyusb | >= 1.1.0 | +----------------+--------------------+ | terminaltables | >= 3.1.0 | +----------------+--------------------+ | scapy | >= 2.4.5rc1.dev51 | +----------------+--------------------+ | pycryptodomex | >= 3.8.2 | +----------------+--------------------+ | matplotlib | >= 2.2.2 | +----------------+--------------------+ First of all, clone the repository : .. code-block:: bash git clone git:// Then, you can directly launch mirage using the following command (if the dependencies are installed): .. code-block:: bash ./mirage_launcher or you can install it by using the ```` installer : .. code-block:: bash sudo python3 install If you want to enable HackRF experimental support, you also need to install the HackRF library. You can install it on Ubuntu using the following command : .. code-block:: bash sudo apt install libhackrf-dev Or you can install it on Fedora using this command : .. code-block:: bash sudo dnf install hackrf-devel Congratulations, Mirage is now installed on your system !