“UVDAR System for Visual Relative Localization with application to Leader-Follower Formations of Multirotor UAVs”, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 2637-2644, 2019. preprint-pdf (1.57 MB) video (24.25 MB)
, “Fast Mutual Relative Localization of UAVs using Ultraviolet LED markers”, in 2018 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Dallas, TX, 2018, pp. 1217-1226. preprint-pdf (3.68 MB) video (11.25 MB)
, “Mutual Localization of UAVs based on Blinking Ultraviolet Markers and 3D Time-Position Hough Transform”, in 14th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Munich, Germany, 2018. preprint-pdf (1.41 MB) video (11.43 MB)