M. Rozloznik: Symmetric indefinite factorization and orthogonalization with respect to bilinear form In this contribution we study the numerical behavior of orthogonalization schemes for computing vectors that are mutually orthogonal with respect to the bilinear form induced by asymmetric indefinite but nonsingular matrix. Under assumption on strong nonsingularity of this matrix we develop bounds for the extremal singular values of the triangular factor that comes from is symmetric indefinite factorization. It appears that they depend on the the extremal singular values of the matrix and of only those principal submatrices where there is a change of sign in the associated subminors. Using these results we analyze two types of schemes used for orthogonalization and we give the worst-case bounds for quantities computed in finite precision arithmetic. In particular, we analyze the QR implementation based on the symmetric indefinite factorization and the Gram-Schmidt process with respect to this bilinear form. We consider also their versions with reorthogonalization and with one step of iterative refinement.