

ble_discover allows to discover the ATT attributes and GATT services/characteristics of a given device, implementing the discovering algorithms proposed in the Bluetooth specification. It needs to be connected to the device beforehand, hence needing to be used inside a chain of modules containing a module initiating the connection (eg: ble_connect or ble_hijack). It identifies the data proposed by a GATT/ATT server and select precisely the information to get with the WHAT parameter. This parameter accepts the following values:

  • “attributes” : get the attributes (ATT layer)

  • “all” : get the secondary and primary services, along with the characteristics (GATT layer)

  • “primaryservices” : get the primary services (GATT layer)

  • “secondaryservices” : get the secondary services (GATT layer)

  • “characteristics” : get the characteristics (GATT layer)

It also has a simple filtering mechanism, configured with the FILTER and FILTER_BY parameters, allowing to filter according to the type or the value of particular ATT attributes. Finally, this tool can export the extracted data in a text format (.cfg/.ini) for later use, for example to clone a device. The export files are provided via the ATT_FILE and GATT_FILE parameters, propagated at the end of the module’s execution to be used in chained operations.

Input parameters


Default value

Possible values




hciX, microbitX, butterflyX, sniffleX

Interface to use



<integer (2 bytes)>

First handle of the zone to discover



<integer (2 bytes)>

Last handle of the zone to discover




Data type to discover



Filtering type



Value to filter on


<file path>

ATT export file


<file path>

GATT export file

Output parameters


Possible values



<file path>

ATT export file


<file path>

GATT export file


If you want to list the attributes of a specific device, you need to set the input parameter named WHAT to “attributes” :

$ sudo mirage  "ble_connect|ble_discover" ble_connect1.TARGET=XX:XX:XX:59:EC:3B ble_discover2.WHAT=attributes
[INFO] Module ble_connect loaded !
[INFO] Module ble_discover loaded !
[SUCCESS] HCI Device (hci0) successfully instanciated !
[INFO] Trying to connect to : XX:XX:XX:59:EC:3B (type : public)
[INFO] Updating connection handle : 1
[SUCCESS] Connected on device : XX:XX:XX:59:EC:3B
│ Attribute Handle │ Attribute Type                                      │ Attribute Value                          │
│ 0x0001           │ Primary Service                                     │ 0018                                     │
│ 0x0002           │ Characteristic Declaration                          │ 020300002a                               │


│ 0x0042           │ a8b3ffe14834405189d03de95cddd318                    │ 05                                       │
│ 0x0043           │ Characteristic Declaration                          │ 0a440018d3dd5ce93dd08951403448e2ffb3a8   │
│ 0x0044           │ a8b3ffe24834405189d03de95cddd318                    │                                          │
[INFO] Mirage process terminated !

These data can be easily exported in a .cfg file using the ATT_FILE parameter :

$ sudo mirage "ble_connect|ble_discover" ble_connect1.TARGET=XX:XX:XX:59:EC:3B ble_discover2.WHAT=attributes ble_discover2.ATT_FILE=/tmp/att.ini
[INFO] Module ble_connect loaded !
[INFO] Module ble_discover loaded !
[SUCCESS] HCI Device (hci0) successfully instanciated !
[INFO] Trying to connect to : XX:XX:XX:59:EC:3B (type : public)
[INFO] Updating connection handle : 1
[SUCCESS] Connected on device : XX:XX:XX:59:EC:3B
│ Attribute Handle │ Attribute Type                                      │ Attribute Value                          │
│ 0x0001           │ Primary Service                                     │ 0018                                     │
│ 0x0002           │ Characteristic Declaration                          │ 020300002a                               │


│ 0x0042           │ a8b3ffe14834405189d03de95cddd318                    │ 05                                       │
│ 0x0043           │ Characteristic Declaration                          │ 0a440018d3dd5ce93dd08951403448e2ffb3a8   │
│ 0x0044           │ a8b3ffe24834405189d03de95cddd318                    │                                          │
[SUCCESS] Discovered attributes are saved as /tmp/att.ini (CFG file format)
[INFO] Mirage process terminated !

If you want to discover the GATT layer datas, you can set the WHAT parameter to “all” (and export the data using the GATT_FILE parameter):

$ sudo mirage "ble_connect|ble_discover" ble_connect1.TARGET=XX:XX:XX:59:EC:3B ble_discover2.WHAT=all ble_discover2.GATT_FILE=/tmp/gatt.ini
[INFO] Module ble_connect loaded !
[INFO] Module ble_discover loaded !
[SUCCESS] HCI Device (hci0) successfully instanciated !
[INFO] Trying to connect to : XX:XX:XX:59:EC:3B (type : public)
[INFO] Updating connection handle : 1
[SUCCESS] Connected on device : XX:XX:XX:59:EC:3B
[INFO] Services discovery ...
│ Start Handle │ End Handle │ UUID16 │ UUID128                          │ Name               │
│ 0x0001       │ 0x000b     │ 0x1800 │ 0000180000001000800000805f9b34fb │ Generic Access     │
│ 0x000c       │ 0x000f     │ 0x1801 │ 0000180100001000800000805f9b34fb │ Generic Attribute  │
│ 0x0010       │ 0x0016     │        │ a8b3fa014834405189d03de95cddd318 │                    │
│ 0x0017       │ 0x0029     │ 0x180a │ 0000180a00001000800000805f9b34fb │ Device Information │
│ 0x002a       │ 0x0036     │        │ a8b3ffc04834405189d03de95cddd318 │                    │
│ 0x0037       │ 0x003f     │        │ a8b3fa044834405189d03de95cddd318 │                    │
│ 0x0040       │ 0xffff     │        │ a8b3ffe04834405189d03de95cddd318 │                    │
[INFO] Characteristics by service discovery ...
┌Service 'Generic Access'(start Handle = 0x0001 / end Handle = 0x000b)──────────┬────────────────────────────────────────────┬─────────────┬──────────────────┬─────────────┐
│ Declaration Handle │ Value Handle │ UUID16 │ UUID128                          │ Name                                       │ Permissions │ Value            │ Descriptors │
│ 0x0002             │ 0x0003       │ 0x2a00 │ 00002a0000001000800000805f9b34fb │ Device Name                                │ Read        │ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX  │             │
│ 0x0004             │ 0x0005       │ 0x2a01 │ 00002a0100001000800000805f9b34fb │ Appearance                                 │ Read        │                  │             │
│ 0x0006             │ 0x0007       │ 0x2a02 │ 00002a0200001000800000805f9b34fb │ Peripheral Privacy Flag                    │ Write,Read  │                  │             │
│ 0x0008             │ 0x0009       │ 0x2a03 │ 00002a0300001000800000805f9b34fb │ Reconnection Address                       │ Write       │                  │             │
│ 0x000a             │ 0x000b       │ 0x2a04 │ 00002a0400001000800000805f9b34fb │ Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters │ Read        │ 5000a0000000e803 │             │


┌Service a8b3ffe04834405189d03de95cddd318(start Handle = 0x0040 / end Handle = 0xffff)─┬─────────────┬───────┬─────────────┐
│ Declaration Handle │ Value Handle │ UUID16 │ UUID128                          │ Name │ Permissions │ Value │ Descriptors │
│ 0x0041             │ 0x0042       │        │ a8b3ffe14834405189d03de95cddd318 │      │ Read        │ 05    │             │
│ 0x0043             │ 0x0044       │        │ a8b3ffe24834405189d03de95cddd318 │      │ Write,Read  │       │             │
[SUCCESS] Discovered services and characteristics are saved as /tmp/gatt.ini (CFG file format)
[INFO] Mirage process terminated !