Cambridge University education system, Engineering at Cambridge and the culture of spin-off: Cambridge phenomenon.


Professor Florin Udrea
from University of Cambridge

Date :  12 December 2013 at 17h00

Lieu : INSA Toulouse - Salle GEI 213
Adresse : 135, Av. du Rangueil, Toulouse

Résumé :

The talk starts with a view of Cambridge education system, with the University, Colleges and the Department all contributing to teaching and research. The dynamics of these three entities is the 'secrete' key for Cambridge success in teaching and research.  But what has been remarkable, is the Cambridge phenomenon - the formation of a large number of spin-out and start-up companies (Cambridge cluster)  having the University at the centre of it. The talk will also cover aspects of  research and teaching in the colleges and department and aspects of the technology transfer to industry and market.

Biographie :



Florin Udrea is a professor in semiconductor engineering and head of the High Voltage Microelectronics and Sensors Laboratory at University of Cambridge. He received the diploma of Engineering from Politehnica University of Bucharest, the MSc in smart sensors from the University of Warwick, UK, in 1992 and the PhD degree in power devices from the University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, in 1995. Since October 1998, Prof. Florin Udrea has been an academic with the Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, UK. He is currently leading a research group in power semiconductor devices and solid-state sensors that has won an international reputation during the last 20 years. Prof. Udrea has published over 300 papers in journals and international conferences. He holds more than 70 patents in power semiconductor devices and sensors. Prof. Florin Udrea co-founded three companies, Cambridge Semiconductor (Camsemi) in power ICs, Cambridge CMOS Sensors (CCS) in the field of smart sensors and Cambridge Microelectronics in Power Devices. For his ‘outstanding personal contribution to Engineering’, Prof Florin Udrea was awarded the Silver Medal (2012) from Royal Academy of Engineering.
