
  1. Aerial Manipulation and Physical Interaction with Multi-directional Thrust Platforms , University of Technology of Sydney , Sydney , Australia , May , 2018
  2. Towards a taxonomy on aerial platforms with multi-directional thrust: current and future challenges in design, control and trajectory generation , Workshop on Aerial Robotic Inspection and Maintenance: Research Challenges, Field Experience and Industry Needs at 2018 IEEE ICRA , Brisbane , Australia , May , 2018
  3. Flying Robots: generic designs and control algorithms for a robust aerial physical interaction and manipulation , Italian Institute of Technology , Genoa , Italy , January , 2018
  4. Generic aerial systems: an etymological approach to the design and control of aerial robots , University of Southern California , Los Angeles , USA , December , 2017
  5. Towards Aerial Physical Locomotion: the Hook-Fly-Hook Problem , Workshop Locomotion and Manipulation: Unifying Solutions Across Aerial and Terrestrial Regimes at the IEEE Humanoids , Birmingham , United Kingdom , November , 2017
  6. Graph-Theoretical and Passivity-based Distributed Algorithms for Multi-robot Motion Control , Workshop Cross-disciplinary approaches for building intelligent swarms of drones , Toulouse , France , November , 2017
  7. Aerial Robotics: back to the etymology - how I started to like generic rotor configurations , GIPSA Lab , Grenoble , France , November , 2017
  8. Multi-directional-thrust vehicles: A synopsis on generic rotor configurations , GT UAV 2017 , Toulouse , France , October , 2017
  9. Aerial Robotics: Back to the Etymology , Czech Technical University in Prague , Prague , Czech Republic , August , 2017
  10. Aerial Robotics: Back to the Etymology , University of Zurich , Zurich , Switzerland , August , 2017
  11. Aerial Robotics: Back to the Etymology , ETH , Zurich , Switzerland , August , 2017
  12. Modeling and Control of Aerial Vehicles for Manipulation and Physical Interaction , Tutorial on Modeling, Estimation, and Control of Aerial Vehicles, IFAC WC 2017 , Toulouse , France , July , 2017
  13. Towards MAGMaS: Multi-Robot Aerial-Ground Manipulator Systems , ICRA 2017 Workshop on Autonomous Structural Monitoring and Maintenance using Aerial Robots , Singapore , Singapore , May , 2017
  14. What if my Hand had Flying Fingers? , ICRA 2017 Workshop on Human-Multi Robot System Interaction , Singapore , Singapore , June , 2017
  15. Aerial Robots that do not Stumble on Physical Interaction , Workshop on Aerial Robotics at the Museum of Air and Space , Paris , France , March , 2017
  16. Service Aerial Robots with Physical Interaction Abilities , University of Zurich , Zurich , Switzerland , December , 2016
  17. Decentralized Estimation and Control Methods for Cooperative Robot Motion , Seoul National University , Seoul , South Korea , October , 2016
  18. Transforming Aerial Vehicles in Aerial Robots: an exciting journey , Seoul National University , Seoul , South Korea , October , 2016
  19. Control of Physically Interactive Aerial Robots: from Models to Experiments , Chonnam National University , Gwangju , South Korea , October , 2016
  20. From Aerial Vehicles to Aerial Robots through the lens of Tethering and Full-Actuation , Robotics Research Jam Sessions - 2016 , Pisa , Italy , July , 2016
  21. Fully Actuated Aerial Platforms for Aerial Manipulation: Design and Control , Workshop on Aerial Manipulation at 2016 IEEE ICRA , Stockholm , Sweden , May , 2016
  22. Decentralized Estimation and Control for Cooperative Mobile Manipulation , DIAG, Sapienza University of Rome , Roma , Italy , April , 2016
  23. Observer-based Control of the Motion of Tethered Aerial Robots with Regulated Link Stress , ENAC , Toulouse , France , January , 2016
  24. Aerial Robotics in the Robotics and InteractionS (RIS) team at LAAS , AIST-CNRS Workshop Brain Circulation Project, LAAS-CNRS , Toulouse , France , March , 2016
  25. Decentralized Control for Cooperative 2D Mobile Manipulation: A paradigmatic Example of Decentralization in Multi-Robot Control , Collective Robotics Session at JNRR 2015 , Baie de Somme , France , October , 2015
  26. Connectivity, Rigidity and Online Decentralized Maintenance Methods , Workshop on On-line decision-making in multi-robot coordination at 2015 IROS , Hamburg , Germany , October , 2015
  27. Observer-based Control of the Motion of Tethered Aerial Robots with Regulated Link Stress , Workshop UAV at 2015 Innorobo , Lyon , France , July , 2015
  28. A Robotic Testbed for Bilateral Shared Control of Multiple Aerial Robots: the Telekyb Platform , 10th National Conference on Control Architectures of Robots , Lyon , France , June , 2015
  29. Nonlinear Control and Observation Methods for Tethered Aerial Vehicles with Onboard-only Measurements , Workshop on Aerial Robotics Manipulation and Load Transportation at 2015 ICRA , Seattle , USA , May , 2015
  30. Control of Aerial Vehicles for Physical Interaction: Current Results and Future Perspectives , ONERA - The French Aerospace Lab , Toulouse , France , October , 2014
  31. Planning and distributing tasks for structure assembly by multiple aerial manipulators , ICRA 2014 Workshop on Aerial Robots Physically Interacting With The Environment , Hong Kong , China , May , 2014
  32. The bright side of drones: a perspective vision on civil and domestic flying robots , Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics , Tübingen , Germany , January , 2014
  33. Cooperative control, localization, and teleoperation of UAVs with on- board state estimation and physical interaction ability , Department of Computer Science, Technische Universität München , Munich , Germany , November , 2013
  34. The Aerial Robotics Testbed at the Autonomous Robotics and Human-Machine Systems group , Institute of Industrial Technology, Samsung Heavy Industries , Daejeon , South Korea , November , 2013
  35. Ongoing Results on UAV Teleoperation with Onboard RGB-D Sensors and Quadrotor Physical Interaction , Interactive & Networked Robotics Lab, Seoul National University , Seoul , South Korea , November , 2013
  36. RGB-D based Haptic Teleoperation of UAVs with Onboard Sensors: Development and Preliminary Results , IROS 2013 Workshop: Vision- based Closed-Loop Control and Navigation of Micro Helicopters in GPS-denied Environments , Tokyo , Japan , November , 2013
  37. Towards Autonomous-collaborative and Haptic-tele-operated UAVs with Fully-onboard State Estimation and Physical Interaction Capabilities , IROS 2013 Workshop: From Remotely Controlled to Autonomous-Collaborative Robots , Tokyo , Japan , November , 2013
  38. Control Issues for Autonomy and Interactivity in Decentralized Teams of Heterogeneous Robots: a Research Prospective , Workshop Robotique at LAAS-CNRS , Toulouse , France , October , 2013
  39. Towards Physically Interactive Flying Robots: Physical Action and Human Haptic Control with Micro Aerial Vehicles , RSS 2013, 2nd Workshop on Resource-Efficient Integration of Perception, Control, and Navigation for Micro Air Vehicles , Berlin , Germany , June , 2013
  40. Autonomy and Human Interaction in Multi-Robot Systems , ICRA 2013 Workshop on Towards Fully Decentralized Multi-Robot Systems: Hardware, Software and Integration , Karlsruhe , Germany , May , 2013
  41. Autonomous Control and Human Interaction in Multiple Robots System , Department of Computer Science, Technische Universität Darmstadt , Darmstadt , Germany , April , 2013
  42. Decentralized Control of Multiple-robot Systems , euRobotics Forum, Multi-robot Exploration Workshop , Lyon , France , March , 2013
  43. Shared Control of Multiple Mobile Robots , Schools of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Birmingham , Birmingham , United Kingdom , March , 2013
  44. Control and Estimation for Decentralized Multi-robot Systems , Heudiasyc - CNRS and Université de Technologie de Compiègne , Compiègne , France , November , 2012
  45. Multiple-robot systems: Decentralized Control and Estimation with Diverse Topological Requirements , Laboratoire d'Informatique, de Robotique et de Microélectronique de Montpellier LIRMM UM2+CNRS , Montpellier , France , October , 2012
  46. Decentralized Control and Estimation in Multi-robot Systems with Diverse Topological Requirements , LAAS-CNRS , Toulouse , France , September , 2012
  47. Motion Control and Haptic Intervention with Multiple Mobile Robots , Department of Science and Methods for Engineering, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia , Reggio Emilia , Italy , June , 2012
  48. Multi-robot algorithms for coverage, localization, and control, with decentralized maintenance of global connectivity and haptic interaction , Department of Computer Science, University of Minnesota , Minneapolis , MN, USA , May , 2012
  49. Modeling, Control, and Haptic Steering of Multi-robot Formations , ICRA 2012 Workshop on Haptic Teleoperation of Mobile Robots: Theory, Applications and Perspectives , St. Paul , MN, USA , May , 2012
  50. Bilateral Teleoperation of Groups of Mobile Robots: from Fixed to Time-Varying Topology , Department of Information Engineering, University of Siena , Siena , Italy , November , 2011
  51. Passivity-based Decentralized Bilateral Teleoperation of Groups of Mobile Robots with Fixed and Time-Varying Topology , Center for Control, Dynamical-Systems, and Computation (CCDC), University of California at Santa Barbara , Santa Barbara , CA, USA , October , 2011
  52. Decentralized Bilateral Aerial Teleoperation of Multiple UAVs - Part I: a Top-Down Perspective , RSS 2011 Workshop on 3D Exploration, Mapping, and Surveillance with Aerial Robots , Los Angelels , CA, USA , July , 2011
  53. Bilateral Teleoperation of Multiple UAVs , Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica, Sapienza University of Rome , Rome , Italy , December , 2010
  54. Haptic Teleoperation of Multi-Robot Systems , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology , Atlanta , GA, USA , December , 2010
  55. Towards Bilateral Teleoperation of Multi-Robot Systems , 3rd Workshop for Young Researchers on Human-Friendly Robotics (HFR 2010) , Tübingen , Germany , October , 2010
  56. Decentralized Methods for Cooperative Task Execution in Multi-robot Systems , GRASP Lab, University of Pennsylvania , Philadelphia , PA, USA , May , 2010
  57. Decentralized strategies for multi-robot systems: from autonomous behavior to multimodal human interaction , Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics , Tübingen , Germany , January , 2010