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Oct. 2018 - Our M(TL)S team won a first place at iDash 2018 !

2017-2019 - On a sabbatical at CRM-Université de Montréal hosted at UQAM

2016 - Deputy director of the GDR Sécurité Informatique

2015-2017 - Chargé de Mission at the INS2I-CNRS

2014 - PC Chair for EDCC‘2014

Feb. 2013 - Passed my Habilitation

May 2012 - 1st European Workshop on AppRoaches to MObiquiTous Resilience (ARMOR)

03/08/2011 - Windows also had a flow compromising your GeoPrivacy, cf. Elie’s blog

16/11/2011 - Kickoff AMORES

27/09/2011 - Doctoral course at SERENE Autumn School : Resilient Mobiquitous Systems: design, evaluation and geoprivacy issues.

21/09/2011 - Talk invité «Geoprivacy : Souriez, vous êtes localisés» à la Journée Droit et Espace: On vous voit, on vous écoute, on vous localise... Les techniques spatiales entre libertés et sécurité

06/2011 - Papier accepté à Transactions on Data Privacy : GEPETO et Markov Mobility Chains - en ligne

21/06/2011 - APVP2011 c’est en ce moment ! Papiers et transparents mis en ligne au fur et à mesure.

24/05/2011 - GEPETO (GEoPrivacy Enhancing TOolkit) demoed at Ubimob2011 (+ invited talk on our research on Mobiquitous Systems)

22/04/2011 - Since yesterday there’s a huge buzz on the in-famous consolidated.db file on iOS4. This file was actually discovered approx. one year ago. Anyway, there’s a similar file on Android phones. We collect anonymously those files for our studies, please send us an email with your consolidated. db or your cache.cell file. You’ll take part in our work on GeoPrivacy !

19/04/2011 - Decided to redesign this website

2008-2012 - Secrétariat scientifique de la section 7 du Comité National

News (and since 2014 the only updates i do to this webpage)