Dimitri Peaucelle
World Congress
"Comparison of Adaptive Control Laws on a Satellite Attitude Control Benchmark",
Y. Lahana, M. Mancini, D. Peaucelle, E. Capello, H. Evain
CoDIT 3-6 Juil. 2023, Rome
"The Hankel-type Lq/Lp Induced Norms of Positive Systems Across Switching ",
Y. Ebihara, D. Peaucelle, D. Arzelier
IFAC World Congress 13-17 Juil. 2020, Berlin
DOI 10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.595
"Robust adaptive magnetic control of satellites with uncertain parameters",
H. Leduc, D. Peaucelle, M. Lovera, Ch. Pittet
IFAC World Congress
July 9-14, 2017, Toulouse,
IFAC-PapersOnLine Volume 50, Issue 1, Pages 4288-4293,
DOI 10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.836
"Persistence Analysis of Discrete-Time Interconnected Positive Systems and Its Application to Mobile Robot Formation",
S. Tanabe, H. Ichihara, Y. Ebihara, D. Peaucelle
IFAC World Congress
July 9-14, 2017, Toulouse
IFAC-PapersOnLine Volume 50, Issue 1, Pages 3105-3110,
DOI 10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.304
(LAAS Tech. Report N°17164)
"Formation Control of Mobile Robots Based on Interconnected Positive Systems",
H. Ichihara, S. Kajihara, Y. Ebihara, D. Peaucelle
IFAC World Congress
July 9-14, 2017, Toulouse
IFAC-PapersOnLine Volume 50, Issue 1, Pages 8441-8446,
DOI 10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.755
(LAAS Tech. Report N°17165)
"Robust stability analysis of discrete-time systems with parametric and switching uncertainties",
D. Peaucelle, Y. Ebihara
IFAC world congress
august 24-29, 2014, Cape Town (LAAS Tech. Report N°13562)
"LMI results for robust control design of observer-based controllers, the discrete-time case with polytopic uncertainties",
D. Peaucelle, Y. Ebihara
IFAC world congress
august 24-29, 2014, Cape Town (LAAS Tech. Report N°13561)
"Efficient Convergence Rate Analysis of Multi-Agent Positive Systems Under Formation Control",
Y. Ebihara, D. Peaucelle, D. Arzelier
IFAC world congress
august 24-29, 2014, Cape Town (LAAS Tech. Report N°13555)
"Robust Control of Aircraft Lateral Movement",
I. Furtat, A.L. Fradkov, D. Peaucelle
IFAC world congress
august 24-29, 2014, Cape Town (LAAS Tech. Report N°13610)
"Some Conditions for Convexifying Static H-infinity Control Problems",
Y. Ebihara, D. Peaucelle, D. Arzelier,
IFAC World Congress,
28 august - 2 September 2011, Milano (LAAS Tech. Report N°10684)
"Gain-Scheduled H-infinity Controllers being Derivative-Free of Scheduling Parameters via Parameter-Dependent Lyapunov Functions",
M. Sato, D. Peaucelle,
IFAC World Congress,
28 august - 2 September 2011, Milano (LAAS Tech. Report N°10688)
"Simple Adaptive Control without Passivity Assumptions and Experiments on Satellite Attitude Control DEMETER Benchmark",
D. Peaucelle, A. Drouot, Ch. Pittet, J. Mignot,
IFAC World Congress,
28 august - 2 September 2011, Milano, paper in invited session (LAAS Tech. Report N°10688)
"Robust Simple Adaptive Control with Relaxed Passivity and PID control of a Helicopter Benchmarks",
D. Peaucelle, B. Andrievsky, V. Mahout, A.L. Fradkov,
IFAC World Congress,
28 august - 2 September 2011, Milano, paper in invited session (LAAS Tech. Report N°10686)
"Robust and adaptive control of complex systems",
A.L. Fradkov, D. Peaucelle,
IFAC World Congress,
28 august - 2 September 2011, Milano, invited session
"Robust multi-objective control for the station keeping of the interferometric cartwheel",
D. Arzelier, A. Theron, D. Peaucelle, J. Fourcade,
17th IFAC World Congress,
6-11 July 2008, Seoul. (paper in an invited session)
"Robust H2 perfomance of discrete-time periodic systems: LMIs with reduced dimensions",
D. Peaucelle, Y. Ebihara, D. Arzelier
17th IFAC World Congress,
6-11 July 2008, Seoul. (paper in an invited session)
"LMI-based Periodically Time-Varying Dynamical Controller Synthesis for Discrete-Time Uncertain Linear Systems",
Y. Ebihara, D. Peaucelle, D. Arzelier,
17th IFAC World Congress,
6-11 July 2008, Seoul. (paper in an invited session)
"Quadratic separation for feedback connection of an uncertain matrix and an implicit linear transformation",
D. Peaucelle, D. Henrion, D. Arzelier,
16th IFAC World Congress,
July 4-8, 2005, Prague. (pdf).
"Robust G-passification via static output feedback - LMI results",
D. Peaucelle, A. Fradkov, B. Andrievski,
16th IFAC World Congress,
July 4-8, 2005, Prague. (pdf). Research supported by CNRS-RAS cooperation program No. 16394.
"Ellipsoidal Sets for Static Output Feedback",
D. Peaucelle, D. Arzelier and R. Bertrand,
15th IFAC World Congress,
Barcelona Spain, July 2002. (pdf).
"Positive polynomial matrices and improved LMI robustness conditions",
D. Henrion, D. Arzelier and D.Peaucelle,
15th IFAC World Congress,
Barcelona Spain, July 2002.
"Performance and Synthesis for Systems with H-Dissipative Uncertainty",
D. Peaucelle, D. Arzelier and D. Henrion,
14th IFAC World Congress,
vol. G, Beijing, China, July 1999, pages 449-454.
"Stability Analysis of Recurrent Neural Networks by IQC with Copositive Mutipliers",
V. Magron, Y. Ebihara, H. Waki, N.H. Anh Mai, D. Peaucelle, S. Tarbouriech
IEEE-CDC 13-17 Dec. 2021, Austin
"Static Output Feedback Stabilization of Discrete-Time Linear Systems with Stochastic Dynamics Determined by an i.i.d. Process",
Y. Hosoe, D. Peaucelle
IEEE Control Systems Letters
Volume 3, number 3, pages 673-678, 2019
DOI 10.1109/LCSYS.2019.2916289
Also be presented at IEEE-CDC, 11-13 Dec 2019, Nice.
"Continuous-Time Gain-Scheduled Hinfinity Controllers with Causality for Scheduling Parameters Via Parameter-Dependent Lyapunov Functions",
M. Sato, D. Peaucelle
IEEE-CDC 17-19 Dec. 2018, Miami
DOI 10.1109/CDC.2018.8619348
"LMI-based design of a structured direct adaptive satellite attitude control with actuator rate feedback",
H. Leduc, D. Peaucelle, Ch. Pittet
december 15-18, 2015, Osaka DOI 10.1109/CDC.2015.7402732
(LAAS Tech. Report N°15123)
"Persistence Analysis of Interconnected Positive Systems with Communication Delays",
Y. Ebihara, D. Peaucelle, D. Arzelier
december 15-17, 2014, Los Angeles (LAAS Tech. Report N°14596)
Workshop "Relaxation Approaches for Control of Uncertain Complex Systems: Methodologies and Tools",
F. Dabbene, D. Henrion, D. Peaucelle, R. Tempo,
december, 2013, Florence
"Analysis and Synthesis of Interconnected Positive Systems with Switching",
Y. Ebihara, D. Peaucelle, D. Arzelier,
december, 2013, Florence (LAAS Tech. Report N°13080)
"Robust Hinfinity Performance of Periodic Systems with Memory: New Formulations, Analysis and Design Results",
J.-F. Tregouet, D. Arzelier, D. Peaucelle, Y. Ebihara, Ch. Pittet, A. Falcoz,
December, 2012, Maui (LAAS Tech. Report N°12308)
"Decentralized Control of Interconnected Positive Systems Using L1 Gain Characterization",
Y. Ebihara, D. Peaucelle, D. Arzelier,
December, 2012, Maui (LAAS Tech. Report N°12426)
"L1 Gain Analysis of Linear Positive Systems and Its Application",
Y. Ebihara, D. Peaucelle, D. Arzelier,
December 12-15, 2011, Orlando (LAAS Tech. Report N°11171)
"Periodic FIR controller synthesis for discrete-time uncertain linear systems",
J.F. Tregouët, D. Arzelier, D. Peaucelle, Y. Ebihara, C. Pittet, A. Falcoz,
December 12-15, 2011, Orlando (LAAS Tech. Report N°11172)
"Periodic H2 Synthesis for Spacecraft Attitude Control with Magnetorquers and Reaction Wheels",
J.F. Tregouët, D. Arzelier, D. Peaucelle, Y. Ebihara, C. Pittet, A. Falcoz,
December 12-15, 2011, Orlando (LAAS Tech. Report N°11379)
"Further Results on Periodically Time-Varying Dynamical State-Feedback Controller Synthesis for Discrete-Time Linear Systems",
Y. Ebihara, Y. Kuboyama, T. Hagiwara, D. Peaucelle, D.Arzelier,
16-18 December 2009, Shanghai. (LAAS Tech. Report N°09875)
"LQR parametrization of static output feedback gains for linear systems with Markovian switching and related robust stabilization and passification problems",
P. Pakshin, D. Peaucelle,
16-18 December 2009, Shanghai. (LAAS Tech. Report N°09876)
"Periodically Time-Varying Dynamical Controller Synthesis for Polytopic-Type Uncertain Discrete-Time Linear Systems",
Y. Ebihara, D. Peaucelle, D. Arzelier,
9-11 December 2008, Cancun.
"Robust Stability/Performance Analysis for Uncertain Linear Systems via Multiple Slack Variable Approach: Polynomial LTIPD Systems",
M. Sato, D. Peaucelle,
12-14 December 2007, New Orleans.
"Robust Stability of Time-Delay Systems with Interval Delays",
F. Gouaisbaut, D. Peaucelle,
12-14 December 2007, New Orleans. (paper in an invited session) (pdf).
"Reducing conservatism of LMI conditions",
Y. Ebihara, D. Peaucelle,
12-14 December 2007, New Orleans. (invited session)
"Quadratic separation for uncertain descriptor system analysis, strict LMI conditions",
Dimitri Peaucelle,
12-14 December 2007, New Orleans. (pdf).
"Stability of Time-Delay Systems with Non-Small Delay",
F. Gouaisbaut, D. Peaucelle,
13-15 december 2006, San Diego. (pdf).
"Robust Stability/Performance Analysis for Linear Time-Invariant Polynomially Parameter-Dependent Systems using Polynomially Parameter-Dependent Lyapunov Functions",
M. Sato, D. Peaucelle,
13-15 december 2006, San Diego.
"Robust Stability/Performance Analysis for Linear Time-Invariant Polytopically Parameter-Dependent Systems using Polynomially Parameter-Dependent Lyapunov Functions",
M. Sato, D. Peaucelle,
13-15 december 2006, San Diego.
"Robust Performance Analysis of Linear Time-Invariant Uncertain Systems by Taking Higher-Order Time-Derivatives of the States",
Y. Ebihara, D. Peaucelle, D. Arzelier, T. Hagiwara,
12-15 December 2005, Seville, Spain. (paper in an invited session)
"LMIs in Control",
Y. Ebihara, D. Peaucelle,
12-15 December 2005, Seville, Spain. (invited session)
"Robust analysis and synthesis of linear polytopic discrete-time periodic systems via LMIs",
D. Arzelier, D. Peaucelle, C. Farges,
12-15 December 2005, Seville, Spain. (pdf).
"LMI results for resilient state-feedback with H performance",
D. Peaucelle, D. Arzelier, C. Farges,
The Bahamas, December 14-17, 2004. (pdf).
"On parameter-dependent Lyapunov functions for robust stability of linear systems",
D. Henrion, D. Arzelier, D. Peaucelle, J. B. Lasserre,
Bahamas, December 14-17, 2004. (pdf).
"An Iterative Method for Mixed H2/Hinfty Synthesis via Static Output-Feedback",
D. Arzelier and D. Peaucelle,
Las Vegas, December 2002.
"Quadratic Stability for Uncertain Generalised Models via Dynamic Output Feedback Control: a Riccati equation approach",
D. Arzelier and D. Peaucelle,
Tampa, Fl, USA, December 1998, pages 4386-4391.
"Robust Disk Pole Assignment by State and Dynamic Output Feedback for Generalised Uncertainty Models - An LMI Approach",
D. Peaucelle and D. Arzelier,
Tampa, Fl, USA, December 1998, pages 1728-1733.
Control Conference
"About an alternative S-variable condition for state-feedback design",
D. Peaucelle, Y. Ebihara, Y. Hosoe
ECC, 25-28 juin 2024, Stockholm
"Local Lipschitz Constant Computation of ReLU-FNNs: Upper Bound Computation with Exactness Verification",
Y. Ebihara, X. Dai, V. Magron, D. Peaucelle, S. Tarbouriech
ECC, 25-28 juin 2024, Stockholm
"L2+ induced norm analysis of continuous-time LTI systems using positive filters and copositive programming.",
Y. Ebihara, H. Waki, N. Sebe, V. Magron, D. Peaucelle, S. Tarbouriech
ECC 13-15 Juil. 2022, London
"S-variable approach to robustly stabilizing state feedback synthesis for systems characterized by random polytopes",
Y. Hosoe, D. Peaucelle
European Control Conference
june 29 - july 1, 2016, Aalborg
DOI 10.1109/ECC.2016.7810589
"Dominant Pole of Positive Systems with Time-Delays",
Y. Ebihara, D. Peaucelle, D. Arzelier, F. Gouaisbaut
European Control Conference
june 24-27, 2014, Strasbourg (LAAS Tech. Report N°13560)
"Stability and Persistence Analysis of Large Scale Interconnected Positive Systems",
Y. Ebihara, D. Peaucelle, D. Arzelier,
European Control Conference,
July 17-19, 2013, Zurich (LAAS Tech. Report N°12693)
"Integral Quadratic Separators for performance analysis",
D. Peaucelle, L. Baudouin, F. Gouaisbaut,
European Control Conference,
23-26 August 2009, Budapest. (pdf) (LAAS Tech. Report N°08685)
"Comparison Between SOS Approach and Slack Variable Approach for Non-negativity Check of Polynomial Functions: Multiple Variable Case",
Masayuki Sato, Dimitri Peaucelle,
European Control Conference,
5-7 July 2007, Kos.
"Robust Performance Analysis of Linear Time-Invariant Uncertain Systems by Taking Higher-Order Time-Derivatives of the States",
Y. Ebihara, D. Peaucelle, D. Arzelier, T. Hagiwara,
12-15 December 2005, Seville, Spain. (paper in an invited session)
"LMIs in Control",
Y. Ebihara, D. Peaucelle,
12-15 December 2005, Seville, Spain. (invited session)
"Robust analysis and synthesis of linear polytopic discrete-time periodic systems via LMIs",
D. Arzelier, D. Peaucelle, C. Farges,
12-15 December 2005, Seville, Spain. (pdf).
"Ellipsoidal Output-Feedback Sets for Robust Multi-Performance Synthesis",
D. Peaucelle and D. Arzelier,
Cambridge, UK, September 2003. (pdf).
"An Efficient Numerical Solution for H2 Static Output Feedback Synthesis",
D. Peaucelle and D. Arzelier,
Porto Portugal, September 2001. (pdf)
"Ellipsoidal Approximation of the Stability Domain of a Polynomial",
D. Henrion, D. Peaucelle, D. Arzelier and M. Sebek,
Porto Portugal, September 2001.
"Computing a Robust D-Stability Bound Using a Parameter-Dependent Lyapunov Approach",
O. Bachelier, D. Peaucelle and D. Arzelier,
Porto Portugal, September 2001.
"Robust State-feedback D-stabilization via a Cone Complementarity Based Algorithm",
D. Arzelier, D. Henrion and D. Peaucelle,
Porto Portugal, September 2001.
Control Conference
"Optimal L1-Controller Synthesis for Positive Systems and Its Robustness Properties",
Y. Ebihara, D. Peaucelle, D. Arzelier,
American Control Conference,
June 27 - 29, 2012, Montreal. (LAAS Tech. Report N°11607)
"Mixed LMI/Randomized methods for static output feedback control design",
D. Arzelier, E.N. Gryazina, D. Peaucelle, B.T. Polyak,
American Control Conference,
30 june - 2 july 2010, Baltimore. (LAAS Tech. Report N°09640)
"Gain-Scheduled state-feedback controllers using inexactly measured scheduling parameters: H2 and H∞ problems",
M. Sato, Y. Ebihara, D. Peaucelle,
American Control Conference,
30 june - 2 july 2010, Baltimore. (LAAS Tech. Report N°10936)
"Comparison Between SOS Approach and Slack Variable Approach for Non-negativity Check of Polynomial Functions: Single Variable Case",
Masayuki Sato, Dimitri Peaucelle,
American Control Conference,
11-13 July 2007, New-York.
"Periodic H2 synthesis for spacecraft in elliptical orbits with atmospheric drag and J2 perturbations",
Alain Theron, Christophe Farges, Dimitri Peaucelle, Denis Arzelier,
American Control Conference,
11-13 July 2007, New-York.
"Adaptive Control of 3DOF Motion for LAAS Helicopter Benchmark: Design and Experiments",
Boris Andrievsky, Alexander Fradkov, Dimitri Peaucelle,
American Control Conference,
11-13 July 2007, New-York. Research supported by CNRS-RAS cooperation program No. 19134.
"A Precise Robust Matrix Root-clustering Analysis with Respect to Polytopic Uncertainty",
O. Bachelier, D. Peaucelle, D. Arzelier and J. Bernussou,
Chicago Illinois, June 2000, pages 3331-3335.
"New LMI-Based Conditions for Robust H2 Performance Analysis",
D. Peaucelle and D. Arzelier,
Chicago Illinois, June 2000, pages 317-321.
"Generalized Uncertainty and Quadratic Stabilizability: an LMI approach",
D. Arzelier, G. Garcia and D. Peaucelle,
American Control Conference,
vol. 1, Philadelphia, PA, June 1998, pages 85-86.
IFAC symposium
on Robust
Control Design
"Affine Versus Multi-Affine Models for S-Variable LMI Conditions",
D. Peaucelle, Y. Ebihara
IFAC-ROCOND 3-5 Sept. 2018, Florianopolis
DOI 10.1016/j.ifacol.2018.11.179
(LAAS Tech. Report N°18043)
"R-RoMulOC: a unified tool for randomized and robust multiobjective control",
M. Chamanbaz, F. Dabbene, D. Peaucelle, R. Tempo
July 8-11, 2015, Bratislava.
DOI 10.1016/j.ifacol.2015.09.448
(LAAS Tech. Report N°15077)
"Analysis and Synthesis of Interconnected Positive Systems with External Inputs",
Y. Ebihara, T. Matsumura, T. Hagiwara, D. Peaucelle, D. Arzelier
July 8-11, 2015, Bratislava.
DOI 10.1016/j.ifacol.2015.09.451
(LAAS Tech. Report N°15073)
"Robust Stability of Periodic Systems with Memory: New Formulations, Analysis and Design Results",
J.-F. Tregouet, Y. Ebihara, D. Arzelier, D. Peaucelle, Ch. Pittet, A. Falcoz,
June 20-22, 2012, Aalborg. (LAAS Tech. Report N°12087)
DOI 10.3182/20120620-3-DK-2025.00063
"Evaluating Regions of Attraction of LTI Systems with Saturation in IQS Framework",
D. Peaucelle, S. Tarbouriech, M. Ganet-Schoeller, S. Bennani,
June 20-22, 2012, Aalborg. (LAAS Tech. Report N°12244)
DOI 10.3182/20120620-3-DK-2025.00070
"Integral Quadratic Separation applied to polytopic systems",
D. Peaucelle,
16-18 June 2009, Haifa. (LAAS Tech. Report N°09008)
DOI 10.3182/20090616-3-IL-2002.00011
"Robust H2 Performance Analysis of Uncertain LTI Systems via Polynomially Paremeter-Dependent Lyapunov Functions",
Y. Ebihara, D. Peaucelle, D. Arzelier, T. Hagiwara,
5-7 July 2006, Toulouse, France. (paper in an invited session)
"Delay-Dependent Robust Stability of Time Delay Systems",
F. Gouaisbaut, D. Peaucelle,
5-7 July 2006, Toulouse, France. (paper in an invited session)
"Robustness and LMIs",
Y. Ebihara, D. Peaucelle,
5-7 July 2006, Toulouse, France. (invited session)
"A note on stability of time delay systems",
F. Gouaisbaut, D. Peaucelle,
5-7 July 2006, Toulouse, France.
"Passification-Based Adaptive Control : Robustness Issues",
D. Peaucelle, A. Fradkov, B. Andrievsky,
5-7 July 2006, Toulouse, France. (paper in an invited session) Research supported by CNRS-RAS cooperation program No. 16394.
"Robust Passivity and Passification",
A. Fradkov, D. Peaucelle,
5-7 July 2006, Toulouse, France. (invited session) Research supported by CNRS-RAS cooperation program No. 16394.
"Resilient Static Output Feedback Stabilization of Linear Periodic Systems",
C. Farges, D. Peaucelle, D. Arzelier,
5-7 July 2006, Toulouse, France.
"Robust Static Output Feedback Stabilization for Polytopic Uncertain Systems: Improving the Guaranteed Performance Bound",
D. Arzelier, D.Peaucelle and S.Salhi,
Milan, Italy, June 2003.
"Robust Multi-Objective State-Feedback Control for Real Parametric Uncertainties via Parameter-Dependent Lyapunov Functions",
D. Arzelier and D. Peaucelle,
Prague, June 2000.
IEEE conferences
on Control Applications
and Computational Aspects
of Control System Design
"Time Varying Attitude Control Strategies for the Myriade Satellites",
A.-R. Luzi, J.-M. Biannic, D. Peaucelle, J. Mignot,
October 3-5, 2012, Dubrovnik (LAAS Tech. Report N°12229)
"Robust Analysis of the Longitudinal Control of a Civil Aircraft using RoMulOC",
G. Chevarria, D. Peaucelle, D. Arzelier, G. Puyou,
IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Aided Control System Design,
8-10 September 2010, Yokohama. (LAAS Tech. Report N°10120)
"Lyapunov and passivity methods for robust and adaptive control of complex mechanical systems and networks",
D. Peaucelle, A. Fradkov,
8-10 July 2009, St Petersburg (Invited session).
"Stabilization and passification of uncertain systems via static output feedback",
P. Pakshin, D. Peaucelle,
8-10 July 2009, St Petersburg. (LAAS Tech. Report N°09883)
"Adaptive identification of angular motion model parameters for LAAS helicopter benchmark",
Dimitri Peaucelle, Alexander Fradkov, Boris Andrievsky,
1-3 October 2007, Singapore. Research supported by CNRS-RAS cooperation program No. 19134.
"Robust Multi-Objective Control toolbox",
D. Peaucelle, D. Arzelier,
4-6 October 2006, Munich, Germany.
"Robust impulse-to-peak synthesis: Application to the control of an aerospace launcher",
D. Arzelier and D. Peaucelle,
September 2-4, 2004, Taipei, Taiwan, September 2-4, 2004.
"SeDuMi Interface 1.02 : a Tool for Solving LMI Problems with SeDuMi",
Y. Labit, D. Peaucelle and D. Henrion,
Glasgow, September 2002.
IFAC workshops
"Adaptive Control LMI-based design for descriptor systems rational in the uncertainties",
H. Leduc, D. Peaucelle, Ch. Pittet,
IFAC International Workshop on Adaptation and Learning in Control and Signal Processing
june 29 - july 1, 2016, Eindhoven
DOI 10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.07.940
(LAAS Tech. Report N°15620)
"Structured adaptive control for solving LMIs",
A.-R. Luzi, A.L. Fradkov, J.-M. Biannic, D. Peaucelle,
IFAC International Workshop on
Adaptation and Learning in Control and Signal Processing
july 3-5, 2013, Caen (LAAS Tech. Report N°13042)
"Robust LFR-based technique for stability analysis of periodic solutions",
Dimitri Peaucelle, Christophe Farges, Denis Arzelier,
29-31 August 2007, St Petersburg.
"Robust and adaptive control of complex systems",
Dimitri Peaucelle, Alexander Fradkov,
29-31 August 2007, St Petersburg. (invited session).
"Adaptive parameter identification for simplified 3D-motion model of LAAS helicopter benchmark",
Sylvain Le Gac, Dimitri Peaucelle, Alexander Fradkov, Boris Andrievsky,
29-31 August 2007, St Petersburg. Research supported by CNRS-RAS cooperation program No. 19134. (paper in an invited session)
"LMI conditions for robust adaptive control of LTI systems",
Dimitri Peaucelle, Alexander Fradkov,
29-31 August 2007, St Petersburg. Research supported by CNRS-RAS cooperation program No. 19134. (paper in an invited session)
"Delay-Dependent Stability Analysis of Linear Time Delay Systems",
F. Gouaisbaut, D. Peaucelle,
10-12 July 2006, L’Aquila, Italy.
"LMI formulation for the resilient dynamic output feedback stabilization of linear periodic systems",
C. Farges, D. Peaucelle, D. Arzelier,
26-28 April 2006, Cachan, France.
IFAC symposium
on Aerospace
Control Applications
"LMI-based design of a robust direct adaptive attitude control for a satellite with uncertain parameters",
H. Leduc, D. Peaucelle, Ch. Pittet,
IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace
August 21-25, 2016, Sherbrooke
DOI 10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.09.063
(LAAS Tech. Report N°16051)
"Static input allocation for reaction wheels desaturation using magnetorquers",
J.F. Tregouët, D. Arzelier, D. Peaucelle, L. Zaccarian
IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace
september 2-6, 2013, Wurzburg (LAAS Tech. Report N°13431)
"Robust analysis of Demeter benchmark via quadratic separation",
D. Peaucelle, A. Bortott, F. Gouaisbaut, D. Arzelier, C. Pittet,
IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace,
6-10 September 2010, Nara. (LAAS Tech. Report N°10098)
"Resilient structured periodic H2 synthesis for a spacecraft in elliptical orbits",
Christophe Farges, Dimitri Peaucelle, Alain Theron, Denis Arzelier,
IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace,
25-29 june 2007, Toulouse.
"Adaptive passification-based fault-tolerant flight control",
Alexander Fradkov, Boris Andrievsky, Dimitri Peaucelle,
IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace,
25-29 june 2007, Toulouse. Research supported by CNRS-RAS cooperation program No. 19134.
"State estimation over the limited-band communication channel for pitch motion control of LAAS helicopter benchmark",
Boris Andrievsky, Alexander Fradkov, Dimitri Peaucelle,
IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace,
25-29 june 2007, Toulouse. Research supported by CNRS-RAS cooperation program No. 19134.
"Multiobjective H2/Hinfinity/Impulse-to-Peak synthesis: Application to the control of an aerospace launcher",
D. Arzelier and D. Peaucelle,
St Petersburg, Russia, June 14-18, 2004. (pdf).
other Aerospace conferences
"Adaptive attitude control of a microsatellite during payload deployment ",
H. Leduc, Ch. Pittet, D. Peaucelle
NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems
july 24-27, 2017, Pasadena (LAAS Tech. Report N°17029)
"In Flight Results of Adaptive Attitude Control law for a Microsatellite",
Ch. Pittet, A.R. Luzi, D. Peaucelle, J.M. Biannic, J. Mignot
ESA Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control Systems
june 2-6, 2014, Porto (LAAS Tech. Report N°14562)
"Structured adaptive attitude control applied on a Myriade simulation benchmark",
A.-R. Luzi, J. Mignot, D. Peaucelle, J.-M. Biannic,
AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference
august 19-22, 2013, Boston (LAAS Tech. Report N°13095)
"Adaptive Control of Pitch Angle for LAAS 'Helicopter' Benchmark",
B.R. Andrievsky, D. Arzelier, A. Fradkov, D. Peaucelle,
International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems,
23-25 May 2005, St Petersburg, Russia. Research supported by CNRS-RAS cooperation program No. 16394.
Conferences in french
"Commande adaptative structurée avec sigma-modification et application au contrôle d’attitude satellite",
A.-R. Luzi, J.-M. Biannic, D. Peaucelle, J. Mignot,
July 4-6, 2012, Grenoble (LAAS Tech. Report N°12227)
"Réduction, Contrôle, Analyse et Diagnostic en Aéronautique et Spatial",
Ch. Poussot-Vassal, D. Peaucelle,
July 4-6, 2012, Grenoble (Invited session)
"Contrôle d'attitude périodique avec magnéto-coupleurs et roues à réactions",
J.F. Tregouët, D. Arzelier, D. Peaucelle, C. Pittet, A. Falcoz,
9-10 June 2011, Marseille (LAAS Tech. Report N°11173)
"Méthodes LMI de stabilisation des sytèmes linéaires périodiques",
C. Farges, D. Peaucelle, D. Arzelier,
5-7 September 2005, Lyon, France.
"Quelques perspectives pour la programmation mathématique en théorie de la commande robuste",
P. Apkarian, D. Arzelier, D. Henrion and D. Peaucelle,
pages 268-270, February 2003.
"Une méthode itérative pour la synthèse mixte H2/Hinfini par retour de sortie statique",
D. Arzelier, D. Peaucelle and R. Ariza,
Nantes, France, July 2002.
"Incertitudes Structurées et Analyse de Performance Robuste",
D. Peaucelle and D. Arzelier,
Journées Doctorales d'Automatique,
Nancy, France, September 1999, pages 165-168 (in French).
SICE conferences
"Decentralized Control of Interconnected Positive Systems Using L1 Gain Characterization",
Y. Ebihara, D. Peaucelle, D. Arzelier,
SICE Annual Conference on Control Systems,
March, 2012, Nara. (LAAS Tech. Report N°12426)
"Optimal L1-Controller Synthesis for Positive Systems and Its Robustness Properties",
Y. Ebihara, D. Peaucelle, D. Arzelier,
SICE Annual Conference on Control Systems,
March, 2012, Nara. (LAAS Tech. Report N°11607)
"Robustness Analysis of Uncertain Discrete-Time Linear Systems based on System Lifting and LMIs",
Y. Ebihara, D. Peaucelle, D. Arzelier,
18-21 August 2009, Fukuoka. (LAAS Tech. Report N°09880)
"LMI-based Periodically Time-Varying Dynamical Controller Synthesis for Discrete-Time Uncertain Linear Systems",
Y. Ebihara, D. Peaucelle, D. Arzelier,
SICE Annual Conference on Control Systems,
5-7 March 2008, Kyoto.
"Comparison Between SOS Approach and Slack Variable Approach for Non-negativity Check of Polynomial Functions",
Masayuki Sato, Dimitri Peaucelle,
SICE Annual Conference on Control Systems,
6-8 March 2007, Chofu, Tokyo.
other conferences
"Comparison of Adaptive Control Laws on a Satellite Attitude Control Benchmark",
Y. Lahana, M. Mancini, D. Peaucelle, E. Capello, H. Evain
CoDIT 3-6 Juil. 2023, Rome
"Multi-Performance State-Feedback for Time-Varying Linear Systems",
T. Conord, D. Peaucelle
IFAC-MICNON 15-17 Sep. 2021, Tokyo
"Continuous quaternion based almost global attitude tracking",
T. Conord, D. Peaucelle
IEEE-CCTA 8-11 Aug. 2021, San Diego
"Output Feedback Stabilizing Control and Passification of Switching Diffusion Systems",
P. Pakshin, D. Peaucelle,
5-9 July 2010, Budapest. (LAAS Tech. Report N°10438)
"Stabilization of linear systems with state dependent noise via output feedback and its application to robust control design",
P.V. Pakshin, D. Peaucelle , T.Ye. Zhilina,
19-21 August 2009, Miedzyzdroje. (LAAS Tech. Report N°09882)
"Robust Multi-Objective Control Laws for the Formation Flight: The Interferometric Cartwheel",
D. Arzelier, D. Peaucelle, A. Theron,
STAB'08 (International workshop "stability and oscillations of nonlinear control systems"),
3-6 June 2008, Moscow.
"LMI-based Design of Robust Adaptive Control for Linear Systems with Time-Varying Uncertainties",
D. Peaucelle, H.M. Khan,
STAB'08 (International workshop "stability and oscillations of nonlinear control systems"),
3-6 June 2008, Moscow.
"Stability analysis of time-varying delay systems in quadratic separation framework",
F. Gouaisbaut, Y. Ariba, D. Peaucelle,
ICNPAA 2008 (Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Sciences),
25-27 June 2008, Genova.
"Robust Stabilization of Matrix Polytopes with the Cone Complementarity Linearization Algorithm: Numerical Issues",
D. Henrion, D. Arzelier and D. Peaucelle,
13th Conference Process Control '01,
Strbske Pleso, June 2001.
"Quadratic Stabilisability and Disk Pole Assignment for Generalised Uncertainty Models - An LMI Approach",
D. Peaucelle, D. Arzelier and G. Garcia,
2nd IMACS multiconference CESA,
vol. 1, april 1998, pages 650-655.