Christoffel-Darboux semialgebraic approximation of a graph from its moments

Here is a Matlab prototype of the algorithm described in the paper S. Marx, E. Pauwels, T. Weisser, D. Henrion, J. B. Lasserre. Tractable semi-algebraic approximation using Christoffel-Darboux kernel, HAL 02085835, April 2019. Constructive Approximation, 54(3):391-429, 2021.

  • Source file momgraph.m for Matlab - requires the auxilliary files powvec.m and powmat.m

    And here are the illustrative examples:

  • signfun.m for the sign function
  • discfun.m for the three discontinuous functions and their interpolation
  • ocptraj.m for trajectories for optimal control - requires GloptiPoly 3 and any conic solver (e.g. MOSEK)
  • disks.m for the bivariate disk examples
  • pdesol.m for discontinuous solutions of the Burgers PDE from the moment matrices in pdemom.mat

    Last modified in February 2022.