Distributed Pursuit-Evasion with Limited-Visibility Sensor Via Frontier-based Exploration

TitleDistributed Pursuit-Evasion with Limited-Visibility Sensor Via Frontier-based Exploration
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsDurham, JW, Franchi, A, Bullo, F
Conference Name2010 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation
Date Published05/2010
Conference LocationAnchorage, AK
KeywordsCoverage, Distributed algorithms, Multi-robot systems, Pursuit-evasion / Clearing

This paper addresses a novel visibility-based pursuit-evasion problem in which a team of searchers with limited range sensors must coordinate to clear any evaders from an unknown planar environment. We present a distributed algorithm built around guaranteeing complete coverage of the frontier between cleared and contaminated areas while expanding the cleared area. Our frontier-based algorithm can guarantee detection of evaders in unknown, multiply-connected planar environments which may be non-polygonal. We also detail a method for storing and updating the global frontier between cleared and contaminated areas without building a global map or requiring global localization, which enables our algorithm to be truly distributed. We demonstrate the functionality of the algorithm through Player/Stage simulations.

Citation Key2010b-DurFraBul
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