Command-line Interface

Mirage provides a command line interface, allowing to easily manipulate modules and background tasks.

To run the command line interface, just type the following command in a terminal :

$ mirage

Listing the existing modules

The list command displays a list of the existing modules :

 ~~> list
│ Name               │ Type       │ Description                                                                │
│ wifi_info          │ info       │ Information module for Wifi interface                                      │
│ ble_hijack         │ attack     │ Hijacking module for Bluetooth Low Energy Connections                      │
│ ble_pair           │ action     │ Pairing module for Bluetooth Low Energy devices                            │
│ esb_info           │ info       │ Information module for Enhanced ShockBurst interface                       │
│ mosart_scan        │ scan       │ Scanning module for Mosart devices                                         │
│ ble_adv            │ spoofing   │ Spoofing module simulating a Bluetooth Low Energy advertiser               │
│ mosart_keylogger   │ attack     │ Keystrokes logger module for Mosart keyboard                               │
│ mosart_inject      │ action     │ Injection module for Mosart devices                                        │
│ mouse_visualizer   │ tool       │ Visualization module allowing to display mice movements                    │
│ ble_mitm           │ attack     │ Man-in-the-Middle module for Bluetooth Low Energy devices                  │
│ esb_sniff          │ sniff      │ Sniffing module for Enhanced ShockBurst communications                     │
│ wifi_rogueap       │ spoofing   │ Spoofing module simulating a fake Access Point                             │
│ zigbee_deauth      │ attack     │ Deauthentication module for Zigbee networks                                │
│ esb_scan           │ scan       │ Scan module for Enhanced ShockBurst Devices                                │
│ ble_sniff          │ sniff      │ Sniffing module for Bluetooth Low Energy devices                           │
│ bt_scan            │ scan       │ Scan module for Bluetooth Devices                                          │
│ ble_scan           │ scan       │ Scan module for Bluetooth Low Energy devices                               │
│ zigbee_floodassoc  │ attack     │ Flooding module for Zigbee communications                                  │
│ esb_inject         │ action     │ Injection module for Enhanced ShockBurst communications                    │
│ ble_discover       │ discover   │ Discovery module for Bluetooth Low Energy ATT / GATT layers                │
│ zigbee_info        │ info       │ Information module for Zigbee interface                                    │
│ wifi_deauth        │ attack     │ Deauthentication module for WiFi networks                                  │
│ ble_monitor        │ monitoring │ HCI Monitoring module for Blutooth Low Energy                              │
│ ble_jam            │ attack     │ Jamming module for Bluetooth Low Energy advertisements and connections     │
│ esb_prx            │ spoofing   │ This module permits the User to simulate an Enhanced ShockBurst PRX device │
│ zigbee_inject      │ action     │ Injection module for Zigbee communications                                 │
│ mosart_keyinjector │ attack     │ Keystrokes injection module for Mosart keyboard                            │
│ mosart_info        │ info       │ Information module for Mosart interface                                    │
│ ble_connect        │ action     │ Connection module for Bluetooth Low Energy devices                         │
│ esb_ptx            │ spoofing   │ This module permits the User to simulate an Enhanced ShockBurst PTX device │
│ ir_inject          │ action     │ Injection module for IR signals                                            │
│ zigbee_sniff       │ sniff      │ Sniffing module for Zigbee communications                                  │
│ bt_info            │ info       │ Information module for Bluetooth interface                                 │
│ mosart_sniff       │ sniff      │ Sniffing module for Mosart devices                                         │
│ zigbee_scan        │ scan       │ Scan module for Zigbee Devices                                             │
│ ir_sniff           │ sniff      │ Sniffing module for IR signals                                             │
│ ble_slave          │ spoofing   │ Spoofing module simulating a Bluetooth Low Energy slave                    │
│ ble_crack          │ bruteforce │ Enumerates all possible values of PIN in order to find the Temporary Key   │
│ wifi_scan          │ scan       │ Scan module for Wifi Access Point and Stations                             │
│ ble_master         │ spoofing   │ This module permits the User to interact with Bluetooth Low Energy slaves  │
│ ble_info           │ info       │ Information module for Bluetooth Low Energy interface                      │
│ ir_info            │ info       │ Information module for IR interface                                        │

The list command allows to provide a filter, it permits to easily select some specific results :

 ~~> list scan
│ Name        │ Type │ Description                                    │
│ mosart_scan │ scan │ Scanning module for Mosart devices             │
│ esb_scan    │ scan │ Scan module for Enhanced ShockBurst Devices    │
│ bt_scan     │ scan │ Scan module for Bluetooth Devices              │
│ ble_scan    │ scan │ Scan module for Bluetooth Low Energy devices   │
│ zigbee_scan │ scan │ Scan module for Zigbee Devices                 │
│ wifi_scan   │ scan │ Scan module for Wifi Access Point and Stations │

Loading, configuring and running a module

Loading a module can be done using the load command :

 ~~> load ble_info
[INFO] Module ble_info loaded !
 << ble_info >>~~>

When a module is loaded, the prompt changes and indicates the name of the loaded module. You can display information by using the info command :

 << ble_info >>~~> info
│ Name     │ Technology │ Type │ Description                                           │
│ ble_info │ ble        │ info │ Information module for Bluetooth Low Energy interface │

:: You can display the input parameters and their current values using args or showargs :

 << ble_info >>~~> args
│ Name      │ Value │
│ INTERFACE │ hci0  │

If you want to modify a parameter’s value, uses the set command :

 << ble_info >>~~> set INTERFACE microbit0
 << ble_info >>~~> args
│ Name      │ Value     │
│ INTERFACE │ microbit0 │

Finally, you can run the module by entering the command run :

<< ble_info >>~~> run

Loading, configuring and running a sequence of modules

Mirage provides a chaining operator |, similar to the pipe UNIX operator. It runs multiple modules sequentially and propagates the output parameters of a given module to the input parameters of the next one. It allows to easily combine existing modules to describe complex attack workflows without writing a single line of code.

Loading a sequence of module is very similar to loading a single module :

 ~~> load ble_connect|ble_discover
[INFO] Module ble_connect loaded !
[INFO] Module ble_discover loaded !

Please note that in a sequence of modules, input parameters are prefixed by the following pattern : <moduleName><moduleNumber>. :

 << ble_connect|ble_discover >>~~> args
│ Name                         │ Value             │
│ ble_connect1.INTERFACE       │ hci0              │
│ ble_connect1.TARGET          │ fc:58:fa:a1:26:6b │
│ ble_connect1.TIMEOUT         │ 3                 │
│ ble_connect1.CONNECTION_TYPE │ public            │
│ Name                       │ Value               │
│ ble_discover2.INTERFACE    │ hci0                │
│ ble_discover2.START_HANDLE │ 0x0001              │
│ ble_discover2.END_HANDLE   │ 0xFFFF              │
│ ble_discover2.WHAT         │ all                 │
│ ble_discover2.FILTER       │                     │
│ ble_discover2.FILTER_BY    │                     │
│ ble_discover2.ATT_FILE     │ /tmp/discovered.ini │
│ ble_discover2.GATT_FILE    │ /tmp/gatt.ini       │

If you want to modify the value of an attribute, you can use set as follows :

 << ble_connect|ble_discover >>~~> set ble_connect1.INTERFACE hci1
 << ble_connect|ble_discover >>~~> set ble_discover2.WHAT attributes
 << ble_connect|ble_discover >>~~> args
│ Name                         │ Value             │
│ ble_connect1.INTERFACE       │ hci1              │
│ ble_connect1.TARGET          │ fc:58:fa:a1:26:6b │
│ ble_connect1.TIMEOUT         │ 3                 │
│ ble_connect1.CONNECTION_TYPE │ public            │
│ Name                       │ Value               │
│ ble_discover2.INTERFACE    │ hci0                │
│ ble_discover2.START_HANDLE │ 0x0001              │
│ ble_discover2.END_HANDLE   │ 0xFFFF              │
│ ble_discover2.WHAT         │ attributes          │
│ ble_discover2.FILTER       │                     │
│ ble_discover2.FILTER_BY    │                     │
│ ble_discover2.ATT_FILE     │ /tmp/discovered.ini │
│ ble_discover2.GATT_FILE    │ /tmp/gatt.ini       │

You can run the sequence by entering the following command :

<< ble_connect|ble_discover >>~~> run

Manipulating the background tasks

A background task is a daemon process : Mirage provides an API allowing to easily run code in background. You can list the existing background tasks by typing the tasks command :

 ~~> tasks
┌Background Tasks──────┬─────────┬────────────────────────────────────┐
│ PID   │ Name         │ State   │ Output                             │
│ 30513 │ helloworld   │ running │ /tmp/mirage/helloworld-30513.out   │
│ 30548 │ helloworld.1 │ running │ /tmp/mirage/helloworld.1-30548.out │

You can also provide a filter pattern :

 ~~> tasks 548
┌Background Tasks──────┬─────────┬────────────────────────────────────┐
│ PID   │ Name         │ State   │ Output                             │
│ 30548 │ helloworld.1 │ running │ /tmp/mirage/helloworld.1-30548.out │

You can stop a task by using the stop command :

 ~~> stop helloworld.1
 ~~> tasks
┌Background Tasks────┬─────────┬──────────────────────────────────┐
│ PID   │ Name       │ State   │ Output                           │
│ 30513 │ helloworld │ running │ /tmp/mirage/helloworld-30513.out │

You can start a task using the start command :

 ~~> tasks
┌Background Tasks─────┬─────────┬────────┐
│ PID  │ Name         │ State   │ Output │
│ None │ helloworld   │ stopped │        │
│ None │ helloworld.1 │ stopped │        │
 ~~> start helloworld
 ~~> tasks
┌Background Tasks──────┬─────────┬──────────────────────────────────┐
│ PID   │ Name         │ State   │ Output                           │
│ 30673 │ helloworld   │ running │ /tmp/mirage/helloworld-30673.out │
│ None  │ helloworld.1 │ stopped │                                  │

Finally, you can restart a task using the restart command :

 ~~> tasks
┌Background Tasks──────┬─────────┬──────────────────────────────────┐
│ PID   │ Name         │ State   │ Output                           │
│ 30762 │ helloworld   │ running │ /tmp/mirage/helloworld-30762.out │
│ None  │ helloworld.1 │ stopped │                                  │
 ~~> restart helloworld
 ~~> tasks
┌Background Tasks──────┬─────────┬──────────────────────────────────┐
│ PID   │ Name         │ State   │ Output                           │
│ None  │ helloworld.1 │ stopped │                                  │
│ 30774 │ helloworld   │ running │ /tmp/mirage/helloworld-30774.out │

Generating a module or a scenario

Mirage provides two commands allowing to easily generate a new module or a new scenario : create_module and create_scenario.

To create a new module, just type the following command and answer the questions :

 ~~> create_module
[QUESTION] Module's name : newmod
[QUESTION] Module's description : Test module
[QUESTION] Module's type : test
[QUESTION] Module's technology [ble] :
[QUESTION] Module's dependencies (separated by commas) : ble_sniff,ble_scan
[QUESTION] Input parameter #1 (name) : INTERFACE
[QUESTION] Input parameter #1 (default value) : hci0
[QUESTION] Input parameter #2 (name) : PARAM1
[QUESTION] Input parameter #2 (default value) : value1
[QUESTION] Input parameter #3 (name) :
[SUCCESS] Module newmod successfully generated : /home/user/.mirage/modules/

It will generates the following code :

from mirage.core import module
from mirage.libs import utils,ble

class newmod(module.WirelessModule):
        def init(self):
       = "ble"
                self.type = "test"
                self.description = "Test module"
                self.args = {'INTERFACE': 'hci0', 'PARAM1': 'value1'}
                self.dependencies = ["ble_sniff","ble_scan"]

        def run(self):
                # Enter your code here.
                return self.ok({})

To create a new scenario, type the following command and answer the questions :

 ~~> create_scenario
[QUESTION] Scenario's name : test
[SUCCESS] Scenario test successfully generated : /home/user/.mirage/scenarios/

It generates the following code :

from mirage.core import scenario
from mirage.libs import io,ble,bt,utils

class test(scenario.Scenario):

        def onStart(self):
                return True

        def onEnd(self):
                return True

        def onKey(self,key):
                return True

Clearing the screen

You can clear the screen by using the clear command :

~~> clear

Exiting the Command Line Interface

You can exit the framework using the exit command :

~~> exit

List of available commands



list [pattern]

displays the list of modules

load <module>

loads a specific module


displays the informations of the loaded module


displays the input parameters of the loaded module


displays the input parameters of the loaded module (alias of args)

set <name> <value>

changes the value of a specific input parameter of the loaded module


executes the loaded module

tasks [pattern]

displays the list of background tasks

start <task>

starts a specific background task

restart <task>

restarts a specific background task

stop <task>

stops a specific background task


generates the source code of a new module


generates the source code of a new scenario


clears the screen


exits Mirage