Cooperative Aerial Tele-Manipulation with Haptic Feedback

TitleCooperative Aerial Tele-Manipulation with Haptic Feedback
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsMohammadi, M, Franchi, A, Barcelli, D, Prattichizzo, D
Conference Name2016 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and System
Date Published10/2016
Conference LocationDaejeon, South Korea

In this paper, we propose a bilateral tele-operation scheme for cooperative aerial manipulation in which a human operator drives a team of Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) aerial vehicles, that grasped an object beforehand, and receives a force feedback depending on the states of the system. For application scenarios in which dexterous manipulation by each robot is not necessary, we propose using a rigid tool attached to the vehicle through a passive spherical joint, equipped with a simple adhesive mechanism at the tool-tip that can stick to the grasped object. Having more than two robots, we use the extra degrees of freedom to find the optimal force allocation in term of minimum power and forces smoothness. The human operator commands a desired trajectory for the robot team through a haptic interface to a pose controller, and the output of the pose controller along with system constraints, e.g., VTOL limited forces and contact maintenance, defines the feasible set of forces. Then, an on-line optimization allocates forces by minimizing a cost function of forces and their variation. Finally, propeller thrusts are computed by a dedicated attitude and thrust controller in a decentralized fashion. Human/Hardware in the loop simulation study shows efficiency of the proposed scheme, and the importance of haptic feedback to achieve a better performance.

Citation Key2016n-MohFraBarPra
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