Course on polynomial methods for robust control
(Didier Henrion, LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France)

Universidad de los Andes, Merida, Venezuela - October and November 2001


This is a course for graduate students or researchers with a background in linear control systems, linear algebra and convex optimization.
The course focuses on the use of polynomials and polynomial matrices for the analysis and design of linear systems affected by parametric uncertainty.

Outline and Slides

Color slides of each part of the course can be downloaded below in PDF (Acrobat Reader) format.

  • Monday October 29, 2001 - Robust stability analysis Part I
  • Tuesday October 30, 2001 - Robust stability analysis Part II
  • Wednesday October 31, 2001 - Robust design and convex optimization
  • Thursday November 1, 2001 - New results on robust analysis and design


    Most of the material of the first two parts is taken from the textbooks [J. Ackermann. Robust control: systems with uncertain physical parameters. Springer, 1993], [B. R. Barmish. New tools for robustness of linear systems. MacMillan, 1994] and [S. P. Bhattacharyya, H. Chapellat, L. H. Keel. Robust control - The parametric approach. Prentice Hall, 1995].
    The third part describes relatively recent results published from 1992 to 1999.
    The last part contains mostly new (in 2001), previously unpublished material.

    Computations for the illustrative examples described throughout the course were carried out with the commercial software [H. Kwakernaak, M. Sebek. The Polynomial Toolbox for Matlab. PolyX Ltd, 1998.]

    Other courses on polynomial methods can be downloaded from PolyX home page.


    Thanks to Michael Sebek, Zdenek Hurak, Jean-Pierre Merlet and Michael Muhler for pointing out several errors in the slides.

    Last updated on May 23, 2005.