VisualSFM Version = 0.5.26 ------------------------------------------------ VisualSFM sfm[options] input output.nvm [user_data_path] options = [match_option][sfm_option][misc_option][mvs_option] match_option = [+pairs/+import/+subset/+nomatch/] +pairs: match image pairs from [user_data_path]; use @range,step as path for sequence mode; +import: load feature matches from [user_data_path]; +subset: enable preemptive feature matching when #images >= param_preemptive_switch; +nomatch: reconstruction without feature matching; default: compute missing pairwise matches. sfm_option = [+resume/+add/+skipsfm/+loadnvm/] +resume: load NVM file, try add new images from [input].txt, and grow the existing models; +add: load NVM file, and find more points and projections for the existing models; +loadnvm: load NVM file and skip feature matching; +skipsfm: skip sparse and dense reconstruction; default: run regular sparse reconstruction. misc_option = [+k=fx,cx,fy,cy/+shared][+sort][+gcp][+fixcam][+merge] +k: fixed calibration, e.g. +k=1024,800,1024,600; +shared: enforce shared calibration in the end; +sort: keep the input image order in the output NVM; +gcp: load [input].gcp and transform the 3D model. +fixcam: keep existing cameras unmodified. +merge: try model merging after sparse reconstruction mvs_option = [+pmvs/+cmvs/+cmp/] +cmvs: undistort images, run CMVS/genOption, skip PMVS; +pmvs: undistort images, run CMVS/genOption/PMVS; +cmp: undistort images, write p-matrices for CMP-MVS; default: skip the entire dense reconstruction. The can be the following: a .txt file containing relative/absolute image paths, a folder path to look for .jpg files, or an existing NVM file. ------------------------------------------------ VisualSFM listen[+log] port Start the GUI and listen to a socket port for UI commands, which simulate menu clicks. Each command should in the form of "id[c][s] [argument]\n". The [id] is an integer that corresponds to a menu item, for which the complete list can be found in the sample ui.ini file. The optional flag [c][s] corresponds CTRL and SHIFT press; The [argument] is for the input string like filepath. Log messages will be send to client if +log is specified puis relancer BA ------------------------------------------------ VisualSFM sfm[export_op puis relancer BAtions] input output.txt +exportp: export putative feature matches +exportf: export F-matrix inlier matches ------------------------------------------------ VisualSFM siftgpu[+ascii] image_list_file Detect features for a list of images