• Post-doc (Staring anytime): Polynomial optimization and semidefinite programming with applications in control, supervised by D. Henrion and J. B. Lasserre. The project concerns semidefinite programming and algebraic geometry for polynomial optimal control. The focus can be on software implementation (under our existing Matlab toolbox GloptiPoly for solving generalized problems of moments), transfer of knowledge to the French aerospace industry (contracts with EADS Astrium and the French space agency CNES), or more fundamental research activities covering real algebraic geometry (polynomial equations and inequalities), functional analysis (theory of moments), mathematical programming (convex optimization over the cone of positive semidefinite matrices), and nonlinear dynamical systems control. A strong background in applied mathematics is required. Some knowledge of systems control is welcome. Local funding is available, and interested candidates should contact Didier Henrion (henrion@laas.fr)