Projects and grants
ANITI (Artificial and Natural Intelligence Toulouse Institute) Chair "Combining Polynomial Optimization and Machine Learning:
Application to Power System Decision Support Tools". Period: 2024-2028. Leaders: Victor Magron (LAAS-CNRS), Patrick Panciatici (RTE). Participants: Didier Henrion (LAAS-CNRS), Milan Korda (LAAS-CNRS), Jean-Bernard Lasserre (LAAS-CNRS), Georg Loho (Univ. Twente), Manuel Ruiz (RTE), Mateusz Skomra (LAAS-CNRS).
Jan Amos Komensky (JAK) project ROBOPROX (Robotics and advanced industrial production) CZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/0004590. Period: 2024-2028.
Funded by the Czech Ministry of Education and the European Union.
Project coordinator: Zdenek Hanzalek (Czech Tech Univ Prague).
Research conducted jointly with Milan Korda, Jean Bernard Lasserre and Martin Kruzik. Topic: Convex relaxations for non-convex problems in materials and industrial design.
European Commission Marie Sklodowska-Curie Doctoral Network
TENORS (Tensor modEliNg, geOmetRy and optimiSation). Period: 2024-2027. Project coordinator: Bernard Mourrain (INRIA Sophia, Nice). Partners: Monique Laurent (CWI-NWO Amsterdam), Salma Kuhlmann (Univ Konstanz), Bernd Sturmfels (MPI Leipzig), Alessandra Bernardi (Univ. Trento), Giorgio Ottaviani (Univ. Florence), Cordian Riener (Univ. Tromsoe), Jakub Marecek (Czech Tech. Univ. Prague), Antonio Acin (ICFO Barcelona), Michael Gabay (Artelys France).
GACR Research project 22-15524S. Period: 2022-2024. Funded by the Grant Agency of the
Czech Republic (GACR). Project leader: Jan Zeman (FSv-CVUT Prague).
Research conducted jointly with Michal Kocvara (UTIA-AVCR Prague and Univ. Birmingham), Vyacheslav Kungurstev (FEL-CVUT Prague), Jakub Marecek (FEL-CVUT Prague), Marek Tyburec (FSv-CVUT Prague).
Topic: Polynomial optimization in the design of globally optimal frame structures under dynamic loads.
French-Czech project Barrande. Period: 2020-2022. Topic: Solving non-convex calculus of variations problems with the Lasserre hierarchy. Project leaders: Didier Henrion (LAAS-CNRS Toulouse), Martin Kruzik (UTIA-AVCR Prague). Participants: Milan Korda, Tacchi Matteo (LAAS-CNRS Toulouse), Paolo Gidoni, Petr Pelech, Jan Valdman (UTIA-AVCR Prague).
ECOS Nord France project with Colombia. Period: 2019-2021. Topic: Moment problems in control and optimization. Project leaders: Fabrice Gamboa (Univ Toulouse), Mauricio Velasco (Univ Los Andes Bogota). Participants: Yohann de Castro (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech), Thierry Klein (Univ Toulouse), Didier Henrion (LAAS-CNRS), Jean Bernard Lasserre (LAAS-CNRS).
European Commission Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network
POEMA (Polynomial Optimization, Efficiency through Moments and Algebra). Period: 2019-2023. Project coordinator: Bernard Mourrain (INRIA Sophia, Nice). Partners: Mohab Safey El Din (Sorbonne Univ, Paris), Monique Laurent (CWI-NWO Amsterdam), Etienne de Klerk (Tilburg Univ), Markus Schweighofer (Univ Konstanz), Giorgio Ottaviani (Univ. Florence), Michael Stingl (Univ. Erlangen Nurnberg), Michal Kocvara (Univ. Birmingham), Cordian Riener (Univ. Tromsoe), Michael Gabay (Artelys France), Martin Mevissen (IBM Research Ireland), Mike Dewar (Numerical Algorithms Group), Jean Maeght (RTE France).
ARC (Australian Research Council) Discovery Project on "New Mathematics for Multiextremal Semialgebraic Optimization and Diffusion Tensor Imaging". Period: 2018-2021. Project leader: Vaithilingam Jeyakumar (The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia). Participants: Guoyin Li (The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia), Jean Bernard Lasserre (LAAS-CNRS Univ. Toulouse), Liqun Qi (Hong Kong Polytechnic University), Didier Henrion (LAAS-CNRS Univ. Toulouse).
Research contract with the French company RTE. Period: 2017-2021. Topic: stability analysis for electric power networks. Participants: Patrick Pantiatici (RTE), Carmen Cardozo (RTE), Matteo Tacchi (RTE and LAAS-CNRS), Jean Bernard Lasserre (LAAS-CNRS), Didier Henrion (LAAS-CNRS).
ANR Young Researcher Project FEANICSES. Funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR).
Period: 2018-2021. Project leader: Pierre-Loic Garoche (ONERA Toulouse). Participants: Remi Delmas (ONERA Toulouse), Pierre Roux (ONERA Toulouse), Xavier Thirioux (ISAE), Christophe Garion (ISAE), Paul Rousse (ISAE), Alexandre Chapoutot (ENSTA ParisTech Saclay), Didier Henrion (LAAS-CNRS Toulouse), Behcet Acikmese (Univ. Washington Seattle), Eric Feron (Georgia Tech Atlanta), Guillaume Brat (NASA Ames), Hamza Bourbouh (NASA Ames). Topic: Formal and Exhaustive Analyses of Numerical Intensive Control Software for Embedded Systems.
PICS (Projet International de Collaboration Scientifique) with the Czech Republic.
Period: 2016-2018 Funded by the French CNRS. Project leader: Didier Henrion.
Research conducted jointly with Martin Kruzik (UTIA, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague).
Topic: Semidefinite relaxations for polynomial optimization and differential equations.
GACR Research project 16-19526S. Period: 2016-2018. Funded by the Grant Agency of the
Czech Republic (GACR). Project leader: Didier Henrion.
Research conducted jointly with Martin Hromcik and Ivo Herman.
Semidefinite programming certification of control laws for emerging
transportation projects.
ERC Advanced Grant TAMING.
Funded by the European Research Council. Grant holder: Jean-Bernard Lasserre,
LAAS-CNRS Univ. Toulouse. Topic: polynomial optimization. Period: 2015-2019.
NSF CPS Synergy project SORTIES. Semantics of Optimization for Real Time Intelligent Embedded Systems. Principal Investigator: Eric Feron, Georgia Tech, Atlanta. Period: 2015-2017.
ANR Research project FastRelax.
Funded by the French National Research Agency
(ANR). Period: 2014-2017. Topic: Fast and reliable approximation algorithms.
Project leader: Bruno Salvy (INRIA and ENS Lyon). Research conducted
jointly with Sylvie Boldo (INRIA Orsay),
Nicolas Brisebarre (ENS Lyon),
Silviu Ioan Filip (ENS Lyon),
Stef Graillat (Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie Paris),
Guillaume Hanrot (ENS Lyon),
Mioara Joldes (CNRS LAAS Toulouse),
Vincent Lefevre (INRIA and ENS Lyon),
Christophe Louembet (Univ. Paul Sabatier Toulouse),
Assia Mahboubi (INRIA Saclay),
Guillaume Melquiond (INRIA Orsay),
Marc Mezzarobba (CNRS LIP6 Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie Paris),
Jean-Michel Muller (INRIA and ENS Lyon),
Damien Pous (CNRS and ENS Lyon),
Laurence Rideau (INRIA Sophia Antipolis),
Enrico Tassi (INRIA Saclay),
Laurent Thery (INRIA Sophia Antipolis),
Serge Torres (ENS Lyon).
Marie Curie European Industrial Doctorate Project ARRAYCON
between the Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
and the LMS company in Leuven, Belgium. Project coordinator:
Michael Sebek (CTU Prague CZ). Period: 2013-2016.
Participants: Jan Anthonis (LMS
Leuven BE), Didier Henrion (LAAS-CNRS Toulouse FR), Wim Desmet
and Bert Pluymer (KU Leuven BE), Martin Kozek (TU Wien).
Topic: distributed control for flexible structures.
Project of the Gaspard Monge program for
optimisation and operations research, funded
by the Fondation Mathematiques Jacques Hadamard.
Period: 2013. Project leader: Jean-Bernard Lasserre
(LAAS-CNRS). Topic: polynomial optimization.
Czech-French project between the
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and the
French CNRS. Period: 2013-2014.
Project leader: Didier Henrion (LAAS-CNRS).
Research conducted jointly with Martin Kruzik (UTIA-AVCR).
Topic: semidefinite programming for problems
of calculus of variations.
Project VORACE
(Verification des Optimisations Rapides
Appliquee a la Commande Embarquee - Verified fast optimization
for embedded control), funded by the ASTRID
programme of the DGA (Direction Generale de l'Armement -
French Government Defense Agency) and managed by ANR
(Agence Nationale de la Recherche -
French National Research Agency). Period: 2013 - 2017.
Project leader: Marc Pantel. Research conducted jointly
with Michael Dierkes (Rockwell-Collins), Eric Feron (ENAC/INP),
Pierre-Loic Garoche (ONERA), Mioara Joldes (LAAS-CNRS),
Jean-Bernard Lasserre (LAAS-CNRS),
Marc Pantel (IRIT/ENSEEIHT), Xavier Thirioux (IRIT/ENSEEIHT).
Numerical study of structured H-infinity design methods
for satellite attitude control. Period: 2013. Study carried out
by CNES (French national space agency), EADS Astrium and Thales
Alenia Space.
GACR Research project 13-06894S. Period: 2013-2015. Funded by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (GACR). Project leader: Didier Henrion.
Research conducted jointly with Martin Hromcik and Michael Sebek.
Topic: semidefinite programming for polynomial optimal control.
French-Italian CNRS-CNR joint project.
Period: 2012-2013.
Project leaders: Dimitri Peaucelle (LAAS-CNRS Toulouse)
and Fabrizio Dabbene (IEIIT-CNR Torino).
Topic: convex optimization and randomized algorithms
for robust control.
Awarded by the Simone and Cino del Duca foundation of the Institut de France,
upon recommendation by a committee of the French Académie des Sciences chaired by
Prof. Catherine Bréchignac. Topic: semidefinite programming
and algebraic geometry for systems control. Project leader: Didier Henrion.
Research conducted jointly with Denis Arzelier, Mathieu Claeys,
Martin Mevissen, Jean-Bernard Lasserre at LAAS-CNRS, Univ. Toulouse.
ANR Research project GEOLMI.
Funded by the French National Research Agency
(ANR). Period: 2011-2015. Topic: Geometry and Algebra of
Linear Matrix Inequalities with Systems Control Applications.
Project leader: Didier Henrion. Research conducted
jointly with Roland Hildebrand, Jerome Malick (LJK-CNRS and INRIA Univ. Grenoble),
Laurent Buse, Bernard Mourrain, Evelyne Hubert (INRIA Univ. Nice),
Jean-Charles Faugere, Mohab Safey El Din, Philippe Trebuchet (LIP6-CNRS and INRIA Univ. Paris),
Daniele Faenzi, Jean Valles (LMA-CNRS Univ. Pau), Ronan Quarez (IRMAR-CNRS Univ. Rennes),
Jean-Bernard Lasserre (LAAS-CNRS Univ. Toulouse).
Industrial project SAFE-V (Space Application Flight control
Enhancement of Validation Framework). Period: 2011-2012. Funded by ESA-ESTEC (European Space Research and
Technology Center or the European Space Agency),
coordinated by EADS Astrium Space Transportation.
Research conducted jointly with NGC Aerospace France and
Leicester University, involving Didier Henrion (leader)
and Dimitri Peaucelle at LAAS-CNRS Toulouse. Topic:
positive polynomials, integral quadratic separators
and LMIs for robustness analysis of launchers in
atmospheric flight and orbital manoeuvre.
PEPS (Projet Exploratoire Pluridisciplinaire) Automelemi.
Period: 2010-2011. Funded by the French CNRS
Institute of Engineering Sciences (INSIS). Project leader:
Didier Henrion (LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse). Research conducted
jointly with Jerome Malick (LJK-CNRS and INRIA Grenoble)
and Roland Hildebrand (LJK-CNRS Grenoble). Topic:
new LMI modeling and LMI solvers in automatic control.
PEPS (Projet Exploratoire Pluridisciplinaire) Optiforme.
Period: 2010-2011. Funded by the French CNRS
Institutes of Mathematics (INSMI), Information Sciences (INS2I)
and Engineering Sciences (INSIS). Project leader: Terence Bayen
(Univ. Montpellier). Research conducted jointly with Patrick Redont
(Univ. Montpellier), Jean-Baptiste Hiriart-Urruty, Pierre Marechal
(Univ. Toulouse), Jean-Bernard Lasserre (LAAS-CNRS Toulouse),
Marc Fuentes (INRIA Nancy). Topic: semidefinite programming
for 2D and 3D optimal shape design.
GACR Research project 103/10/0628. Period: 2010-2012. Funded by the Grant Agency of the
Czech Republic (GACR). Project leader: Didier Henrion.
Research conducted jointly with Petra Sindelarova and Sergej
Celikovsky. Topic: semidefinite programming for nonlinear dynamical systems.
MSTIC project LMI/SDP2 funded by the University of Grenoble.
Period: 2009 - 2010. Project leader: Jerome Malick, Univ.
Grenoble, France.
Research conducted jointly with Claude Lemarechal (INRIA Grenoble)
and Frederic Roupin (Univ. Paris 6).
Topic: new algorithms for
linear matrix inequalities in combinatorial optimisation
and systems control.
French-UK international joint project of the UK Royal Society.
Period: 2009 - 2010.
Project leader: Michal Kocvara, University of Birmingham, UK.
Topic: Polynomial semidefinite programming with control applications.
French-Czech joint project Barrande.
Period: 2009-2010.
Handled on the French side by Egide
(French Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and on the Czech side by
the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic.
Project leader: Didier Henrion (LAAS-CNRS Toulouse).
Research conducted jointly with Tomas Vyhlidal and Pavel Zitek
(Czech Technical University in Prague).
Topic: optimisation and algebraic geometry for time-delay control systems.
French-Polish joint project Polonium.
Period: 2009-2010.
Handled on the French side by Egide
(French Ministry of Foreign Affairs).
Project leader: Olivier Bachelier (University of Poitiers).
Research conducted jointly with Krzysztof Galkowksi
(University of Torun).
Topic: robust analysis and design for uncertain
multidimensional systems.
PEPS (Projet Exploratoire Pluridisciplinaire) GeoLMI. Period:
2008-2009. Funded by the French CNRS
Information and Engineering Technology Sciences (ST2I)
department. Project coordinator: Didier Henrion (LAAS-CNRS Toulouse).
Research conducted jointly with Daniele Faenzi, Jean Valles
(Univ. Pau), Roland Hildebrand, Jerome Malick (LJK-CNRS
Grenoble). Topic: geometry and algebra for semidefinite
French-Belgian joint project Tournesol.
Period: 2008-2009.
Handled on the French side by Egide
(French Ministry of Foreign Affairs).
Project leader: Didier Henrion (LAAS-CNRS Toulouse).
Research conducted jointly with Francois Glineur (Universite Catholique
de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve). Topic: optimization and positive polynomials:
numerical aspects.
PICS (International Scientific Cooperation Project) between BFBR (Russian
Foundation for Basic Research) and the French CNRS.
Period: 2008-2010.
Project leader: Dimitri Peaucelle (LAAS-CNRS, FR). Research conducted
jointly with IPME-RAS (St Petersburg, RU), IPU-RAS (Moscow, RU),
LSS-Supelec-CNRS (Paris, FR), INRIA (Paris, FR). Topic: robust and adaptive control.
Bilateral project No. 20219 between the
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and the
French CNRS. Period: 2007-2008.
Project leader: Didier Henrion (LAAS-CNRS Toulouse).
Research conducted jointly with Sergej Celikovsky (Institute of Information Theory and
Automation). Topic: positive polynomials and LMI optimization in robust and
nonlinear control.
ECO-NET project No. 12575XL. Period: 2006-2007.
Funded by the the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and
handled by Egide.
Project leader: Didier Henrion (LAAS-CNRS, FR).
Research conducted jointly with Denis Arzelier (LAAS-CNRS, FR),
Dimitri Peaucelle (LAAS-CNRS, FR), Michael Sebek (Czech Technical
University in Prague, CZ), Sergej Celikovsky (Academy of Sciences of the
Czech Republic, CZ), Miroslav Fikar (Slovak Technical University in
Bratislava, SK), Alexander Fradkov (Institute of Problems of Mechanical
Engineering, RU).
Topic: Polynomial optimization for complex systems.
GACR Research project 102/06/0652. Period: 2006-2008. Funded by the Grant Agency of the
Czech Republic (GACR). Project leader: Didier Henrion.
Research conducted jointly with Michal Kocvara (2006)
and Petra Sindelarova (2007-2008).
Topic: software for polynomial matrix inequality optimization.
ANR Research project MOGA No. NT05-3-41612. Period: 2006-2008. Funded by the French National Research Agency
(ANR). Project leader: Jean-Bernard Lasserre.
Topic: moments, optimization and algebraic geometry.
UK EPSRC First Grant Scheme. Period: 2006-2007.
Funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).
Project leader: Mahbub Gani, Division of Engineering, King’s College London.
Research conducted jointly with Fuwen Yang. Topic: Robust Calibration for
High Performance Analog-to-Digital Conversion.
Research contract between CNRS
and the French aerospace propulsion and equipment company
SNECMA (now part of the SAFRAN group). September 2005 - December 2008.
Research conducted jointly with Jacques Bernussou and SNECMA
Moteurs Villaroche. Topic: robust multivariable control of
aircraft turbofan engines.
Bilateral project No. 16394 between the Russian Academy of
Sciences and the French CNRS. Period: January 2003 - December
2004. Project coordinator: Dimitri Peaucelle (LAAS-CNRS).
Research conducted jointly with Denis Arzelier (LAAS-CNRS),
B. Andrievsky and A. Fradkov (Institute for Problems of Mechanical
Engineering). Topic: theory and algorithms for robust control of
complex systems.
Action Specifique MOCOROVA (MOdelisation et COmmande RObuste des
Vehicules Aerospatiaux = modeling and robust control of aerospace
vehicles) No. AS 201. Period: September 2003 -
August 2004. Funded by the French CNRS Communication and
Information Science and Technology (STIC) Department, as part of the
Pluridisciplinary Thematic Network No. 46 on
aerospace systems. Project coordinator: Denis Arzelier.
Topic: robust control of aerospace vehicles.
LAAS project OLOCEP (Outils Logiciels pour l'Optimisation en
Commande et Evaluation de Performance = software tools for
optimization in control and performance evaluation)
No. 03.7. Period: September 2003 - August 2006.
Funded by LAAS-CNRS. Project coordinator: Dimitri
Peaucelle. Research conducted jointly with
Denis Arzelier and Jean-Bernard Lasserre.
Topic: optimization software in control and performance evaluation.
Bilateral project No. 14678 between the
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and the
French CNRS. Period: January 2003 - December 2004. Research conducted
jointly with Sergej Celikovsky, Institute of Information Theory and
Automation. Topic: positive polynomials and optimization in robust and
nonlinear control.
MathSTIC project No. 41/2002. Period: July 2002 - June 2003.
Funded by the French CNRS Communication and Information Science
and Technology (STIC) and Physics and Mathematics (SPM)
Departments. Project coordinators: Jean-Bernard Lasserre (LAAS-CNRS) and
Jean-Baptiste Hiriart-Urruty (MIP Laboratory, Universite Paul
Sabatier, Toulouse). Topic: semidefinite programming in optimization
and control.
NATO Collaborative Linkage Grant No. PST.CLG.978481.
Period: November 2001 - October
2003. Funded by the NATO Scientific and Environmental Affairs
Division. Research conducted jointly with Michael Sebek, Center of
Applied Cybernetics, Czech Technical University in Prague.
Topic: computer algorithms for polynomial methods in
signals and systems.
Research contract between CNRS
and the French aerospace propulsion and equipment company
SNECMA (now part of the SAFRAN group). June 2001 - August 2005.
Research conducted jointly with Jacques Bernussou and SNECMA
Moteurs Villaroche. Topic: robust multivariable control of
aircraft turbofan engines.
Young Researcher Grant JemSTIC No. 01N80/0474.
Period: October 2001 - September 2003.
Funded by the French CNRS Communication and Information Science
and Technology Department (STIC). Research conducted
jointly with Denis Arzelier and Dimitri Peaucelle.
Topic: mathematical programming for open problems in control theory.
French-Czech joint project Barrande No. 03080XJ/2001-031-1.
Period: January 2001 - December 2002.
Funded by the French 'Ministere des Affaires
Etrangeres', 'Ministere de la Recherche',
'Ministere de l'Education
Nationale' and the Czech 'Ministerstvo
skolstvi, Mladeze a Telovychovy'. Handled on the French side by Egide
(French Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and on the Czech side by
the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic.
Research conducted jointly with Michael Sebek, Institute of Information Theory
and Automation, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
Topic: convex optimization and polynomial methods in robust control.
Mexican research project No. 31844-A. Period: 2000-2001. Funded by
the Mexican Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia
(CONACYT). Research conducted by Javier Ruiz Leon,
Centro de Investigacion y Estudios Avanzados (CINVESTAV) del Instituto
Politecnico Nacional, Unidad Guadalajara, Mexico. Topic: development
of numerical algorithms for linear and nonlinear systems control.
European Network of Excellence EUROPOLY No. CP97:7010.
Period: October 1998 - September 2001. Funded by the 4th RTD Framework
Programme Inco/Copernicus of the European Commission. Project
coordinator: Michael Sebek, Institute of Information Theory
and Automation, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
Topic: industrial applications of polynomial methods in
control and signal processing.
French-Czech joint project Barrande No. 97/005-97/026.
Period: January 1997 - December 1999.
Funded by the French 'Ministere des Affaires
Etrangeres', 'Ministere de la Recherche et de l'Education
Nationale' and the Czech 'Ministerstvo Skolstvi, Mladeze a
Telovychovy'. Research conducted jointly with Michael Sebek,
Institute of Information Theory and Automation,
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
Topic: numerical methods for polynomial matrices in control.