DiaDes  0.1
DIAgnosis of Discrete-Event System
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
Diades::Automata::Experimental Namespace Reference




class  AutFileDescriptor
class  AutStateCreator
class  BeliefState
class  BeliefStateBasedStateCreator
class  BeliefStateWithSourceStateCreator
class  ComposableModel
struct  ConstManagedDdAutFA
 data structure that gathers an FA, a StateManager and a EventManager More...
struct  ConstManagedDdAutFsm
 data structure that gathers an Fsm, a StateManager and a EventManager More...
class  ControlPattern
 A control pattern is a mapping between the set of Events of a StateMachine and a Boolean. More...
class  DdAutFileDescriptor
class  DdSyncDescriptor
class  DefaultDdAutSynchronisationEventEncoder
class  DiGraphComponentStartingWith
class  EventInserter
class  EventManager
class  EventManagerPrettyPrinter
class  EventSetManager
class  EventSetManagerPrettyPrinter
class  FaultyEventStateMachine
class  FiniteAutomaton
class  LocalCandidate
class  LocalCandidatePrettyPrinter
struct  MakeAcceptingState
class  ManagedBeliefStateBasedStateCreator
class  ManagedBeliefStateBasedStateCreator< FiniteAutomaton< S, I, NS, NI >, StatePropertyCombination >
class  ManagedBeliefStateWithSourceStateCreator
class  ManagedBeliefStateWithSourceStateCreator< FiniteAutomaton< S, I, NS, NI >, StatePropertyCombination >
struct  ManagedDdAutFA
 data structure that gathers an FA, a StateManager and a EventManager More...
struct  ManagedDdAutFsm
 data structure that gathers an Fsm, a StateManager and a EventManager More...
class  ManagedEventInserter
class  ManagedStateCopy
class  ManagedStateCopy< FiniteAutomaton< S, I, NS, NI >, StateProperty >
class  ManagedStateCreation
class  ManagedStateInserter
class  ManagedSynchronisedAcceptingStateCreation
class  ManagedSynchronisedStateCreation
class  NewStateCreation
class  OnlySourceStateCreator
class  OnlySourceStateCreator< FiniteAutomaton< S, I, NS, NI > >
class  OnlyStateCreator
class  OnlyStateCreator< FiniteAutomaton< S, I, NS, NI > >
class  ParametrizedSynchronisation
class  Printer
struct  PrintEvent
struct  PrintEvent< std::string >
struct  ReadEvent
struct  ReadEvent< std::string >
class  StateCopy
class  StateCopy< FiniteAutomaton< S, I, NS, NI > >
class  StateCreation
struct  StateCreationTraits
struct  StateCreationTraits< ManagedStateCreation< T1, T2 > >
struct  StateCreationTraits< StateCreation< T1 > >
class  StateIdGenerator
class  StateInfoManagerPrettyPrinter
class  StateInserter
class  StateMachine
class  StatePropertyManager
class  StreamBasedPrinter
class  SynchronisationEvent
class  SynchronisationEventEncoder
class  SynchronisationRules
class  SynchronisationRulesEncoder
class  TransitionInserter


using AutStateId = StatePropertyIdAsSizeT
using AutEventId = std::string
using AutFsm = StateMachine< AutStateId, AutEventId >
using AutFsmEventInserter = EventInserter< AutFsm >
using AutFsmStateIdGenerator = StateIdGenerator< AutFsm, Diades::Utils::IncrementGenerator< AutFsm::StatePropertyId > >
using AutFsmStateInserter = StateInserter< AutFsmStateIdGenerator, StateCopy< AutFsm > >
using AutFsmTransitionInserter = TransitionInserter< AutFsmStateInserter, AutFsmEventInserter >
template<typename Fsm >
using BsPtr = typename BeliefState< Fsm >::SharedPtr
template<typename Fsm >
using CstBsMap = CstStMap< BsPtr< Fsm > >
template<typename Fsm >
using BsMap = StMap< BsPtr< Fsm > >
using DdAutStateId = AutStateId
using DdAutEventId = size_t
using DdAutFsm = StateMachine< DdAutStateId, DdAutEventId >
using DdAutFA = FiniteAutomaton< DdAutStateId, DdAutEventId >
using DdAutStateLabel = StatePropertyAsStringLabel
using DdAutEventLabel = std::string
using DdAutStateManager = StatePropertyManager< DdAutStateLabel, DdAutStateId >
using DdAutEventManager = EventManager< DdAutEventLabel, DdAutEventId >
using DdAutStatePrinter = StateInfoManagerPrettyPrinter< DdAutStateLabel, DdAutStateId >
using DdAutEventPrinter = EventManagerPrettyPrinter< DdAutEventLabel, DdAutEventId >
using DdAutComma = Diades::Utils::StringBinaryCombination< char, ',', std::char_traits< char >, std::allocator< char > >
using DdAutAmpersand = Diades::Utils::StringBinaryCombination< char, '&', std::char_traits< char >, std::allocator< char > >
using DdAutBraces = Diades::Utils::StringDelimiter< char, '{', '}', std::char_traits< char >, std::allocator< char > >
using DdAutParentheses = Diades::Utils::StringDelimiter< char, '(', ')', std::char_traits< char >, std::allocator< char > >
using DdAutDisjunction = Diades::Utils::Disjunction< DdAutStateLabel, DdAutComma, DdAutBraces >
using DdAutConjunction = Diades::Utils::Conjunction< DdAutStateLabel, DdAutComma, DdAutParentheses >
using DdAutProjection = DiGraphComponentStartingWith< DdAutStateLabel, char, '|', DdAutComma, DdAutBraces >
using DdAutSynchronisation = Diades::Utils::Conjunction< DdAutEventLabel, DdAutAmpersand, Diades::Utils::NoDelimiter< char, std::char_traits< char >, std::allocator< char > >>
using LocStateMap = Diades::Graph::ConstNodeMap< int >
using ExplLocStateMap = Diades::Graph::NodeMap< int >
using Observation = std::string
using Observations = std::vector< Observation >
using Observables = std::set< DdAutFA::EventPropertyId >
using Matcher = std::unordered_map< Observation, Observables >
template<typename Fsm >
using SafeAlt = std::unordered_map< typename Fsm::State, std::unordered_set< typename Fsm::Transition > >
using StatePropertyIdAsSizeT = size_t
template<typename Type >
using CstStMap = Diades::Graph::ConstNodeMap< Type >
template<typename Type >
using StMap = Diades::Graph::NodeMap< Type >
template<typename Type >
using CstTrMap = Diades::Graph::ConstEdgeMap< Type >
template<typename Type >
using TrMap = Diades::Graph::EdgeMap< Type >
using StatePropertyAsStringLabel = std::string
using StatePropertyAsUnsigned = unsigned
using TsFsm = DdAutFsm
using TsFsmPtr = std::shared_ptr< TsFsm >
using TsStMgr = DdAutStateManager
using TsEvtMgr = DdAutEventManager
using TsStMgrPtr = std::shared_ptr< TsStMgr >
using TsEvtMgrPtr = std::shared_ptr< TsEvtMgr >
using ManagedTsFsm = std::tuple< TsFsmPtr, TsStMgrPtr, TsEvtMgrPtr >
using ManagedTsFsms = std::vector< ManagedTsFsm >


enum  TsConversionMode { normal, full, update }


template<typename Fsm , typename BeliefStateIterator , typename StateCreation >
bool abstract (const Fsm &machine, Fsm &abstractedMachine, BeliefStateIterator bfBegin, BeliefStateIterator bfEnd, std::vector< typename Fsm::State > &abstractedStates, StateCreation &creator)
template<typename Fsm , typename BeliefStateIterator , typename StateCreation >
bool abstract (const Fsm &machine, Fsm &abstractedMachine, BeliefStateIterator bfBegin, BeliefStateIterator bfEnd, StateCreation &creator)
void transformToCandidateStateMachine (const Component &component, Lcm::EvManager &manager, Lcm::EvSetManager &setManager, Lcm::LocalStateInfoManager &locStateInfoManager, Lcm::CandidateManager &candidateManager, Lcm::Fsm &result)
template<typename Fsm >
bool autFsmNeedEncoding (const Fsm &fsm)
template<typename Fsm >
void autFileStateEncoding (const Fsm &fsm, Diades::Graph::ConstNodeMap< AutStateId > &encoding)
template<typename Fsm >
void autFileStateReencoding (Fsm &fsm)
bool fromAutFile (std::istream &stream, AutFsm &fsm)
bool toAutFile (ostream &stream, const AutFsm &fsm, bool enforce=false)
template<typename AutFsmRange >
bool insertAutFsms (AutFsmRange range, AutFsm &output)
template<typename Fsm >
bool isComplete (const Fsm &machine)
template<typename Fsm >
void complete (Fsm &machine)
bool fsmFromDdAutFile (std::istream &stream, const ManagedDdAutFsm &mFsm)
bool faFromDdAutFile (std::istream &stream, const ManagedDdAutFA &mFa)
bool fsmToDdAutFile (ostream &stream, const ConstManagedDdAutFsm &mFsm)
bool faToDdAutFile (ostream &stream, const ConstManagedDdAutFA &mFa)
bool fsmToAutFile (ostream &stream, const DdAutFsm &fsm, const DdAutEventManager &eManager, bool enforce=false)
template<typename DdAutFsmType >
bool generateSynchronisedDdAutEventLabels (const SynchronisationRules< DdAutFsmType > &synchro, const std::vector< DdAutEventManager > &eventManagers, DdAutEventManager &syncEventManager)
void insertDdAutFA (const DdAutFA &sourceFsm, const DdAutStateManager &sourceStateManager, const DdAutEventManager &sourceEventManager, DdAutFA &targetFsm, DdAutStateManager &targetStateManager, DdAutEventManager &targetEventManager)
template<typename DdAutFARange , typename RangeDdAutSM , typename RangeDdAutEM >
bool insertFiniteAutomata (DdAutFARange faRange, RangeDdAutSM smRange, RangeDdAutEM evRange, DdAutFA &result, DdAutStateManager &targetStateManager, DdAutEventManager &targetEventManager)
bool fsmToDescriptor (const DdAutFsm &fsm, DdAutFileDescriptor &descriptor, const DdAutStateManager &sManager, const DdAutEventManager &eManager, Diades::Graph::ConstNodeMap< DdAutStateId > &encoding)
bool fsmFromDescriptor (const DdAutFileDescriptor &descriptor, DdAutFsm &fsm, DdAutStateManager &sManager, DdAutEventManager &eManager)
bool faToDescriptor (const DdAutFA &fa, DdAutFileDescriptor &descriptor, const DdAutStateManager &sManager, const DdAutEventManager &eManager, Diades::Graph::ConstNodeMap< DdAutStateId > &encoding)
bool faFromDescriptor (const DdAutFileDescriptor &descriptor, DdAutFA &fa, DdAutStateManager &sManager, DdAutEventManager &eManager)
template<typename DdAutFsmType >
bool rulesToDescriptor (const SynchronisationRules< DdAutFsmType > &rules, DdSyncDescriptor &desc)
template<typename DdAutFsmType >
bool descriptorToRules (const DdSyncDescriptor &desc, ParametrizedSynchronisation< DdAutFsmType > &rules, std::string &errorMsg)
template<typename Fsm >
bool isDeterministic (const Fsm &machine)
template<typename Fsm , typename StateCreator >
void determine (const Fsm &machine, Fsm &deterministicMachine, StateCreator &creator)
template<typename _SPId , typename _ISId , typename _NSPId = NullValue<_SPId>, typename _NISId = NullValue< _ISId>>
bool isNotChoiceState (const FiniteAutomaton< _SPId, _ISId, _NSPId, _NISId > &fsa, typename FiniteAutomaton< _SPId, _ISId, _NSPId, _NISId >::State state, const LocStateMap &levels)
 return true if the state is definitely considered as a no-choice state More...
template<typename _SPId , typename _ISId , typename _NSPId = NullValue<_SPId>, typename _NISId = NullValue< _ISId>>
void setLevelStateAndPropagate (const FiniteAutomaton< _SPId, _ISId, _NSPId, _NISId > &fsa, std::list< typename FiniteAutomaton< _SPId, _ISId, _NSPId, _NISId >::State > &states, int currentLevel, LocStateMap &levels, typename FiniteAutomaton< _SPId, _ISId, _NSPId, _NISId >::State state, std::unordered_set< typename FiniteAutomaton< _SPId, _ISId, _NSPId, _NISId >::State > &tagged, std::unordered_set< typename FiniteAutomaton< _SPId, _ISId, _NSPId, _NISId >::State > &visited)
 set the level of the current state and insert its untagged predecessors in the list 'states' update the tagged and visited data structure if the state is not an initial state More...
template<typename _SPId , typename _ISId , typename _NSPId = NullValue<_SPId>, typename _NISId = NullValue< _ISId>>
bool setLevel (const FiniteAutomaton< _SPId, _ISId, _NSPId, _NISId > &fsa, std::list< typename FiniteAutomaton< _SPId, _ISId, _NSPId, _NISId >::State > &states, int currentLevel, LocStateMap &levels)
template<typename _SPId , typename _ISId , typename _NSPId = NullValue<_SPId>, typename _NISId = NullValue< _ISId>>
bool levelOfChoice (const FiniteAutomaton< _SPId, _ISId, _NSPId, _NISId > &fsa, LocStateMap &result)
template<typename Fsm >
void extractEffectiveChoiceTransitions (Fsm &traces, const ExplLocStateMap &levelOfChoice, unordered_set< typename Fsm::Transition > &solutions)
 Extraction from the traces of A || Pbar || L, the set of effective choice transitions. More...
std::unordered_set< DdAutFA::TransitiongetSafeAlternatives (const DdAutFA &traces, DdAutFA::State state, const ExplLocStateMap &levelOfChoiceInTraces, const Diades::Graph::NodeMap< DdAutFA::State > &mapping, const DdAutFA &fsa, const LocStateMap &levelOfChoiceInFsa, const DdAutStateManager &sManager, const DdAutEventManager &eManager)
template<typename StateIterator >
bool explainFromStates (StateIterator begin, StateIterator end, const DdAutFA &fsa, const DdAutStateManager &sManager, const DdAutEventManager &eManager, const Observations &observations, Observables &observables, DdAutFA &explanations, DdAutFA &traces, DdAutStateManager &sManagerExplanation, const Matcher &matcher, const LocStateMap &levelOfChoice, SafeAlt< DdAutFA > &safeAlternatives)
Matcher initialiseMatcher (const DdAutEventManager &eManager, const std::vector< std::string > &observations)
bool explain (const DdAutFA &fsa, const DdAutStateManager &sManager, const DdAutEventManager &eManager, const std::vector< std::string > &observations, Observables &observables, DdAutFA &explanations, DdAutFA &fullExplanations, DdAutStateManager &sManagerExplanation, std::unordered_map< DdAutFA::State, unordered_set< DdAutFA::Transition > > &safeAlternatives)
ostream & toDotHeader (ostream &os)
template<typename StateMachine >
ostream & toDotHeader (const StateMachine &fsm, ostream &os)
template<typename StateMachine >
ostream & toDotInitialStates (const StateMachine &fsm, ostream &os)
template<typename StateMachine , typename PrintStateProperty >
ostream & toDotStates (const StateMachine &fsm, const PrintStateProperty &statePrinter, ostream &os)
template<typename S , typename I , typename NS , typename NI , typename PrintStateProperty >
ostream & toDotStates (const FiniteAutomaton< S, I, NS, NI > &fsm, const PrintStateProperty &statePrinter, ostream &os)
template<typename StateMachine >
ostream & toDotStates (const StateMachine &fsm, ostream &os)
template<typename S , typename I , typename NS , typename NI >
ostream & toDotStates (const FiniteAutomaton< S, I, NS, NI > &fa, ostream &os)
ostream & toDotEnding (ostream &os)
template<typename StateMachine , typename PrintEventInfo >
ostream & toDotTransitions (const StateMachine &fsm, const PrintEventInfo &eventPrinter, ostream &os)
template<typename StateProperty , typename EventInfo , typename PrintEventInfo >
ostream & toDotTransitions (const FaultyEventStateMachine< StateProperty, EventInfo > &fsm, const PrintEventInfo &eventPrinter, ostream &os)
template<typename StateMachine >
ostream & toDotTransitions (const StateMachine &fsm, ostream &os)
template<typename StateProperty , typename EventInfo >
ostream & toDotTransitions (const FaultyEventStateMachine< StateProperty, EventInfo > &fsm, ostream &os)
template<typename StateMachine , typename PrintStateProperty , typename PrintEventInfo >
ostream & toDot (ostream &os, const StateMachine &fsm, const PrintStateProperty &statePrinter, const PrintEventInfo &eventPrinter)
template<typename StateMachine >
ostream & toDot (ostream &os, const StateMachine &fsm)
template<typename StateMachine >
bool toDot (const std::string &filename, const StateMachine &fsm)
ostream & toDot (ostream &os, const DdSyncDescriptor &descriptor)
template<typename StateProperty , typename FaultProperty >
ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, const LocalCandidate< StateProperty, FaultProperty > &candidate)
template<typename Fsm >
bool splitPartition (const Fsm &machine, const std::shared_ptr< BeliefState< Fsm >> bigQ0, const std::shared_ptr< BeliefState< Fsm >> bigQ1, typename Fsm::EventPropertyId littleA, std::shared_ptr< BeliefState< Fsm >> bigQ0prime, std::shared_ptr< BeliefState< Fsm >> bigQ0MinusbigQ0prime)
template<typename Fsm >
void nerodePartition (const Fsm &machine, vector< std::shared_ptr< BeliefState< Fsm >>> &partition)
template<typename Fsm , typename StateCreator >
void minimizeDeterministicMachine (const Fsm &machine, Fsm &minimalMachine, StateCreator &creator)
template<typename Fsm , typename StateCreator >
void minimize (const Fsm &machine, Fsm &minimalMachine, StateCreator &creator)
template<typename Fsm , typename IsGoal >
bool project (const Fsm &machine, Fsm &abstractMachine, IsGoal isGoal, BsMap< Fsm > &bsMap, CstStMap< typename Fsm::State > &stMap)
template<typename Fsm , typename IsGoal >
bool project (const Fsm &machine, Fsm &abstractMachine, IsGoal isGoal)
template<typename Fsm , typename EventPropertyIdIterator >
bool project (const Fsm &machine, Fsm &abstractMachine, EventPropertyIdIterator begin, EventPropertyIdIterator end, BsMap< Fsm > &bsMap, CstStMap< typename Fsm::State > &stMap)
template<typename Fsm , typename EventPropertyIdIterator >
bool project (const Fsm &machine, Fsm &abstractMachine, EventPropertyIdIterator begin, EventPropertyIdIterator end)
template<typename Fsm , typename IsGoal , typename StateProperty , typename StateLabelProjection >
bool project (const Fsm &fsm, Fsm &projectedFsm, const StatePropertyManager< StateProperty, typename Fsm::StatePropertyId > &stateManager, StatePropertyManager< StateProperty, typename Fsm::StatePropertyId > &projectionStateManager, const StateLabelProjection &projection, IsGoal isGoal, BsMap< Fsm > &bsMap, CstStMap< typename Fsm::State > &stMap)
template<typename Fsm , typename IsGoal , typename StateProperty , typename StateLabelProjection >
bool project (const Fsm &fsm, Fsm &projectedFsm, const StatePropertyManager< StateProperty, typename Fsm::StatePropertyId > &stateManager, StatePropertyManager< StateProperty, typename Fsm::StatePropertyId > &projectionStateManager, const StateLabelProjection &projection, IsGoal isGoal)
template<typename Fsm , typename EventPropertyIdIterator , typename StateProperty , typename StateLabelProjection >
bool project (const Fsm &fsm, Fsm &projectedFsm, const StatePropertyManager< StateProperty, typename Fsm::StatePropertyId > &stateManager, StatePropertyManager< StateProperty, typename Fsm::StatePropertyId > &projectionStateManager, const StateLabelProjection &projection, EventPropertyIdIterator begin, EventPropertyIdIterator end, BsMap< Fsm > &bsMap, CstStMap< typename Fsm::State > &stMap)
template<typename Fsm , typename EventPropertyIdIterator , typename StateProperty , typename StateLabelProjection >
bool project (const Fsm &fsm, Fsm &projectedFsm, const StatePropertyManager< StateProperty, typename Fsm::StatePropertyId > &stateManager, StatePropertyManager< StateProperty, typename Fsm::StatePropertyId > &projectionStateManager, const StateLabelProjection &projection, EventPropertyIdIterator begin, EventPropertyIdIterator end)
template<typename Fsm , typename EventPropertyIdIterator >
bool abstractEvents (const Fsm &machine, Fsm &abstractMachine, EventPropertyIdIterator begin, EventPropertyIdIterator end, BsMap< Fsm > &bsMap, CstStMap< typename Fsm::State > &stMap)
template<typename Fsm , typename EventPropertyIdIterator >
bool abstractEvents (const Fsm &machine, Fsm &abstractMachine, EventPropertyIdIterator begin, EventPropertyIdIterator end)
template<typename Fsm , typename EventPropertyIdIterator , typename StateProperty , typename StateLabelProjection >
bool abstractEvents (const Fsm &fsm, Fsm &projectedFsm, const StatePropertyManager< StateProperty, typename Fsm::StatePropertyId > &stateManager, StatePropertyManager< StateProperty, typename Fsm::StatePropertyId > &projectionStateManager, const StateLabelProjection &projection, EventPropertyIdIterator begin, EventPropertyIdIterator end, BsMap< Fsm > &bsMap, CstStMap< typename Fsm::State > &stMap)
template<typename Fsm , typename EventPropertyIdIterator , typename StateProperty , typename StateLabelProjection >
bool abstractEvents (const Fsm &fsm, Fsm &projectedFsm, const StatePropertyManager< StateProperty, typename Fsm::StatePropertyId > &stateManager, StatePropertyManager< StateProperty, typename Fsm::StatePropertyId > &projectionStateManager, const StateLabelProjection &projection, EventPropertyIdIterator begin, EventPropertyIdIterator end)
template<typename StatePropertyId , typename EventPropertyId , typename InputIterator , typename NullStateProperty , typename NullEventProperty >
void deleteTransition (StateMachine< StatePropertyId, EventPropertyId, NullStateProperty, NullEventProperty > &m, InputIterator first, InputIterator last)
template<typename StatePropertyId , typename EventPropertyId , typename InputIterator , typename NullStateProperty , typename NullEventProperty >
void deleteState (StateMachine< StatePropertyId, EventPropertyId, NullStateProperty, NullEventProperty > &m, InputIterator first, InputIterator last)
template<typename StatePropertyId , typename EventPropertyId , typename InputIterator , typename Predicate , typename NullStatePropertyId = NullValue<StatePropertyId>, typename NullEventPropertyId >
void deleteState (StateMachine< StatePropertyId, EventPropertyId, NullStatePropertyId, NullEventPropertyId > &m, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Predicate pred)
template<typename StatePropertyId , typename EventPropertyId , typename InputIterator , typename IsNullStatePropertyId , typename IsNullEventProperty >
void deleteTransition (StateMachine< StatePropertyId, EventPropertyId, IsNullStatePropertyId, IsNullEventProperty > &m, InputIterator first, InputIterator last)
template<typename StatePropertyId , typename EventPropertyId , typename InputIterator , typename IsNullStateProperty , typename IsNullEventProperty >
void deleteState (StateMachine< StatePropertyId, EventPropertyId, IsNullStateProperty, IsNullEventProperty > &m, InputIterator first, InputIterator last)
template<typename StatePropertyId , typename EventPropertyId , typename InputIterator , typename Predicate , typename IsNullStateProperty , typename IsNullEventProperty >
void deleteState (StateMachine< StatePropertyId, EventPropertyId, IsNullStateProperty, IsNullEventProperty > &m, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Predicate pred)
template<typename StatePropertyId , typename EventPropertyId , typename InputIterator , typename Predicate , typename IsNullStateProperty , typename IsNullEventProperty , typename StatePropertyIdInsertIterator >
void deleteState (StateMachine< StatePropertyId, EventPropertyId, IsNullStateProperty, IsNullEventProperty > &m, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Predicate pred, StatePropertyIdInsertIterator insertIt)
template<typename Fsm , typename StateCreator >
bool synchronize (const std::vector< typename Ptr< Fsm >::ConstP > &components, const SynchronisationRules< Fsm > &rules, Fsm &synchronisation, StateCreator &creator)
std::string listSingleItem (const std::string &item)
std::string startListCaretItem (const std::string &item)
std::string endListCaretItem ()
std::string startTree (const std::string &treeId)
std::string endTree ()
std::string startNestedTree ()
std::string endNestedTree ()
std::ostream & toTreeViewHtmlStart (std::ostream &os)
std::ostream & toTreeViewHtmlEnd (std::ostream &os)
template<typename Fsm , typename BeliefStateIterator , typename StateIdInsertIterator >
void trimmingTraces (Fsm &machine, BeliefStateIterator bfBegin, BeliefStateIterator bfEnd, StateIdInsertIterator insertIt)
 Trim the traces of the Fsm that does not reach the given BeliefState. More...
template<typename Fsm , typename BeliefStateIterator , typename StateIdInsertIterator >
void trimmingUnreachableStates (Fsm &machine, BeliefStateIterator bfBegin, BeliefStateIterator bfEnd, StateIdInsertIterator insertIt)
 Trim the states that cannot be reached from the given BeliefState. More...
template<typename Fsm , typename StateIdInsertIterator >
void trimmingUnreachableStates (Fsm &machine, StateIdInsertIterator insertIt)
 Trim the states that cannot be reached from the initial states. More...
template<typename Fsm , typename BeliefStateIterator , typename StateIdInsertIterator >
bool trimmingDeadlockStates (Fsm &machine, BeliefStateIterator bfBegin, BeliefStateIterator bfEnd, StateIdInsertIterator insertIt)
 Trim the states are the source of a deadlock within a range of states. More...
template<typename Fsm , typename StateIdInsertIterator >
bool trimmingDeadlockStates (Fsm &machine, StateIdInsertIterator insertIt)
 Trim the states are the source of a deadlock. More...
template<typename Fsm , typename BeliefStateIterator , typename StateIdInsertIterator , typename DisableInsertIterator >
bool controlledTrimmingDeadlockState (Fsm &machine, ControlPattern< Fsm > &pattern, BeliefStateIterator bfBegin, BeliefStateIterator bfEnd, StateIdInsertIterator insertIt, DisableInsertIterator disableIt)
 remove deadlock states of the machine by exploiting the events that are disabled in the current ControlPattern. More...
std::streampos nextNoWhiteSpaceCharacter (std::istream &stream, bool &ok)
 return the stream position just before the first character that is a white space (not such that std::isspace is true) More...
bool pruneCommentsBlock (std::istream &stream, bool &ok)
 analyze the stream and look for the end of a comment block More...
bool pruneComments (std::istream &stream, bool &ok)
 read the stream and ignore the next c-style/cpp style comments More...
bool checkSystemIdentifier (std::string &tsName, std::string::size_type &semiColonIndex)
 check that tsName is the name of a transition_system More...
std::istream & tsFileTransitionLabel (std::istream &stream, std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > &events, std::string &fullEventLabel, bool &ok)
 Read the transition label in a ts-format file. More...
void tsExtractTargetState (const std::string &rawTargetState, std::string &targetState, std::string::size_type &semiColonIndex)
 extract the target state for the raw target state More...
std::istream & tsFileHeader (std::istream &stream, std::string &tsName, bool &ok)
 parse the Ts-format file header More...
std::istream & tsFileTransitions (std::istream &stream, ManagedTsFsms &fsms, bool &ok, TsConversionMode mode)
 Read the transitions of a Ts-format stream. More...
std::istream & tsFileStates (std::istream &stream, ManagedTsFsms &fsms, bool &ok)
bool fromTsFile (std::istream &stream, ManagedTsFsms &fsms, TsConversionMode mode)
 Load a Ts file as a DdAutFsm. More...
std::string tsPrettyEvent (const std::string &tsEvent)
template<typename TransInserter >
void insertTransitions (TransInserter &inserter)
template<typename TransInserterIterator >
void insertRangeOfTransitions (TransInserterIterator begin, TransInserterIterator end)

Typedef Documentation

◆ AutEventId

using Diades::Automata::Experimental::AutEventId = typedef std::string

Definition at line 39 of file AutFile.hh.

◆ AutFsm

and mainly used in insertAutFsms

It incrementally generates AutFsm::StatePropertyId's on demand (must be initialised with 0)

and mainly used in insertAutFsms. It inserts copies of State with new StateIds

and mainly used in insertAutFsms. It inserts copies of State with new StateIds. Event are inserted via an AutFsmEventInserter

Definition at line 45 of file AutFile.hh.

◆ AutFsmEventInserter

Definition at line 232 of file AutFile.hh.

◆ AutFsmStateIdGenerator

Definition at line 239 of file AutFile.hh.

◆ AutFsmStateInserter

Definition at line 245 of file AutFile.hh.

◆ AutFsmTransitionInserter

Definition at line 254 of file AutFile.hh.

◆ AutStateId

Definition at line 34 of file AutFile.hh.

◆ BsMap

template<typename Fsm >
using Diades::Automata::Experimental::BsMap = typedef StMap<BsPtr<Fsm> >

Definition at line 482 of file BeliefState.hh.

◆ BsPtr

template<typename Fsm >
using Diades::Automata::Experimental::BsPtr = typedef typename BeliefState<Fsm>::SharedPtr

Definition at line 466 of file BeliefState.hh.

◆ CstBsMap

template<typename Fsm >
using Diades::Automata::Experimental::CstBsMap = typedef CstStMap<BsPtr<Fsm> >

Definition at line 474 of file BeliefState.hh.

◆ CstStMap

template<typename Type >
using Diades::Automata::Experimental::CstStMap = typedef Diades::Graph::ConstNodeMap<Type>

Definition at line 1857 of file StateMachine.hh.

◆ CstTrMap

template<typename Type >
using Diades::Automata::Experimental::CstTrMap = typedef Diades::Graph::ConstEdgeMap<Type>

Definition at line 1873 of file StateMachine.hh.

◆ DdAutAmpersand

using Diades::Automata::Experimental::DdAutAmpersand = typedef Diades::Utils::StringBinaryCombination<char, '&', std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >

Definition at line 169 of file DdAutFile.hh.

◆ DdAutBraces

using Diades::Automata::Experimental::DdAutBraces = typedef Diades::Utils::StringDelimiter<char, '{', '}', std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >

Definition at line 176 of file DdAutFile.hh.

◆ DdAutComma

using Diades::Automata::Experimental::DdAutComma = typedef Diades::Utils::StringBinaryCombination<char, ',', std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >

Definition at line 163 of file DdAutFile.hh.

◆ DdAutConjunction

Definition at line 195 of file DdAutFile.hh.

◆ DdAutDisjunction

Definition at line 189 of file DdAutFile.hh.

◆ DdAutEventId

Definition at line 37 of file DdAutFile.hh.

◆ DdAutEventLabel

Definition at line 58 of file DdAutFile.hh.

◆ DdAutEventManager

Definition at line 68 of file DdAutFile.hh.

◆ DdAutEventPrinter

Definition at line 156 of file DdAutFile.hh.

◆ DdAutFA

Definition at line 47 of file DdAutFile.hh.

◆ DdAutFsm

Definition at line 42 of file DdAutFile.hh.

◆ DdAutParentheses

using Diades::Automata::Experimental::DdAutParentheses = typedef Diades::Utils::StringDelimiter<char, '(', ')', std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >

Definition at line 182 of file DdAutFile.hh.

◆ DdAutProjection

Definition at line 201 of file DdAutFile.hh.

◆ DdAutStateId

Definition at line 32 of file DdAutFile.hh.

◆ DdAutStateLabel

Definition at line 53 of file DdAutFile.hh.

◆ DdAutStateManager

Definition at line 63 of file DdAutFile.hh.

◆ DdAutStatePrinter

Definition at line 151 of file DdAutFile.hh.

◆ DdAutSynchronisation

Definition at line 208 of file DdAutFile.hh.

◆ ExplLocStateMap

Definition at line 32 of file Explanation.hh.

◆ LocStateMap

Definition at line 30 of file Explanation.hh.

◆ ManagedTsFsm

Definition at line 29 of file TsFile.hh.

◆ ManagedTsFsms

Definition at line 30 of file TsFile.hh.

◆ Matcher

Definition at line 239 of file Explanation.hh.

◆ Observables

Definition at line 238 of file Explanation.hh.

◆ Observation

using Diades::Automata::Experimental::Observation = typedef std::string

Definition at line 236 of file Explanation.hh.

◆ Observations

Definition at line 237 of file Explanation.hh.

◆ SafeAlt

template<typename Fsm >
using Diades::Automata::Experimental::SafeAlt = typedef std::unordered_map<typename Fsm::State, std::unordered_set<typename Fsm::Transition> >

Definition at line 377 of file Explanation.hh.

◆ StatePropertyAsStringLabel

Definition at line 37 of file StatePropertyManager.hh.

◆ StatePropertyAsUnsigned

Definition at line 45 of file StatePropertyManager.hh.

◆ StatePropertyIdAsSizeT

Definition at line 43 of file StateMachine.hh.

◆ StMap

template<typename Type >
using Diades::Automata::Experimental::StMap = typedef Diades::Graph::NodeMap<Type>

Definition at line 1865 of file StateMachine.hh.

◆ TrMap

template<typename Type >
using Diades::Automata::Experimental::TrMap = typedef Diades::Graph::EdgeMap<Type>

Definition at line 1881 of file StateMachine.hh.

◆ TsEvtMgr

Definition at line 26 of file TsFile.hh.

◆ TsEvtMgrPtr

using Diades::Automata::Experimental::TsEvtMgrPtr = typedef std::shared_ptr<TsEvtMgr>

Definition at line 28 of file TsFile.hh.

◆ TsFsm

Definition at line 23 of file TsFile.hh.

◆ TsFsmPtr

using Diades::Automata::Experimental::TsFsmPtr = typedef std::shared_ptr<TsFsm>

Definition at line 24 of file TsFile.hh.

◆ TsStMgr

Definition at line 25 of file TsFile.hh.

◆ TsStMgrPtr

using Diades::Automata::Experimental::TsStMgrPtr = typedef std::shared_ptr<TsStMgr>

Definition at line 27 of file TsFile.hh.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ TsConversionMode


Definition at line 21 of file TsFile.hh.

Function Documentation

◆ abstract() [1/2]

template<typename Fsm , typename BeliefStateIterator , typename StateCreation >
bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::abstract ( const Fsm &  machine,
Fsm &  abstractedMachine,
BeliefStateIterator  bfBegin,
BeliefStateIterator  bfEnd,
std::vector< typename Fsm::State > &  abstractedStates,
StateCreation creator 
machinea StateMachine
abstractMachinethe resulting abstracted StateMachine
bfBeginthe start iterator of a BeliefState<Property,EventInfo> range
bfEndthe end iterator of a BeliefState<Property,EventInfo> range
abstractedStatesthe created states of abstractMachine in the order of the BeliefState range.
true if the abstraction is a success. If not the state of the abstractedMachine is undetermined.
machine should not be abstractedMachine [bfBegin,bfEnd) represents a set of belief states bs1, bs2, ... bsn. Each bsi is a set of State from the initial StateMachine 'machine'. The abstracted machine will contain n states. State si will represent the states of bsi. A transition t of event e between state si and sj exists in the abstracted machine iff there exists a transition t of event e between a state from bsi and a state from bsj in the original machine. The state si of the abtracted machine is initial as soon as one of the state of bsi is initial.

Definition at line 45 of file Abstract.hh.

◆ abstract() [2/2]

template<typename Fsm , typename BeliefStateIterator , typename StateCreation >
bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::abstract ( const Fsm &  machine,
Fsm &  abstractedMachine,
BeliefStateIterator  bfBegin,
BeliefStateIterator  bfEnd,
StateCreation creator 
machinea StateMachine
abstractMachinethe resulting abstracted StateMachine
bfBeginthe start iterator of a BeliefState<Property,EventInfo> range
bfEndthe end iterator of a BeliefState<Property,EventInfo> range
abstractedStatesthe created states of abstractMachine in the order of the BeliefState range.
true if the abstraction is a success. If not the state of the abstractedMachine is undetermined.
machine should not be abstractedMachine [bfBegin,bfEnd) represents a set of belief states bs1, bs2, ... bsn. Each bsi is a set of State from the initial StateMachine 'machine'. The abstracted machine will contain n states. State si will represent the states of bsi. A transition t of event e between state si and sj exists in the abstracted machine iff there exists a transition t of event e between a state from bsi and a state from bsj in the original machine. The state si of the abtracted machine is initial as soon as one of the state of bsi is initial.
machinea StateMachine
abstractMachinethe resulting abstracted StateMachine
bfBeginthe start iterator of a BeliefState<Property,EventInfo> range
bfEndthe end iterator of a BeliefState<Property,EventInfo> range
true if the abstraction is a success. If not the state of the abstractedMachine is undetermined.
machine should not be abstractedMachine [bfBegin,bfEnd) represents a set of belief states bs1, bs2, ... bsn. Each bsi is a set of State from the initial StateMachine 'machine'. The abstracted machine will contain n states. State si will represent the states of bsi. A transition t of event e between state si and sj exists in the abstracted machine iff there exists a transition t of event e between a state from bsi and a state from bsj in the original machine. The state si of the abtracted machine is initial as soon as one of the state of bsi is initial.

Definition at line 190 of file Abstract.hh.

◆ abstractEvents() [1/4]

template<typename Fsm , typename EventPropertyIdIterator >
bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::abstractEvents ( const Fsm &  machine,
Fsm &  abstractMachine,
EventPropertyIdIterator  begin,
EventPropertyIdIterator  end,
BsMap< Fsm > &  bsMap,
CstStMap< typename Fsm::State > &  stMap 
machinea StateMachine
abstractMachinethe resulting abstracted StateMachine
beginthe start iterator of a range of EventInfoId to abstract
endthe end iterator of a range of EventInfoId to abstract
bsMapresulting mapping that associates a State from abstractMachine to the set of abstracted states in the initial machine
stMapresulting mapping that associates a State of the initial machine to the state in the abstractMachine. Only initial states or states from the initial machine that are targets of a projected transition have an association. Any other states of the initial StateMachine are associated with an invalid state (as they may actually belong to several belief states of the abstracted machine).
true if the abstraction is a success. If not the state of the abstractedMachine is undetermined.
machine should not be abstractedMachine. machine must have at least one initial state
[begin,end) represents a set of EventInfoId of the StateMachine
the abstractMachine only contains events from StateMachine that are not part of [begin,end)

Definition at line 720 of file Project.hh.

References Diades::Automata::Experimental::Projection::projectRange().

Referenced by abstractEvents().

◆ abstractEvents() [2/4]

template<typename Fsm , typename EventPropertyIdIterator >
bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::abstractEvents ( const Fsm &  machine,
Fsm &  abstractMachine,
EventPropertyIdIterator  begin,
EventPropertyIdIterator  end 
machinea StateMachine
abstractMachinethe resulting abstracted StateMachine
beginthe start iterator of a range of EventInfoId to abstract
endthe end iterator of a range of EventInfoId to abstract
true if the abstraction is a success. If not the state of the abstractedMachine is undetermined.
machine should not be abstractedMachine. machine must have at least one initial state
[begin,end) represents a set of EventInfoId of the StateMachine
the abstractMachine only contains events from StateMachine that are not part of [begin,end)

Definition at line 757 of file Project.hh.

References abstractEvents().

◆ abstractEvents() [3/4]

template<typename Fsm , typename EventPropertyIdIterator , typename StateProperty , typename StateLabelProjection >
bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::abstractEvents ( const Fsm &  fsm,
Fsm &  projectedFsm,
const StatePropertyManager< StateProperty, typename Fsm::StatePropertyId > &  stateManager,
StatePropertyManager< StateProperty, typename Fsm::StatePropertyId > &  projectionStateManager,
const StateLabelProjection &  projection,
EventPropertyIdIterator  begin,
EventPropertyIdIterator  end,
BsMap< Fsm > &  bsMap,
CstStMap< typename Fsm::State > &  stMap 
machinea StateMachine
abstractMachinethe resulting abstracted StateMachine
beginthe start iterator of a range of EventInfoId to project
endthe end iterator of a range of EventInfoId to project
bsMapresulting mapping that associates a State from abstractMachine to the set of abstracted states in the initial machine
stMapresulting mapping that associates a State of the initial machine to the state in the abstractMachine. Only initial states or states from the initial machine that are targets of a projected transition have an association. Any other states of the initial StateMachine are associated with an invalid state (as they may actually belong to several belief states of the abstracted machine).
true if the projection is a success. If not the state of the abstractedMachine is undetermined.
machine should not be abstractedMachine. machine must have at least one initial state
[begin,end) represents a set of EventInfoId of the StateMachine
the abstractMachine only contains events from [begin,end)

Definition at line 791 of file Project.hh.

References Diades::Automata::Experimental::Projection::projectRange().

◆ abstractEvents() [4/4]

template<typename Fsm , typename EventPropertyIdIterator , typename StateProperty , typename StateLabelProjection >
bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::abstractEvents ( const Fsm &  fsm,
Fsm &  projectedFsm,
const StatePropertyManager< StateProperty, typename Fsm::StatePropertyId > &  stateManager,
StatePropertyManager< StateProperty, typename Fsm::StatePropertyId > &  projectionStateManager,
const StateLabelProjection &  projection,
EventPropertyIdIterator  begin,
EventPropertyIdIterator  end 
machinea StateMachine
abstractMachinethe resulting abstracted StateMachine
beginthe start iterator of a range of EventInfoId to project
endthe end iterator of a range of EventInfoId to project
true if the projection is a success. If not the state of the abstractedMachine is undetermined.
machine should not be abstractedMachine. machine must have at least one initial state
[begin,end) represents a set of EventInfoId of the StateMachine
the abstractMachine only contains events from [begin,end)

Definition at line 838 of file Project.hh.

References abstractEvents().

◆ autFileStateEncoding()

template<typename Fsm >
void Diades::Automata::Experimental::autFileStateEncoding ( const Fsm &  fsm,
Diades::Graph::ConstNodeMap< AutStateId > &  encoding 

autFileStateEncoding computes a compatible state encoding to store the fsm into an aut file. States in aut file must start from 0 continously to n-1 where n is the number of states

fsmthe fsm to reencode
encodingthe resulting encoding

Definition at line 79 of file AutFile.hh.

References Diades::Graph::ConstNodeMap< T >::init().

Referenced by autFileStateReencoding().

◆ autFileStateReencoding()

template<typename Fsm >
void Diades::Automata::Experimental::autFileStateReencoding ( Fsm &  fsm)

autFileStateReencoding reencodes the states of the fsm to be ready for storage into an aut file. States in aut file must start from 0 continuously to n-1 where n is the number of states

fsmthe fsm to reencode

Definition at line 109 of file AutFile.hh.

References autFileStateEncoding(), fromAutFile(), and toAutFile().

Referenced by insertAutFsms().

◆ autFsmNeedEncoding()

template<typename Fsm >
bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::autFsmNeedEncoding ( const Fsm &  fsm)
fsman AutFsm or anything like an AutFsm with AutStateId as StateProperty
true if the states from the fsm have properties from [0,...n-1] where n is the number of states in the fsm

Definition at line 55 of file AutFile.hh.

◆ checkSystemIdentifier()

bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::checkSystemIdentifier ( std::string &  tsName,
std::string::size_type &  semiColonIndex 

check that tsName is the name of a transition_system

tsName is a piece of text without any space but it can be a text like 'identifier;' The idea here is to detect such a format. If ';' is present then it is removed from tsName (i.e. tsName then becomes 'identifier') and secondColonIndex returns the index where the ';' was. If ';' is not found then semiColonIndex remains unchanged (so please assign it to std::string::npos to make it as non informative).

tsNamethe text to analyze as a identifier of a transition_system. It is updated by removing ';' if such a ';' is found.
semiColonIndexthe index of the ';' if it is found in 'tsName' (unchanged otherwise)
true if an identifier for the transition_system is found at the beginning of 'tsName'

◆ complete()

template<typename Fsm >
void Diades::Automata::Experimental::complete ( Fsm &  machine)
machineThe original StateMachine
The completion of the StateMachine.

Definition at line 58 of file Complete.hh.

Referenced by completeAut(), and completeDdaut().

◆ controlledTrimmingDeadlockState()

template<typename Fsm , typename BeliefStateIterator , typename StateIdInsertIterator , typename DisableInsertIterator >
bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::controlledTrimmingDeadlockState ( Fsm &  machine,
ControlPattern< Fsm > &  pattern,
BeliefStateIterator  bfBegin,
BeliefStateIterator  bfEnd,
StateIdInsertIterator  insertIt,
DisableInsertIterator  disableIt 

remove deadlock states of the machine by exploiting the events that are disabled in the current ControlPattern.

A ControlPattern is a mapping that associates with each event type of the Fsm whether the event type is enabled or not (i.e. disabled). This function removes the deadlock states within the range of states in bfBegin/bfEnd by looking for states in the machine with an output event that can be disabled according to the pattern and, if it is triggered, will cause the trigger of enabled events (events that cannot be disabled according to the pattern) and lead to a deadlock state from the given range. It must be noticed that by pruning states, it might create new deadlock states that must be removed. After this function returns, the machine may still have some deadlocks but these deadlocks were not in the range bfBegin/bfEnd. If the range bfBegin/bfEnd is the full range of states in the machine, the function ensures that there is no more deadlock states in the returned machine. In case, there is no solution to the problem the resulting machine becomes invalid (with no more initial states).

[in]machineThe Fsm that is updated
[in]patternThe ControlPattern in use
[in]bfBeginthe start iterator on a range of states to visit
[in]bfEndthe end iterator on a range of states to visit
[out]insertItan insert iterator in charge of keeping the StatePropertyId of the states that are removed.
[out]disableItan insert iterator in charge of keeping the pair <StatePropertyId,Event> of disabled events that remove the deadlocks.
true the resulting machine is still valid (i.e. it has at least one initial state)

Definition at line 258 of file Trimming.hh.

References Diades::Automata::Experimental::ControlPattern< Fsm >::enabled().

Referenced by trimDdAutStates2().

◆ deleteState() [1/5]

template<typename StatePropertyId , typename EventPropertyId , typename InputIterator , typename NullStateProperty , typename NullEventProperty >
void Diades::Automata::Experimental::deleteState ( StateMachine< StatePropertyId, EventPropertyId, NullStateProperty, NullEventProperty > &  m,
InputIterator  first,
InputIterator  last 

◆ deleteState() [2/5]

template<typename StatePropertyId , typename EventPropertyId , typename InputIterator , typename Predicate , typename NullStatePropertyId = NullValue<StatePropertyId>, typename NullEventPropertyId >
void Diades::Automata::Experimental::deleteState ( StateMachine< StatePropertyId, EventPropertyId, NullStatePropertyId, NullEventPropertyId > &  m,
InputIterator  first,
InputIterator  last,
Predicate  pred 

◆ deleteState() [3/5]

template<typename StatePropertyId , typename EventPropertyId , typename InputIterator , typename IsNullStateProperty , typename IsNullEventProperty >
void Diades::Automata::Experimental::deleteState ( StateMachine< StatePropertyId, EventPropertyId, IsNullStateProperty, IsNullEventProperty > &  m,
InputIterator  first,
InputIterator  last 

◆ deleteState() [4/5]

template<typename StatePropertyId , typename EventPropertyId , typename InputIterator , typename Predicate , typename IsNullStateProperty , typename IsNullEventProperty >
void Diades::Automata::Experimental::deleteState ( StateMachine< StatePropertyId, EventPropertyId, IsNullStateProperty, IsNullEventProperty > &  m,
InputIterator  first,
InputIterator  last,
Predicate  pred 

◆ deleteState() [5/5]

template<typename StatePropertyId , typename EventPropertyId , typename InputIterator , typename Predicate , typename IsNullStateProperty , typename IsNullEventProperty , typename StatePropertyIdInsertIterator >
void Diades::Automata::Experimental::deleteState ( StateMachine< StatePropertyId, EventPropertyId, IsNullStateProperty, IsNullEventProperty > &  m,
InputIterator  first,
InputIterator  last,
Predicate  pred,
StatePropertyIdInsertIterator  insertIt 

◆ deleteTransition() [1/2]

template<typename StatePropertyId , typename EventPropertyId , typename InputIterator , typename NullStateProperty , typename NullEventProperty >
void Diades::Automata::Experimental::deleteTransition ( StateMachine< StatePropertyId, EventPropertyId, NullStateProperty, NullEventProperty > &  m,
InputIterator  first,
InputIterator  last 

◆ deleteTransition() [2/2]

template<typename StatePropertyId , typename EventPropertyId , typename InputIterator , typename IsNullStatePropertyId , typename IsNullEventProperty >
void Diades::Automata::Experimental::deleteTransition ( StateMachine< StatePropertyId, EventPropertyId, IsNullStatePropertyId, IsNullEventProperty > &  m,
InputIterator  first,
InputIterator  last 

◆ descriptorToRules()

template<typename DdAutFsmType >
bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::descriptorToRules ( const DdSyncDescriptor desc,
ParametrizedSynchronisation< DdAutFsmType > &  rules,
std::string &  errorMsg 
descthe descriptor
rulesthe initialised set of synchronisation rules
errorMsgupdated with potential errors in no success
true if the import from the descriptor is a success Note that rules must already be initialised with a set of components that contain at least the component of the names described in the descriptor and the events from the descriptor. If not it is a failure and rules are cleared

Definition at line 456 of file DdSyncDescriptor.hh.

References Diades::Automata::Experimental::DdSyncDescriptor::begin(), Diades::Automata::Experimental::ParametrizedSynchronisation< StateMachine >::clear(), Diades::Automata::Experimental::ParametrizedSynchronisation< StateMachine >::clearRules(), Diades::Automata::Experimental::ParametrizedSynchronisation< StateMachine >::close(), Diades::Automata::Experimental::DdSyncDescriptor::end(), Diades::Automata::Experimental::SynchronisationRules< StateMachine >::endOfComponents(), Diades::Automata::Experimental::SynchronisationRules< StateMachine >::findComponent(), Diades::Utils::Ptr< T >::get(), and Diades::Automata::Experimental::ParametrizedSynchronisation< StateMachine >::synchronise().

Referenced by synchroniseDdAut().

◆ determine()

template<typename Fsm , typename StateCreator >
void Diades::Automata::Experimental::determine ( const Fsm &  machine,
Fsm &  deterministicMachine,
StateCreator &  creator 
machineThe original StateMachine
deterministicMachineThe deterministic version of the original StateMachine
creatorDefinition of the way the states of the deterministic machine will be created from the original machine (should be a derived class from BeliefStateBasedStateCreator)
deterministicMachine must not be the original machine
Note that if the StateMachine does not have any initial state, it is considered as if the original StateMachine is empty. A StateMachine that has no 'specific' initial states is a StateMachine such any state can be initial, in this case machine.setAllInitialStates() must be applied first.
A deterministic StateMachine, if not empty, has one initial state only.

Definition at line 65 of file Determine.hh.

References require, and states.

Referenced by determineAut(), determineDdaut(), minimizeAut(), and minimizeDdaut().

◆ endListCaretItem()

std::string Diades::Automata::Experimental::endListCaretItem ( )

◆ endNestedTree()

std::string Diades::Automata::Experimental::endNestedTree ( )

◆ endTree()

std::string Diades::Automata::Experimental::endTree ( )

Referenced by writeTreeView().

◆ explain()

bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::explain ( const DdAutFA fsa,
const DdAutStateManager sManager,
const DdAutEventManager eManager,
const std::vector< std::string > &  observations,
Observables observables,
DdAutFA explanations,
DdAutFA fullExplanations,
DdAutStateManager sManagerExplanation,
std::unordered_map< DdAutFA::State, unordered_set< DdAutFA::Transition > > &  safeAlternatives 

◆ explainFromStates()

template<typename StateIterator >
bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::explainFromStates ( StateIterator  begin,
StateIterator  end,
const DdAutFA fsa,
const DdAutStateManager sManager,
const DdAutEventManager eManager,
const Observations observations,
Observables observables,
DdAutFA explanations,
DdAutFA traces,
DdAutStateManager sManagerExplanation,
const Matcher matcher,
const LocStateMap levelOfChoice,
SafeAlt< DdAutFA > &  safeAlternatives 

Definition at line 382 of file Explanation.hh.

References Diades::Automata::Experimental::StateMachine< _StatePropertyId, _EventPropertyId, _NullStatePropertyId, _NullEventPropertyId >::behaviour(), extractEffectiveChoiceTransitions(), Diades::Automata::Experimental::StateMachine< _StatePropertyId, _EventPropertyId, _NullStatePropertyId, _NullEventPropertyId >::getEvent(), getSafeAlternatives(), Diades::Automata::Experimental::StateMachine< _StatePropertyId, _EventPropertyId, _NullStatePropertyId, _NullEventPropertyId >::getState(), Diades::Automata::Experimental::StatePropertyManager< _StateProperty, _StatePropertyId, NullStProperty, NullStPropertyId, Hash >::getStateProperty(), Diades::Automata::Experimental::StateMachine< _StatePropertyId, _EventPropertyId, _NullStatePropertyId, _NullEventPropertyId >::getStatePropertyId(), Diades::Automata::Experimental::StateMachine< _StatePropertyId, _EventPropertyId, _NullStatePropertyId, _NullEventPropertyId >::inputEventTransitionBegin(), Diades::Automata::Experimental::StateMachine< _StatePropertyId, _EventPropertyId, _NullStatePropertyId, _NullEventPropertyId >::inputEventTransitionEnd(), Diades::Automata::Experimental::StateMachine< _StatePropertyId, _EventPropertyId, _NullStatePropertyId, _NullEventPropertyId >::isInitial(), levelOfChoice(), Diades::Automata::Experimental::StateMachine< _StatePropertyId, _EventPropertyId, _NullStatePropertyId, _NullEventPropertyId >::newTransition(), project(), Diades::Automata::Experimental::FiniteAutomaton< _StatePropertyId, _InputSymbolId, _NullStatePropertyId, _NullInputSymbolId >::setAcceptingState(), Diades::Automata::Experimental::StateMachine< _StatePropertyId, _EventPropertyId, _NullStatePropertyId, _NullEventPropertyId >::setInitial(), and Diades::Automata::Experimental::StatePropertyManager< _StateProperty, _StatePropertyId, NullStProperty, NullStPropertyId, Hash >::statePropertyId().

Referenced by explain().

◆ extractEffectiveChoiceTransitions()

template<typename Fsm >
void Diades::Automata::Experimental::extractEffectiveChoiceTransitions ( Fsm &  traces,
const ExplLocStateMap levelOfChoice,
unordered_set< typename Fsm::Transition > &  solutions 

Extraction from the traces of A || Pbar || L, the set of effective choice transitions.

tracesany path from the initial state to an acceptor states is a trace from A || Pbar || L
levelOfChoicethe level of choices on any state in traces
solutionsthe returned set of effective choice transitions

Definition at line 253 of file Explanation.hh.

Referenced by explainFromStates().

◆ faFromDdAutFile()

bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::faFromDdAutFile ( std::istream &  stream,
const ManagedDdAutFA mFa 

import a FiniteAutomaton from a ddaut format file stream

streamthe stream that contains the ddaut description
sManagerthe manager that records the state information
eManagerthe manager that records the event information
true if the import is a success not a complete
complete the parser
See also
http://cadp.inria.fr/man/aut.html The ddaut format is an extension of the aut format

about the aut file format: The first line of an AUT file has the following syntax: des (<initial-state>, <number-of-transitions>, <number-of-states>) The "des" keywords stands for "descriptor". The <number-of-states> must be greater or equal to 1, because there is always at least one state, the initial state. State numbers range between 0 and <number-of-states> - 1. The <initial-state> is always equal to 0. The remainder of the AUT file consists of one line per transition, in an arbitrary order. Each remaining line has the following syntax: (<from-state>, <label>, <to-state>) where <from-state> and <to-state> are state numbers and where <label> can take two possible forms: <unquoted-label> consists of a character string starting with a letter, and followed by zero, one, or many letters, digits, or underscore characters. <quoted-label> consists of a character string starting with a double quote and ending with a double quote. Between these two double quotes, there can be zero, one or many printable characters; the meaning of "printable" is given by the POSIX isprint() function with locale "C" (namely, ASCII characters with decimal codes in the range from 32 to 126, bounds included). No other assumption should be made about the characters present between these two double quotes. In particular, the double quote character itself may be present, and may not necessarily be "escaped" in some way (e.g., preceded by a backslash, as in C).

About the ddaut extensions: the idea is to start from the aut format and add new fields of information: for now state, event, initial, acceptor None of this field is mandatory. There is no order. They may be several occurrence of the same field. Be as flexible as possible. None of the information in the fields has to be complete.

About state: it is a couple consisting of one integer (the id of the state) and one <label>, one couple per line. If the state is present several times, the last occurrence prevails

Referenced by insertDdAuts(), and synchroniseDdAut().

◆ faFromDescriptor()

bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::faFromDescriptor ( const DdAutFileDescriptor descriptor,
DdAutFA fa,
DdAutStateManager sManager,
DdAutEventManager eManager 
fsmthe state machine to fill
sManagerthe state manager to fill
eManagerthe event manager to fill
true if the initialisation of the fsm is a success

Referenced by completeDdaut(), determineDdaut(), explainFsm(), exportDdAutToDot(), Diades::CmdInterface::loadFiniteStateAutomaton(), minimizeDdaut(), projectDdaut(), tagDdAutStates2(), and trimDdAutStates2().

◆ faToDdAutFile()

bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::faToDdAutFile ( ostream &  stream,
const ConstManagedDdAutFA mFa 

FA To DdAutFile

streamthe updated output stream
fathe Finite Automaton to export
sManagerthe manager that records the state information
eManagerthe manager that records the event information
enforce(encoding of the states in aut file format if needed)
true if the export is a success.

The export is not a success the finite automaton is not valid or if there is some writing issues with stream

Referenced by tagDdAutStates2(), trimDdAutStates2(), and Diades::CmdInterface::writeFiniteAutomaton().

◆ faToDescriptor()

bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::faToDescriptor ( const DdAutFA fa,
DdAutFileDescriptor descriptor,
const DdAutStateManager sManager,
const DdAutEventManager eManager,
Diades::Graph::ConstNodeMap< DdAutStateId > &  encoding 
fsma FiniteAutomaton
descriptora ddaut fsm descriptor
sManagerthe state manager of the FA
eManagerthe event manager of the FA
true if the conversion of the FA to the descriptor is a success

◆ fromAutFile()

bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::fromAutFile ( std::istream &  stream,
AutFsm fsm 

import a Component from an aut format file stream

streamthe stream that contains the aut description
true if the import is a success not a complet parser
complete the parser
See also
http://cadp.inria.fr/man/aut.html about the aut file format: The first line of an AUT file has the following syntax: des (<initial-state>, <number-of-transitions>, <number-of-states>) The "des" keywords stands for "descriptor". The <number-of-states> must be greater or equal to 1, because there is always at least one state, the initial state. State numbers range between 0 and <number-of-states> - 1. The <initial-state> is always equal to 0. The remainder of the AUT file consists of one line per transition, in an arbitrary order. Each remaining line has the following syntax: (<from-state>, <label>, <to-state>) where <from-state> and <to-state> are state numbers and where <label> can take two possible forms: <unquoted-label> consists of a character string starting with a letter, and followed by zero, one, or many letters, digits, or underscore characters. <quoted-label> consists of a character string starting with a double quote and ending with a double quote. Between these two double quotes, there can be zero, one or many printable characters; the meaning of "printable" is given by the POSIX isprint() function with locale "C" (namely, ASCII characters with decimal codes in the range from 32 to 126, bounds included). No other assumption should be made about the characters present between these two double quotes. In particular, the double quote character itself may be present, and may not necessarily be "escaped" in some way (e.g., preceded by a backslash, as in C).

Referenced by autFileStateReencoding(), completeAut(), determineAut(), exportAutToDot(), insertAuts(), minimizeAut(), projectAut(), and runAut().

◆ fromTsFile()

bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::fromTsFile ( std::istream &  stream,
ManagedTsFsms fsms,
TsConversionMode  mode 

Load a Ts file as a DdAutFsm.

This is the first function that handles ts-format that results from arc (altarica tool)

streama stream that contains a ts-format transition system
fsmsthe vector of managed fsms extracted from the ts file (first the global fsm followed by its component projection)
modenormal (as in ts), full (events contain the target state), update (events contain state changes)
true is the loading is a success

Referenced by exportTsToDdAut2().

◆ fsmFromDdAutFile()

bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::fsmFromDdAutFile ( std::istream &  stream,
const ManagedDdAutFsm mFsm 

import a StateMachine from a ddaut format file stream

streamthe stream that contains the ddaut description
sManagerthe manager that records the state information
eManagerthe manager that records the event information
true if the import is a success not a complete
complete the parser
See also
http://cadp.inria.fr/man/aut.html The ddaut format is an extension of the aut format

about the aut file format: The first line of an AUT file has the following syntax: des (<initial-state>, <number-of-transitions>, <number-of-states>) The "des" keywords stands for "descriptor". The <number-of-states> must be greater or equal to 1, because there is always at least one state, the initial state. State numbers range between 0 and <number-of-states> - 1. The <initial-state> is always equal to 0. The remainder of the AUT file consists of one line per transition, in an arbitrary order. Each remaining line has the following syntax: (<from-state>, <label>, <to-state>) where <from-state> and <to-state> are state numbers and where <label> can take two possible forms: <unquoted-label> consists of a character string starting with a letter, and followed by zero, one, or many letters, digits, or underscore characters. <quoted-label> consists of a character string starting with a double quote and ending with a double quote. Between these two double quotes, there can be zero, one or many printable characters; the meaning of "printable" is given by the POSIX isprint() function with locale "C" (namely, ASCII characters with decimal codes in the range from 32 to 126, bounds included). No other assumption should be made about the characters present between these two double quotes. In particular, the double quote character itself may be present, and may not necessarily be "escaped" in some way (e.g., preceded by a backslash, as in C).

About the ddaut extensions: the idea is to start from the aut format and add new fields of information: for now state, event, initial, acceptor None of this field is mandatory. There is no order. They may be several occurrence of the same field. Be as flexible as possible. None of the information in the fields has to be complete.

About state: it is a couple consisting of one integer (the id of the state) and one <label>, one couple per line. If the state is present several times, the last occurrence prevails

◆ fsmFromDescriptor()

bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::fsmFromDescriptor ( const DdAutFileDescriptor descriptor,
DdAutFsm fsm,
DdAutStateManager sManager,
DdAutEventManager eManager 
fsmthe state machine to fill
sManagerthe state manager to fill
eManagerthe event manager to fill
true if the initialisation of the fsm is a success

Referenced by completeDdaut(), determineDdaut(), Diades::CmdInterface::loadFiniteStateMachine(), minimizeDdaut(), projectDdaut(), and runDdaut().

◆ fsmToAutFile()

bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::fsmToAutFile ( ostream &  stream,
const DdAutFsm fsm,
const DdAutEventManager eManager,
bool  enforce = false 

Fsm To AutFile

streamthe updated output stream
fsmthe Fsm to export
eManagerthe manager that records the event information
enforce(encoding of the states in aut file format if needed)
true if the export is a success.

The export is not a success the fsm is empty or if there is more than one initial state in the Fsm. If the encoding is not forced but is incompatible then failure. This function actually converts a Fsm in ddaut file to aut file, so the state labels are simply ignored the event are the event label in the eManager.

Referenced by Diades::CmdInterface::writeFiniteAutomaton(), and Diades::CmdInterface::writeFiniteStateMachine().

◆ fsmToDdAutFile()

bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::fsmToDdAutFile ( ostream &  stream,
const ConstManagedDdAutFsm mFsm 

Fsm To DdAutFile

streamthe updated output stream
fsmthe Fsm to export
sManagerthe manager that records the state information
eManagerthe manager that records the event information
enforce(encoding of the states in aut file format if needed)
true if the export is a success.

The export is not a success the fsm is empty or if there is some writing issues with stream

Referenced by exportTsToDdAut2(), writeDdAutComponents(), and Diades::CmdInterface::writeFiniteStateMachine().

◆ fsmToDescriptor()

bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::fsmToDescriptor ( const DdAutFsm fsm,
DdAutFileDescriptor descriptor,
const DdAutStateManager sManager,
const DdAutEventManager eManager,
Diades::Graph::ConstNodeMap< DdAutStateId > &  encoding 
fsma DdAutFsm
descriptora ddaut fsm descriptor
sManagerthe state manager of the fsm
eManagerthe event manager of the fsm
true if the conversion of the DdAutFsm to the descriptor is a success

◆ generateSynchronisedDdAutEventLabels()

template<typename DdAutFsmType >
bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::generateSynchronisedDdAutEventLabels ( const SynchronisationRules< DdAutFsmType > &  synchro,
const std::vector< DdAutEventManager > &  eventManagers,
DdAutEventManager syncEventManager 

Generation of a label to represent each synchronisation events involved in the rules synchro

synchrosynchronisation rules
eventManagersthe event managers of the DdAut Fsm involved in the synchronisation
syncEventManagerthe manager that is associated with the resulting synchronised fsm
true if the operation is a success

Definition at line 432 of file DdAutFile.hh.

References Diades::Automata::Experimental::SynchronisationRules< StateMachine >::beginOfSynchronisedEvents(), Diades::Automata::Experimental::SynchronisationRules< StateMachine >::endOfSynchronisedEvents(), insertDdAutFA(), and Diades::Automata::Experimental::EventManager< _Event, _EventId, NullEvent, NullEventId, Hash >::setEvent().

Referenced by synchroniseDdAut().

◆ getSafeAlternatives()

std::unordered_set<DdAutFA::Transition> Diades::Automata::Experimental::getSafeAlternatives ( const DdAutFA traces,
DdAutFA::State  state,
const ExplLocStateMap levelOfChoiceInTraces,
const Diades::Graph::NodeMap< DdAutFA::State > &  mapping,
const DdAutFA fsa,
const LocStateMap levelOfChoiceInFsa,
const DdAutStateManager sManager,
const DdAutEventManager eManager 

◆ initialiseMatcher()

Matcher Diades::Automata::Experimental::initialiseMatcher ( const DdAutEventManager eManager,
const std::vector< std::string > &  observations 

◆ insertAutFsms()

template<typename AutFsmRange >
bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::insertAutFsms ( AutFsmRange  range,
AutFsm output 

AutFsm insertion

arange of AutFsm
outputthe AutFsm where all the AutFsm of the range have been inserted
true if success This is used by the program dd-insert, it ensures it is a compatible AutFsm as it merges the initial states. Be aware that the state encoding might not be

Definition at line 270 of file AutFile.hh.

References autFileStateReencoding(), deleteState(), Diades::Automata::Experimental::StateMachine< _StatePropertyId, _EventPropertyId, _NullStatePropertyId, _NullEventPropertyId >::getEvent(), Diades::Automata::Experimental::StateMachine< _StatePropertyId, _EventPropertyId, _NullStatePropertyId, _NullEventPropertyId >::initialStateBegin(), Diades::Automata::Experimental::StateMachine< _StatePropertyId, _EventPropertyId, _NullStatePropertyId, _NullEventPropertyId >::initialStateEnd(), Diades::Automata::Experimental::StateMachine< _StatePropertyId, _EventPropertyId, _NullStatePropertyId, _NullEventPropertyId >::inputTransitionBegin(), Diades::Automata::Experimental::StateMachine< _StatePropertyId, _EventPropertyId, _NullStatePropertyId, _NullEventPropertyId >::inputTransitionEnd(), insertRangeOfTransitions(), Diades::Automata::Experimental::StateMachine< _StatePropertyId, _EventPropertyId, _NullStatePropertyId, _NullEventPropertyId >::isInitial(), Diades::Automata::Experimental::StateMachine< _StatePropertyId, _EventPropertyId, _NullStatePropertyId, _NullEventPropertyId >::newTransition(), Diades::Automata::Experimental::StateMachine< _StatePropertyId, _EventPropertyId, _NullStatePropertyId, _NullEventPropertyId >::numberOfInitialStates(), Diades::Automata::Experimental::StateMachine< _StatePropertyId, _EventPropertyId, _NullStatePropertyId, _NullEventPropertyId >::outputTransitionBegin(), and Diades::Automata::Experimental::StateMachine< _StatePropertyId, _EventPropertyId, _NullStatePropertyId, _NullEventPropertyId >::outputTransitionEnd().

Referenced by insertAuts().

◆ insertDdAutFA()

void Diades::Automata::Experimental::insertDdAutFA ( const DdAutFA sourceFsm,
const DdAutStateManager sourceStateManager,
const DdAutEventManager sourceEventManager,
DdAutFA targetFsm,
DdAutStateManager targetStateManager,
DdAutEventManager targetEventManager 

Insertion of a sourceFsm into a targetFsm

sourceFsmthe Fsm to insert
sourceStateManagerthe state manager associated with the source fsm
sourceEventManagerthe event manager associated with the source fsm
targetFsmthe Fsm where the sourceFsm is inserted
targetStateManagerthe target state manager associated with the target fsm
targetEventManagerthe target event manager associated with the target fsm

Referenced by generateSynchronisedDdAutEventLabels(), and insertFiniteAutomata().

◆ insertFiniteAutomata()

template<typename DdAutFARange , typename RangeDdAutSM , typename RangeDdAutEM >
bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::insertFiniteAutomata ( DdAutFARange  faRange,
RangeDdAutSM  smRange,
RangeDdAutEM  evRange,
DdAutFA result,
DdAutStateManager targetStateManager,
DdAutEventManager targetEventManager 

AutFsm insertion

arange of AutFsm
outputthe AutFsm where all the AutFsm of the range have been inserted
true if success This is used by the program dd-insert, it ensures it is a compatible AutFsm as it merges the initial states. Be aware that the state encoding might not be

Definition at line 493 of file DdAutFile.hh.

References insertDdAutFA().

Referenced by insertDdAuts().

◆ insertRangeOfTransitions()

template<typename TransInserterIterator >
void Diades::Automata::Experimental::insertRangeOfTransitions ( TransInserterIterator  begin,
TransInserterIterator  end 

Raw Insertion of a range of Finite State Machines into a single FiniteStateMachine

fsmsrange of Finite State Machines to insert
eventInsertersrange of EventInserters associated to the range of Fsms The EventInserter of a given position in the range is associated with the Fsm of the same position in the fsm range. Each EventInserter is built with its source Fsm in the corresponding Fsm range and with its target being the Fsm result.
stateInsertersrange of StateInserters associated to the range of Fsms The StateInserter of a given position in the range is associated with the Fsm of the same position in the fsm range.
resultthe Fsm that will contain the result of the insertion of the range of fsms.

Definition at line 71 of file Union.hh.

References insertTransitions().

Referenced by insertAutFsms().

◆ insertTransitions()

template<typename TransInserter >
void Diades::Automata::Experimental::insertTransitions ( TransInserter &  inserter)

Main procedure for the insertion of a StateMachine into another one

insertera TransitionInserter, any Transition from inserter.source() are inserted into inserter.target()
raw insertion

Definition at line 36 of file Union.hh.

Referenced by insertRangeOfTransitions().

◆ isComplete()

template<typename Fsm >
bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::isComplete ( const Fsm &  machine)
machinea StateMachine
true if the machine is complete i.e. any EventPropertyId is involved in at least one output transition of every state of the StateMachine

Definition at line 36 of file Complete.hh.

Referenced by nerodePartition().

◆ isDeterministic()

template<typename Fsm >
bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::isDeterministic ( const Fsm &  machine)
machinea StateMachine
true if the machine is deterministic, i.e. all the output transitions from a given state have a different EventPropertyId

Definition at line 35 of file Determine.hh.

Referenced by minimize(), minimizeAut(), and minimizeDdaut().

◆ isNotChoiceState()

template<typename _SPId , typename _ISId , typename _NSPId = NullValue<_SPId>, typename _NISId = NullValue< _ISId>>
bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::isNotChoiceState ( const FiniteAutomaton< _SPId, _ISId, _NSPId, _NISId > &  fsa,
typename FiniteAutomaton< _SPId, _ISId, _NSPId, _NISId >::State  state,
const LocStateMap levels 

return true if the state is definitely considered as a no-choice state

a state is considered as a no-choice state iff every successor of the state has the same (initialized) level of choice (such successor must exist)

fsathe FiniteAutomaton where the state is
statethe state to investigate
levelsthe current assigned levels (-1 if not assigned)
true if the state is definitely considered as a no-choice state

Definition at line 47 of file Explanation.hh.

References Diades::Automata::Experimental::StateMachine< _StatePropertyId, _InputSymbolId, _NullStatePropertyId, _NullInputSymbolId >::getStatePropertyId(), LP, Diades::Automata::Experimental::StateMachine< _StatePropertyId, _InputSymbolId, _NullStatePropertyId, _NullInputSymbolId >::outputTransitionBegin(), and Diades::Automata::Experimental::StateMachine< _StatePropertyId, _InputSymbolId, _NullStatePropertyId, _NullInputSymbolId >::outputTransitionEnd().

Referenced by setLevel().

◆ levelOfChoice()

template<typename _SPId , typename _ISId , typename _NSPId = NullValue<_SPId>, typename _NISId = NullValue< _ISId>>
bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::levelOfChoice ( const FiniteAutomaton< _SPId, _ISId, _NSPId, _NISId > &  fsa,
LocStateMap result 

Definition at line 209 of file Explanation.hh.

References LP, setLevel(), and states.

Referenced by explain(), and explainFromStates().

◆ listSingleItem()

std::string Diades::Automata::Experimental::listSingleItem ( const std::string &  item)

◆ minimize()

template<typename Fsm , typename StateCreator >
void Diades::Automata::Experimental::minimize ( const Fsm &  machine,
Fsm &  minimalMachine,
StateCreator &  creator 
machineThe original StateMachine
minimalMachineThe minimal version of the original StateMachine
minimalMachine must not be the original machine
Note that if the StateMachine does not have any initial state, it is considered as if the original StateMachine is empty. A StateMachine that has no 'specific' initial states is a StateMachine such any state can be initial, in this case machine.setAllInitialStates() must be applied first.
machine must be deterministic (no check here)
A minimal StateMachine, if not empty, has one initial state only.
machineThe original StateMachine
minimalMachineThe minimal version of the original StateMachine
minimalMachine must not be the original machine
Note that if the StateMachine does not have any initial state, it is considered as if the original StateMachine is empty. A StateMachine that has no 'specific' initial states is a StateMachine such any state can be initial, in this case machine.setAllInitialStates() must be applied first.
A minimal StateMachine, if not empty, has one initial state only.
machineThe original StateMachine
minimalMachineThe minimal version of the original StateMachine
minimalStateManagerStateInfoManger of the resulting machine
disjunctionDefinition of the way the minimal machine will hold the disjunction states from the original machine.
minimalMachine must not be the original machine
the machine must be deterministic (in particular one and only one initial state)
A minimal StateMachine, if not empty, has one initial state only.

Definition at line 336 of file Minimize.hh.

References isDeterministic(), and minimizeDeterministicMachine().

Referenced by minimizeAut(), and minimizeDdaut().

◆ minimizeDeterministicMachine()

template<typename Fsm , typename StateCreator >
void Diades::Automata::Experimental::minimizeDeterministicMachine ( const Fsm &  machine,
Fsm &  minimalMachine,
StateCreator &  creator 
machineThe original deterministic StateMachine
minimalMachineThe minimal version of the original StateMachine
minimalStateManagerStateInfoManger of the resulting machine
disjunctionDefinition of the way the minimal machine will hold the disjunction states from the original machine.
minimalMachine must not be the original machine
Note that if the StateMachine does not have any initial state, it is considered as if the original StateMachine is empty. A StateMachine that has no 'specific' initial states is a StateMachine such any state can be initial, in this case machine.setAllInitialStates() must be applied first.
A minimal StateMachine, if not empty, has one initial state only.

Definition at line 225 of file Minimize.hh.

References nerodePartition().

Referenced by minimize().

◆ nerodePartition()

template<typename Fsm >
void Diades::Automata::Experimental::nerodePartition ( const Fsm &  machine,
vector< std::shared_ptr< BeliefState< Fsm >>> &  partition 

Nerode partition (for minimization)

partitionwill contain the nerode partition of the StateMachine (required for the minimization of the StateMachine) The Nerode partition is the partition of states such that for any Q0 Q1 there is no pair of state q0 and q'0 from Q0 such that q0 - a -> q1 is a transition of 'machine' and q1 is in Q1 while q'0 - a -> q'1 is a transition of 'machine' and q'1 is NOT in Q1 Be aware that to compute the partition, it is sometimes necessary to introduce a sink state. It is implicitely represented as an empty belief state that is pushed the first in the given partition (usually as partition is called as an empty vector which means that this empty belief state, if it exists, is at index 0). For performance issues, this empty belief state is not removed.

Definition at line 114 of file Minimize.hh.

References isComplete(), and splitPartition().

Referenced by minimizeDeterministicMachine().

◆ nextNoWhiteSpaceCharacter()

std::streampos Diades::Automata::Experimental::nextNoWhiteSpaceCharacter ( std::istream &  stream,
bool &  ok 

return the stream position just before the first character that is a white space (not such that std::isspace is true)

reads the stream till it founds a character c such that std::isspace(c) is false.

streamthe analyzed stream
okthe updated state of the stream (not good if no such a character has not been found)
return the current stream position that is the one of the first nonwhitespace character

◆ operator<<()

template<typename StateProperty , typename FaultProperty >
ostream& Diades::Automata::Experimental::operator<< ( ostream &  os,
const LocalCandidate< StateProperty, FaultProperty > &  candidate 

operator << of a LocalCandidate<StateProperty,FaultProperty>

osthe output stream
candidatea LocalCandidate<StateProperty,FaultProperty>
a stream where candidate.state() is printed followed by a space and candidate.faults() (so it is only ids, NOT the associated pieces of information)

Definition at line 134 of file LocalCandidate.hh.

◆ project() [1/8]

template<typename Fsm , typename IsGoal >
bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::project ( const Fsm &  machine,
Fsm &  abstractMachine,
IsGoal  isGoal,
BsMap< Fsm > &  bsMap,
CstStMap< typename Fsm::State > &  stMap 
machinea StateMachine
abstractMachinethe resulting abstracted StateMachine
isGoaltransition Predicate
bsMapresulting mapping that associates a State from abstractMachine to the set of abstracted states in the initial machine
stMapresulting mapping that associates a State of the initial machine to the state in the abstractMachine. Only initial states or states from the initial machine that are targets of a projected transition have an association. Any other states of the initial StateMachine are associated with an invalid state (as they may actually belong to several belief states of the abstracted machine).
true if the projection is a success. If not the state of the abstractedMachine is undetermined.
machine should not be abstractedMachine. machine must have at least one initial state
isGoal is a transition Predicate over the set of transitions in machine
the abstractMachine only contains transitions such that the predicate is true.

Definition at line 426 of file Project.hh.

References Diades::Automata::Experimental::Projection::projectRange().

Referenced by explainFromStates(), and project().

◆ project() [2/8]

template<typename Fsm , typename IsGoal >
bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::project ( const Fsm &  machine,
Fsm &  abstractMachine,
IsGoal  isGoal 
machinea StateMachine
abstractMachinethe resulting abstracted StateMachine
isGoaltransition Predicate
true if the projection is a success. If not the state of the abstractedMachine is undetermined.
machine should not be abstractedMachine. machine must have at least one initial state
isGoal is a transition Predicate over the set of transitions in machine
the abstractMachine only contains transitions such that the predicate is true.

Definition at line 458 of file Project.hh.

References project().

◆ project() [3/8]

template<typename Fsm , typename EventPropertyIdIterator >
bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::project ( const Fsm &  machine,
Fsm &  abstractMachine,
EventPropertyIdIterator  begin,
EventPropertyIdIterator  end,
BsMap< Fsm > &  bsMap,
CstStMap< typename Fsm::State > &  stMap 
machinea StateMachine
abstractMachinethe resulting abstracted StateMachine
beginthe start iterator of a range of EventInfoId to project
endthe end iterator of a range of EventInfoId to project
bsMapresulting mapping that associates a State from abstractMachine to the set of abstracted states in the initial machine
stMapresulting mapping that associates a State of the initial machine to the state in the abstractMachine. Only initial states or states from the initial machine that are targets of a projected transition have an association. Any other states of the initial StateMachine are associated with an invalid state (as they may actually belong to several belief states of the abstracted machine).
true if the projection is a success. If not the state of the abstractedMachine is undetermined.
machine should not be abstractedMachine. machine must have at least one initial state
[begin,end) represents a set of EventInfoId of the StateMachine
the abstractMachine only contains events from [begin,end)

Definition at line 492 of file Project.hh.

References Diades::Automata::Experimental::Projection::projectRange().

◆ project() [4/8]

template<typename Fsm , typename EventPropertyIdIterator >
bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::project ( const Fsm &  machine,
Fsm &  abstractMachine,
EventPropertyIdIterator  begin,
EventPropertyIdIterator  end 
machinea StateMachine
abstractMachinethe resulting abstracted StateMachine
beginthe start iterator of a range of EventInfoId to project
endthe end iterator of a range of EventInfoId to project
true if the projection is a success. If not the state of the abstractedMachine is undetermined.
machine should not be abstractedMachine. machine must have at least one initial state
[begin,end) represents a set of EventInfoId of the StateMachine
the abstractMachine only contains events from [begin,end)

Definition at line 532 of file Project.hh.

References project().

◆ project() [5/8]

template<typename Fsm , typename IsGoal , typename StateProperty , typename StateLabelProjection >
bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::project ( const Fsm &  fsm,
Fsm &  projectedFsm,
const StatePropertyManager< StateProperty, typename Fsm::StatePropertyId > &  stateManager,
StatePropertyManager< StateProperty, typename Fsm::StatePropertyId > &  projectionStateManager,
const StateLabelProjection &  projection,
IsGoal  isGoal,
BsMap< Fsm > &  bsMap,
CstStMap< typename Fsm::State > &  stMap 
machinea StateMachine
abstractMachinethe resulting abstracted StateMachine
isGoaltransition Predicate
bsMapresulting mapping that associates a State from abstractMachine to the set of abstracted states in the initial machine
stMapresulting mapping that associates a State of the initial machine to the state in the abstractMachine. Only initial states or states from the initial machine that are targets of a projected transition have an association. Any other states of the initial StateMachine are associated with an invalid state (as they may actually belong to several belief states of the abstracted machine).
true if the projection is a success. If not the state of the abstractedMachine is undetermined.
machine should not be abstractedMachine. machine must have at least one initial state
isGoal is a transition Predicate over the set of transitions in machine
the abstractMachine only contains transitions such that the predicate is true.

Definition at line 567 of file Project.hh.

References Diades::Automata::Experimental::Projection::projectRange().

◆ project() [6/8]

template<typename Fsm , typename IsGoal , typename StateProperty , typename StateLabelProjection >
bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::project ( const Fsm &  fsm,
Fsm &  projectedFsm,
const StatePropertyManager< StateProperty, typename Fsm::StatePropertyId > &  stateManager,
StatePropertyManager< StateProperty, typename Fsm::StatePropertyId > &  projectionStateManager,
const StateLabelProjection &  projection,
IsGoal  isGoal 
machinea StateMachine
abstractMachinethe resulting abstracted StateMachine
isGoaltransition Predicate
true if the projection is a success. If not the state of the abstractedMachine is undetermined.
machine should not be abstractedMachine. machine must have at least one initial state
isGoal is a transition Predicate over the set of transitions in machine
the abstractMachine only contains transitions such that the predicate is true.

Definition at line 601 of file Project.hh.

References project().

◆ project() [7/8]

template<typename Fsm , typename EventPropertyIdIterator , typename StateProperty , typename StateLabelProjection >
bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::project ( const Fsm &  fsm,
Fsm &  projectedFsm,
const StatePropertyManager< StateProperty, typename Fsm::StatePropertyId > &  stateManager,
StatePropertyManager< StateProperty, typename Fsm::StatePropertyId > &  projectionStateManager,
const StateLabelProjection &  projection,
EventPropertyIdIterator  begin,
EventPropertyIdIterator  end,
BsMap< Fsm > &  bsMap,
CstStMap< typename Fsm::State > &  stMap 
machinea StateMachine
abstractMachinethe resulting abstracted StateMachine
beginthe start iterator of a range of EventInfoId to project
endthe end iterator of a range of EventInfoId to project
bsMapresulting mapping that associates a State from abstractMachine to the set of abstracted states in the initial machine
stMapresulting mapping that associates a State of the initial machine to the state in the abstractMachine. Only initial states or states from the initial machine that are targets of a projected transition have an association. Any other states of the initial StateMachine are associated with an invalid state (as they may actually belong to several belief states of the abstracted machine).
true if the projection is a success. If not the state of the abstractedMachine is undetermined.
machine should not be abstractedMachine. machine must have at least one initial state
[begin,end) represents a set of EventInfoId of the StateMachine
the abstractMachine only contains events from [begin,end)

Definition at line 643 of file Project.hh.

References Diades::Automata::Experimental::Projection::projectRange().

◆ project() [8/8]

template<typename Fsm , typename EventPropertyIdIterator , typename StateProperty , typename StateLabelProjection >
bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::project ( const Fsm &  fsm,
Fsm &  projectedFsm,
const StatePropertyManager< StateProperty, typename Fsm::StatePropertyId > &  stateManager,
StatePropertyManager< StateProperty, typename Fsm::StatePropertyId > &  projectionStateManager,
const StateLabelProjection &  projection,
EventPropertyIdIterator  begin,
EventPropertyIdIterator  end 
machinea StateMachine
abstractMachinethe resulting abstracted StateMachine
beginthe start iterator of a range of EventInfoId to project
endthe end iterator of a range of EventInfoId to project
true if the projection is a success. If not the state of the abstractedMachine is undetermined.
machine should not be abstractedMachine. machine must have at least one initial state
[begin,end) represents a set of EventInfoId of the StateMachine
the abstractMachine only contains events from [begin,end)

Definition at line 685 of file Project.hh.

References project().

◆ pruneComments()

bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::pruneComments ( std::istream &  stream,
bool &  ok 

read the stream and ignore the next c-style/cpp style comments

The input stream may start with a set of c-style/cpp style comments pruneComments will read them and ignore them. pruneComments will set the current cursor so that the next character to read is the first character that does not belong to any c-style/cpp style comments.

streamthe input stream to analyze
okstatus of the stream (good or not good)
true if at least one comment has been detected and ignored.

◆ pruneCommentsBlock()

bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::pruneCommentsBlock ( std::istream &  stream,
bool &  ok 

analyze the stream and look for the end of a comment block

here we suppose that the stream is in a c-style comment block and we simply look for the end of the comment block. The stream is updated so that the next character to read is the one after the comment block

streamthe stream to analyze
okis true if the stream is good
return true if the end of the comment block is found

◆ rulesToDescriptor()

template<typename DdAutFsmType >
bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::rulesToDescriptor ( const SynchronisationRules< DdAutFsmType > &  rules,
DdSyncDescriptor desc 

◆ setLevel()

template<typename _SPId , typename _ISId , typename _NSPId = NullValue<_SPId>, typename _NISId = NullValue< _ISId>>
bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::setLevel ( const FiniteAutomaton< _SPId, _ISId, _NSPId, _NISId > &  fsa,
std::list< typename FiniteAutomaton< _SPId, _ISId, _NSPId, _NISId >::State > &  states,
int  currentLevel,
LocStateMap levels 

Definition at line 132 of file Explanation.hh.

References isNotChoiceState(), LP, setLevelStateAndPropagate(), and states.

Referenced by levelOfChoice().

◆ setLevelStateAndPropagate()

template<typename _SPId , typename _ISId , typename _NSPId = NullValue<_SPId>, typename _NISId = NullValue< _ISId>>
void Diades::Automata::Experimental::setLevelStateAndPropagate ( const FiniteAutomaton< _SPId, _ISId, _NSPId, _NISId > &  fsa,
std::list< typename FiniteAutomaton< _SPId, _ISId, _NSPId, _NISId >::State > &  states,
int  currentLevel,
LocStateMap levels,
typename FiniteAutomaton< _SPId, _ISId, _NSPId, _NISId >::State  state,
std::unordered_set< typename FiniteAutomaton< _SPId, _ISId, _NSPId, _NISId >::State > &  tagged,
std::unordered_set< typename FiniteAutomaton< _SPId, _ISId, _NSPId, _NISId >::State > &  visited 

set the level of the current state and insert its untagged predecessors in the list 'states' update the tagged and visited data structure if the state is not an initial state

this function is intermediate and is only used in setLevel only the current state is tagged any of its predecessors is then considered as visited

fsathe FiniteAutomaton where the state is
statesany non-visited predecessors of the current state will be inserted at the end of 'states'
currentLevelthe level to assign to the current state
levelsthe level mapping that stores the level for each state
statethe current state to tag
taggedthe current set of tagged states that is updated with the current state
visitedthe current set of visited states that is updated with the inserted predecessors
return type

Definition at line 96 of file Explanation.hh.

References Diades::Automata::Experimental::StateMachine< _StatePropertyId, _InputSymbolId, _NullStatePropertyId, _NullInputSymbolId >::getStatePropertyId(), Diades::Automata::Experimental::StateMachine< _StatePropertyId, _InputSymbolId, _NullStatePropertyId, _NullInputSymbolId >::inputTransitionBegin(), Diades::Automata::Experimental::StateMachine< _StatePropertyId, _InputSymbolId, _NullStatePropertyId, _NullInputSymbolId >::inputTransitionEnd(), Diades::Automata::Experimental::StateMachine< _StatePropertyId, _InputSymbolId, _NullStatePropertyId, _NullInputSymbolId >::isInitial(), LP, and states.

Referenced by setLevel().

◆ splitPartition()

template<typename Fsm >
bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::splitPartition ( const Fsm &  machine,
const std::shared_ptr< BeliefState< Fsm >>  bigQ0,
const std::shared_ptr< BeliefState< Fsm >>  bigQ1,
typename Fsm::EventPropertyId  littleA,
std::shared_ptr< BeliefState< Fsm >>  bigQ0prime,
std::shared_ptr< BeliefState< Fsm >>  bigQ0MinusbigQ0prime 

Split two partition elements according to the splittable property (minimization)

bigQOa BeliefState
bigQ1a BeliefState
littleAan Event
bigQ0primea BeliefState result of the split
bigQ0MinusbigQ0primea BeliefState result of the split

Does the split as follows. 1) If the states of Q0 always have an output transition labelled with a that goes to a state of Q1 then Q0 is not splittable and bigQ0prime bigQ0MinusbigQ0prime are empty belief states, returns false 2) If the states of Q0 always have an output transition labelled with a that goes to a state NOT in Q1 then Q0 is not splittable and bigQ0prime bigQ0MinusbigQ0prime are empty belief states 3) Otherwise it is splittable and bigQ0prime contains the states of Q0 that satify case 1 and bigQ0MinusbigQ0prime are the one that satisfies case 2

Note that bigQ1 may be equal to an empty belief state means that Q1 = {sink_state}. The sink_state is not explicitly represented in the StateMachine

Definition at line 50 of file Minimize.hh.

Referenced by nerodePartition().

◆ startListCaretItem()

std::string Diades::Automata::Experimental::startListCaretItem ( const std::string &  item)

◆ startNestedTree()

std::string Diades::Automata::Experimental::startNestedTree ( )

◆ startTree()

std::string Diades::Automata::Experimental::startTree ( const std::string &  treeId)

Referenced by writeTreeView().

◆ synchronize()

template<typename Fsm , typename StateCreator >
bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::synchronize ( const std::vector< typename Ptr< Fsm >::ConstP > &  components,
const SynchronisationRules< Fsm > &  rules,
Fsm &  synchronisation,
StateCreator &  creator 
machineThe original StateMachine
minimalMachineThe minimal version of the original StateMachine
minimalStateManagerStateInfoManger of the resulting machine
disjunctionDefinition of the way the minimal machine will hold the disjunction states from the original machine.
minimalMachine must not be the original machine
the machine must be deterministic (in particular one and only one initial state)
A minimal StateMachine, if not empty, has one initial state only.

Definition at line 36 of file Synchronize.hh.

Referenced by Diades::Petri::Net::isPostponable(), and synchroniseDdAut().

◆ toAutFile()

bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::toAutFile ( ostream &  stream,
const AutFsm fsm,
bool  enforce = false 

To AutFile

streamthe updated output stream
fsmthe Fsm to export
enforce(encoding of the states in aut file format if needed)
true if the export is a success.

The export is not a success if there is more than one initial state The initial state holds the information 0 If the information hold by the states is not from 0 to numberOfStates()-1 it is not a success. If enforce is set to true and the state encoding is not compatible then create a new compatible state encoding

Referenced by autFileStateReencoding(), and Diades::CmdInterface::writeAut().

◆ toDot() [1/4]

template<typename StateMachine , typename PrintStateProperty , typename PrintEventInfo >
ostream& Diades::Automata::Experimental::toDot ( ostream &  os,
const StateMachine fsm,
const PrintStateProperty &  statePrinter,
const PrintEventInfo &  eventPrinter 

Export in the output stream os a 'dot format' description of a StateMachine

osthe output stream
fsmthe StateMachine
statePrintera Printer for StateProperty of type PrintStateProperty
eventPrintera Printer for EventInfo of type PrintEventInfo
the updated output stream

Definition at line 267 of file Io.hh.

References toDotEnding(), toDotHeader(), toDotInitialStates(), toDotStates(), and toDotTransitions().

Referenced by exportAutToDot(), exportDdAutToDot(), exportDdSyncToDot(), main(), toDot(), and Diades::Automata::Experimental::LocalCandidateMachine::toDotPretty().

◆ toDot() [2/4]

template<typename StateMachine >
ostream& Diades::Automata::Experimental::toDot ( ostream &  os,
const StateMachine fsm 

Export in the output stream as a 'dot format' description of a StateMachine without the StateProperty/EventInfo data

osthe output stream
fsmthe StateMachine<StateProperty,EventInfo>
the updated output stream

Definition at line 290 of file Io.hh.

References toDotEnding(), toDotHeader(), toDotInitialStates(), toDotStates(), and toDotTransitions().

◆ toDot() [3/4]

template<typename StateMachine >
bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::toDot ( const std::string &  filename,
const StateMachine fsm 

Export in the 'dot format' description of a StateMachine without the StateProperty/EventInfo data

filenamethe output filename
fsmthe StateMachine<StateProperty,EventInfo>
the updated output stream

Definition at line 310 of file Io.hh.

References toDot().

◆ toDot() [4/4]

ostream& Diades::Automata::Experimental::toDot ( ostream &  os,
const DdSyncDescriptor descriptor 
osthe output stream
descriptora synchronisation rule descriptor
the updated output stream

Definition at line 337 of file Io.hh.

References Diades::Automata::Experimental::DdSyncDescriptor::toDot().

◆ toDotEnding()

ostream& Diades::Automata::Experimental::toDotEnding ( ostream &  os)

Definition at line 160 of file Io.hh.

Referenced by toDot().

◆ toDotHeader() [1/2]

ostream& Diades::Automata::Experimental::toDotHeader ( ostream &  os)

export in the output stream the header of a dot file

osthe output stream
the updated output stream

Definition at line 31 of file Io.hh.

Referenced by toDot(), and toDotHeader().

◆ toDotHeader() [2/2]

template<typename StateMachine >
ostream& Diades::Automata::Experimental::toDotHeader ( const StateMachine fsm,
ostream &  os 

◆ toDotInitialStates()

template<typename StateMachine >
ostream& Diades::Automata::Experimental::toDotInitialStates ( const StateMachine fsm,
ostream &  os 

◆ toDotStates() [1/4]

template<typename StateMachine , typename PrintStateProperty >
ostream& Diades::Automata::Experimental::toDotStates ( const StateMachine fsm,
const PrintStateProperty &  statePrinter,
ostream &  os 

◆ toDotStates() [2/4]

template<typename S , typename I , typename NS , typename NI , typename PrintStateProperty >
ostream& Diades::Automata::Experimental::toDotStates ( const FiniteAutomaton< S, I, NS, NI > &  fsm,
const PrintStateProperty &  statePrinter,
ostream &  os 

◆ toDotStates() [3/4]

template<typename StateMachine >
ostream& Diades::Automata::Experimental::toDotStates ( const StateMachine fsm,
ostream &  os 

◆ toDotStates() [4/4]

template<typename S , typename I , typename NS , typename NI >
ostream& Diades::Automata::Experimental::toDotStates ( const FiniteAutomaton< S, I, NS, NI > &  fa,
ostream &  os 

◆ toDotTransitions() [1/4]

template<typename StateMachine , typename PrintEventInfo >
ostream& Diades::Automata::Experimental::toDotTransitions ( const StateMachine fsm,
const PrintEventInfo &  eventPrinter,
ostream &  os 

◆ toDotTransitions() [2/4]

template<typename StateProperty , typename EventInfo , typename PrintEventInfo >
ostream& Diades::Automata::Experimental::toDotTransitions ( const FaultyEventStateMachine< StateProperty, EventInfo > &  fsm,
const PrintEventInfo &  eventPrinter,
ostream &  os 

◆ toDotTransitions() [3/4]

template<typename StateMachine >
ostream& Diades::Automata::Experimental::toDotTransitions ( const StateMachine fsm,
ostream &  os 

◆ toDotTransitions() [4/4]

template<typename StateProperty , typename EventInfo >
ostream& Diades::Automata::Experimental::toDotTransitions ( const FaultyEventStateMachine< StateProperty, EventInfo > &  fsm,
ostream &  os 

◆ toTreeViewHtmlEnd()

std::ostream& Diades::Automata::Experimental::toTreeViewHtmlEnd ( std::ostream &  os)

Referenced by writeTreeView().

◆ toTreeViewHtmlStart()

std::ostream& Diades::Automata::Experimental::toTreeViewHtmlStart ( std::ostream &  os)

Referenced by writeTreeView().

◆ transformToCandidateStateMachine()

void Diades::Automata::Experimental::transformToCandidateStateMachine ( const Component component,
Lcm::EvManager manager,
Lcm::EvSetManager setManager,
Lcm::LocalStateInfoManager locStateInfoManager,
Lcm::CandidateManager candidateManager,
Lcm::Fsm result 

Convert a Component to a StateMachine where each state holds a diagnosis information

componentthe Component to convert
managerthe EventManager that will contain the events of the Component (the events are added into the EventManager)
setManagerthe LocalEventSetManager in charge in computing the EventSets of the LocalCandidate and ONLY (initialised within the function)
locSTateInfoManagerstate info manager in charge of computing the information associated with a State of a Component to inject into a Candidate
candidateManagerstate info manager in charge of storing the information associated with a State of a Lcm
resultthe StateMachine resulting from the transformation

Referenced by runGlobalDiagnosisProblem().

◆ trimmingDeadlockStates() [1/2]

template<typename Fsm , typename BeliefStateIterator , typename StateIdInsertIterator >
bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::trimmingDeadlockStates ( Fsm &  machine,
BeliefStateIterator  bfBegin,
BeliefStateIterator  bfEnd,
StateIdInsertIterator  insertIt 

Trim the states are the source of a deadlock within a range of states.

This function removes every state that only leads to deadlock within a range of states (and consequently their predecessors) The StatePropertyId that are deleted are stored via an insertIterator. Be aware that this function can make the machine empty.

machineThe Fms that is updated
bfBeginthe iterator on the first state of the BeliefState
bfEndthe past-the-end iterator of the BeliefState
insertItan insert iterator in charge of keeping the StatePropertyId of the states that are removed.
true if the machine is still valid (i.e. not empty with some initial states).

Definition at line 164 of file Trimming.hh.

Referenced by trimmingDeadlockStates().

◆ trimmingDeadlockStates() [2/2]

template<typename Fsm , typename StateIdInsertIterator >
bool Diades::Automata::Experimental::trimmingDeadlockStates ( Fsm &  machine,
StateIdInsertIterator  insertIt 

Trim the states are the source of a deadlock.

This function removes every state that only leads to deadlock. The StatePropertyId that are deleted are stored via an insertIterator. Be aware that this function can make the machine empty.

machineThe Fsm that is updated
insertItan insert iterator in charge of keeping the StatePropertyId of the states that are removed.
true if the machine is still valid (i.e. not empty with some initial states).

Definition at line 224 of file Trimming.hh.

References trimmingDeadlockStates().

◆ trimmingTraces()

template<typename Fsm , typename BeliefStateIterator , typename StateIdInsertIterator >
void Diades::Automata::Experimental::trimmingTraces ( Fsm &  machine,
BeliefStateIterator  bfBegin,
BeliefStateIterator  bfEnd,
StateIdInsertIterator  insertIt 

Trim the traces of the Fsm that does not reach the given BeliefState.

This function considers that the given Fsm only contains states that are reachable from at least one initial state. It removes every state that does not belong to a trace that finally reaches a state of the belief State.

machineThe Fms that is updated
bfBeginthe iterator on the first state of the BeliefState
bfEndthe past-the-end iterator of the BeliefState
insertItan insert iterator in charge of keeping the StatePropertyId of the states that are removed.

Definition at line 44 of file Trimming.hh.

References deleteState().

◆ trimmingUnreachableStates() [1/2]

template<typename Fsm , typename BeliefStateIterator , typename StateIdInsertIterator >
void Diades::Automata::Experimental::trimmingUnreachableStates ( Fsm &  machine,
BeliefStateIterator  bfBegin,
BeliefStateIterator  bfEnd,
StateIdInsertIterator  insertIt 

Trim the states that cannot be reached from the given BeliefState.

This function removes every state that cannot be reached by at least one state of the given Belief State. The StatePropertyId that are deleted are stored via an insertIterator

machineThe Fms that is updated
bfBeginthe iterator on the first state of the BeliefState
bfEndthe past-the-end iterator of the BeliefState
insertItan insert iterator in charge of keeping the StatePropertyId of the states that are removed.

Definition at line 93 of file Trimming.hh.

References deleteState().

Referenced by trimmingUnreachableStates().

◆ trimmingUnreachableStates() [2/2]

template<typename Fsm , typename StateIdInsertIterator >
void Diades::Automata::Experimental::trimmingUnreachableStates ( Fsm &  machine,
StateIdInsertIterator  insertIt 

Trim the states that cannot be reached from the initial states.

This function removes every state that cannot be reached from at least one initial state. The StatePropertyId that are deleted are stored via an insertIterator

machineThe Fms that is updated
insertItan insert iterator in charge of keeping the StatePropertyId of the states that are removed.

Definition at line 140 of file Trimming.hh.

References trimmingUnreachableStates().

◆ tsExtractTargetState()

void Diades::Automata::Experimental::tsExtractTargetState ( const std::string &  rawTargetState,
std::string &  targetState,
std::string::size_type &  semiColonIndex 

extract the target state for the raw target state

raw target state may be something like the_state; or the_state simply get the_state and set the position index of ';' if found

rawTargetStatethe raw Target State something like the_state; or the_state
targetStatethe extracted state (i.e the_state)
semiColonIndexthe position index of ';' if found

◆ tsFileHeader()

std::istream& Diades::Automata::Experimental::tsFileHeader ( std::istream &  stream,
std::string &  tsName,
bool &  ok 

parse the Ts-format file header

parse something like ' <comments> transition_system name;'

streaminput stream to be parsed
tsNamethe assigned name of the transition system found in the stream
okthe current status of the stream (if not ok, it means the stream has the wrong format)
the analyzed stream

◆ tsFileStates()

std::istream& Diades::Automata::Experimental::tsFileStates ( std::istream &  stream,
ManagedTsFsms fsms,
bool &  ok 

◆ tsFileTransitionLabel()

std::istream& Diades::Automata::Experimental::tsFileTransitionLabel ( std::istream &  stream,
std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > &  events,
std::string &  fullEventLabel,
bool &  ok 

Read the transition label in a ts-format file.

In a Ts-format file a transition label is as follows 'label->' or '<evt, comp1.v1=val1, ..., compn.vn=valn>->' We extract the label and stores as label or <evt,comp1.v1=val1,...,compn.vn=valn> (i.e. skiped whitespaces)

streamthe analyzed input stream (expecting something like 'label->' or '<evt, comp1.v1=val1, ..., compn.vn=valn>->')
eventLabelthe extracted label (i.e. label or <evt,comp1.v1=val1,...,compn.vn=valn>)
oktrue if the extraction is successful
the update input stream positioned after 'label->' or '<evt, comp1.v1=val1, ..., compn.vn=valn>->'

◆ tsFileTransitions()

std::istream& Diades::Automata::Experimental::tsFileTransitions ( std::istream &  stream,
ManagedTsFsms fsms,
bool &  ok,
TsConversionMode  mode 

Read the transitions of a Ts-format stream.

The format is as follows: state1 |- '<event1>'-> state2; |- '<event2>'-> state3; state4 |- '<event3>'-> state5; ...

streamthe input stream to read
fsmthe Fsm where the transitions are inserted
sManagerthe state manager where the state identifiers are inserted
eManagerthe event manager where the event are inserted
okthe status of the stream
the stream positionned to the first non-isspace character after the set of transitions

◆ tsPrettyEvent()

std::string Diades::Automata::Experimental::tsPrettyEvent ( const std::string &  tsEvent)

Referenced by exportTsToDdAut2().