DiaDes  0.1
DIAgnosis of Discrete-Event System
experimental Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for experimental:


file  Complete.cc [code]
 This file implements the dd-complete command that is used to make convert any kind of automata to a complete automaton. An automaton is complete for a given alphabet if from any state and for every symbol, there is at least one output transition labeled with the symbol. In case of a 'aut' finite state machine we just add a state and add as many transitions as needed to reach it (with self-loops) In case of a 'ddaut' we do the same thing and make the state non-accepting.
file  Determine.cc [code]
 This file implements the dd-determine command that is used to make convert any kind of automata to deterministic automata.
file  Explain.cc [code]
file  Insert.cc [code]
 This file implements the dd-insert command that is used to perform automata raw insertions.
file  Minimize.cc [code]
file  Project.cc [code]
 This file implements the dd-project command that is used to perform any kind of automata projection.
file  Run.cc [code]
 This file implements the dd-run command that is used to run the model interactively (the model can be in aut/ddaut format).
file  Simulate.cc [code]
file  SymbolicDiagnose.cc [code]
file  Synchronize.cc [code]
 This file implements the dd-synchronize command that is used to perform any kind of automata synchronization.
file  TagStates.cc [code]
 This file implements the dd-tagstates command that is used to tag a set of states (initial, final) from an automaton (ddaut format) based on regular expressions.
file  ToDot.cc [code]
 This file implements the dd-dot command that is used to perform any kind of automata export in dot format.
file  TrimState.cc [code]
 This file implements the dd-trimstates command that is used to remove a set of states from an automaton (ddaut format) based on regular expressions.
file  TsToDdAut.cc [code]
 This file implements the dd-ts2ddaut command that is used to convert altarica ts-file format to ddaut format.