1st Workshop Delay Systems


Nov. 20-22



The 1st Delsys Workshop on Observing and Controlling Complex Dynamical Systems emphasizing Low Order Controllers will focus on the most innovative mathematical methods proposed in the last few years for the analysis and design of complex dynamical systems.

The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers from several universities over the world to discuss emerging topics related to complex dynamical systems. This workshop is organized within the International Scientific Coordination Network, “Delsys” which aims at gathering researchers from France, Belgium, Italy, England, Sweden, Germany, Spain, Mexico, Romania, Czech Republic, Turkey, USA.


Welcome to the website of the

1st Workshop on DELay SYStems

Thematic areas

Observation and Identification of time-delay systems

  1. Low-order control for complex systems

  2. Networked control systems

  3. Partial differential equations and applications

Time delay systems represent a wide class of dynamical systems which appears in many fields as, for example, in biology (modeling population dynamics), in mechanical or electrical engineering (modeling lossless propagation in hydraulics or in electrical circuits), in communication (modeling congestion mechanisms in communication networks), in transportation (car following models) to cite only a few. As mentioned in the generic examples cited above, delays appear as a natural way in the representation of transport or interconnected systems where either information or materials are exchanged between several entities. In this context, it naturally appears a real need of a better understanding of the effects caused by delays (constant or time-varying, distributed or not) on the dynamics of interconnected systems in order to improve the dynamical behavior using strategies adapted to the specific cases considered.

The International scientific coordination network on Delay Systems “DelSys” gathers several European research teams working in the field of time-delay systems. The main objectives of "DelSys" are twofold: first, to better organize the European research on such topics and second to better emphasize the research trends in the field. In this sense, we will organize regular joint meetings, invited sessions at international conferences and symposia as well as we will edit monographs and special issues (at various international journals) covering the topics presented and discussed at these various manifestations.




          Alexandre Seuret

Silviu-Iulian Niculescu

Hugues Mounier

Catherine Bonnet

             Hitay Ozbay

Local Arrangements

          Islam Boussaada

Marcel Geamanu

Bogdan Liacu

Maryvonne Giron

Élodie Denis