
Claude Baron is a Professor at the "Institut National des Sciences Appliquées" of Toulouse, an international, pluridisciplinary,  state engineering school, recognised for the excellence of its five-year education which attracts students of a high academic level from France and abroad (https://www.insa-toulouse.fr/en). INSA Toulouse belongs to the INSA Group, a French network of graduate engineering schools (https://www.groupe-insa.fr/en).

She is also very much involved in teaching and proud to convey the values of her University. INSA students and alumni are passionate about engineering and are able to collaborate over cultural and social boundaries; they understand the impact of their work on both an individual and international scale. 

Claude teaches at all undergraduate (algorithm and programming) but mostly at MSc levels: systems engineering, system design and modelling and system/software dependability, with applications in real time, critical or embedded software and systems (avionics, automotive...).

She is involved in supervising graduate students projects and internships.

She has been very active in curriculum renewal and in designing co-curricular initiatives (in systems engineering, in embedded critical software) for graduates. She enjoys experimenting new pedagogical approaches (project based pedagogy, self-regulated learning, inverted classrom, interactive teaching, ...).

She has provided several training sessions in companies in her fields of expertise.

Claude authored a MOOC on Embedded Critical Systems and IoT, first French MOOC on Embedded Systems and first MOOC produced by the University of Toulouse :

See here for more information about this MOOC.

Hebdo INSA Mars 2018, Communiqué INSA GEI

See on the DGEI INSA webpage for detailes on teaching.

She recently got interested in teaching new courses, such as Ethics in engineering and in research, Technical Design and Art, or Environmental impact of engineering.

She contributed to the creation of an online Master in Computer Science dedicated to lifelong learning for engineers. She leads a project to create an online 3rd year of Bachelor on IoT to support the development of digital education in Africa. She is involved in a project of the French Digital University in Engineering and Technology to produce a series of small free online teaching units for an online bachelor's degree in engineering.

She gave several international trainings (in Mexico, Marocco, China, Algeria...) and industrial trainings (Alstom, Thales, Schneider-Electric, ...).